How to Create a Good Working Environment Where Everyone Feels Appreciated

Skills and natural talent in combination with a good working environment is what grants success in the business. This leads to employee satisfaction, higher results, efficiency, and commitment. This article explains more.

Being happy and satisfied is what motivates workers to strive for their company’s success and thus perform better. One of the basic elements for business success is a positive work environment, which is consistent with workers’ tastes so that they feel comfortable and give the best of themselves for the good progress of the company.

You need to develop a positive work environment for the whole team, to make the most out of your employee’s capabilities. They are more motivated and perform better when they’re encouraged, accepted, and happy. So what is necessary to create a good working environment?

Yes, it takes time, but it makes your work sense and gives you reliable performance in creating a joyful working day. Moreover, managers are responsible for nurturing their team, producing excellent results regardless of the cost.

Before creating a good working environment, you need to pick the right team members.

How to choose a good team?

In every company, the work team is central. How would we accomplish our goals if we had no people to do so? These differences depend on the sector, the skills necessary to achieve the objectives, the number of tasks to carry out, and, of course, the relationship between and with the leader. And while these elements are known, it isn’t easy to implement them.

Individual talent is undoubtedly appreciated in any company. However, the personal skills of a collaborator could be relativized when they aren’t oriented to promote and improve the results of team actions, which is ultimately how business tasks are developed.

To ensure the effectiveness and value of the service, ideally, the sum of each team member’s abilities should lead to different relationships so that one key aspect to be considered by the people responsible for training is that talent goes hand in hand with a soul of open-mindedness.

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In this case, the company’s greatness is largely guaranteed, so that certain recommendations are always essential to ensure the accomplishment of this aim, particularly when incorporating new members.

No one argues about the optimal number of people needed in sports like basketball or soccer because they already come with a predetermined number.

However, the issue becomes more complex in the corporate environment, and there are long debates about the ideal number of team members. But, before thinking about the number of your team members, your specific know-how and capacity to build interpersonal relations must therefore be considered in choosing each member.

First of all, make your company culture a priority. If you don’t know and adapt to your company’s culture, even the most talented professionals may fail. Knowledge can be developed, but it’s unlikely that personality changes.

In this sense, in addition to being exceptionally  competent professionals, it’s advisable to include people capable of taking on your company’s culture.

To this end, the following aspects can be taken into account when choosing new team members.

Hard worker

Must be an example of dedication, always willing to take on new tasks; a person who doesn’t focus on getting out of the way so that the work falls to another colleague.

Takes responsibility

Without trying to escape them, they accept their obligations and respond and fix something if it goes wrong.


It has to be a person willing to help their colleagues. Not only when they require it but should be attentive to detect possible difficulties of some of them to offer their support.


They must know-how, without detracting from other opinions, to defend their views firmly and maintain a superb approach, especially in situations of tension and the problems of others.


Always first with the truth, without further reasons, keeping their word, without trying to put their benefit ahead of the others.

How to welcome a new employee?

When professionals are in the beginning stages of a job, they feel their role in the company, colleagues, and company culture.

A good induction program helps create an enjoyable working environment and decreases the time it takes for the job and the team to adjust and increase productivity. Here are a few recommendations that ensure a good and enjoyable welcome for your new employees.

Ensure the fundamentals

Please pay attention to the essentials to help them flawlessly get into their first day by showing you are ready for them. Ensure the work area is in arrangement and that information such as entry authorisations, system access, and email information is current. Clarify all culture, work time, dress codes, overtime, etc., ponder.

Having a plan

Create an organisational plan to welcome new members to avoid possible difficult situations. Schedule your tasks and present them to your strategic people. Ensure that the plan contains all the training required to fulfil their duties. This helps them understand their duties and role in the company more clearly.

Be there for them

New staff will have a series of questions on how they can best perform their functions and be part of the team dynamics, inspire them to ask these queries, and organise regular one-on-one discussions that show their interest in developing them.

As queries tend to be more business-oriented after the initial period, make sure you are indeed available to help them acquire new skills and make progress.

Encouragement of relations

The level of integration into the operational teams and the knowledge of corporate culture are key to a new employee’s success. Gives an overview of the way the company functions, including its cultural attitudes and values.

Make clear the structure of leadership so that they understand the implications. Assist them in smartly building bonds and relationships within the company to expedite the integration process.

Explain the background

New employees must understand how they fit into the larger picture. Explain how its daily functions will affect the achievement of the main goals of the company. Explain the company structure, so they know its scope. This also helps them develop an idea of the company’s future work opportunities.

Good working environment example

Image: Pexels

Crafting a good working environment

Once you have the right team and have welcomed them properly, it’s time to let everyone on the team be proactive in the shaping of the company culture. To do so, the work environment must be characterised with the following.

Positive moral values

A company with concrete objectives that are honest and sincere in achieving results corrects the company’s values. It makes it easy for its employees to know that their tasks violate no social behaviour.

Relaxed and productive atmosphere

A positive office or place of work strives at all times to enhance its efficiency to make people feel valued and appreciated. In such places, mindsets and signals like fear, dominance, harassment, and bullying are absent, and generally, companies that value creative and innovative people outside traditional parameters.

Commitment to excellence

A company with an agreeable working environment constantly challenges its employees and sets high goals, making employees feel they are needed and are therefore appreciated. Then the working environment will be better and better as employees meet their goals and targets, and the management will be recognised in corporate terms.

Direct communication

Honest and sincere care among colleagues is a positive work environment. In so far as criticisms are constructively made, they will have better effects on company results and the working team’s working environment, which is important for avoiding any hypocrisy or poor comment.


There are friendly attitudes and friendships between colleagues in a positive working environment. This is important insofar as a worker who doesn’t know how to perform a job or has a problem can be resolved through training and assistance from a colleague either in the same field or in a different one if the office has a good mindset.


A company that looks after its employees’ health through checks, medical help, or even local infirmaries is a company with a positive atmosphere. On the other hand, not banning bad habits like smoking or drinking is an example of a workplace where people don’t think favourably of their health.


If there is some domestic accident, a positive job environment helps your employees to skip work. It not only grants permission to be absent, but it also keeps the employee’s situation informed.

The employer is valued and accepted as a part of a company and as a person within society through such an understanding by colleagues and bosses.

Sense of humour and fun

A positive working environment is always characterised by its associates’ enjoyable and integrated work, either alone or through company events. Generally, this kind of company has shared spaces for its employees to have a wonderful time during their relaxing hours, with different activities and games.

In Summary

The effects of a negative working environment are, to say the least, damaging for the company and affecting its proper development. The management of organisations, where employees’ talents are managed, also needs to concentrate on ensuring emotional well-being. Because your happiness not only depends on your pay, but on how well you work in the environment.

A positive working environment assures the company well-being and satisfaction with the work carried out in the employee’s case. And looking both, from the employee’s and the employer’s point of view, all of the above discussed aspects are crucial.

In the meantime, a good and a positive working environment guarantees a preservation of talent and increased productivity for the company. It’s an aim to which we should aspire, from employees as well as the company itself, for all these reasons.

Remember, whether you are in a leadership position or a team member, we all play a key role in creating a good working environment.

About the Author

Tosho Trajanov is the CTO and co-founder of Adeva. He’s also a tech consultant with vast experience in working with startups and larger enterprises. His extensive portfolio includes giving back to the community by writing tech posts, speaking at conferences, and promoting the movement of cross-cultural, distributed teams.

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