10 Actionable Tips to Make New Employees Feel Welcome

Hiring an employee is just the beginning; what follows is dedicated efforts to ensure they feel welcomed and valued. This article explains more.

Some one-on-one attention, prior preparation, and effective communication can make new employees feel welcome, and set your company for long-term customer retention.

Think back to the day when it was our first day on the job. Was it an intense, nerve-wracking experience, or did your day go by smoothly? Did you get along with your co-workers and managers? Did they make new employees feel welcome, such as you? By the end of the shift, what kind of impression did the job and company leave on you?

Companies spend a fortune onboarding the right talent but the moment that offer letter goes through, they treat it as the end of their responsibilities towards employees. However, a welcoming environment and thoughtful employee engagement strategies enhance an organisation’s work culture. They ensure your employees are productive and contribute to retention.

As an employer, there are a few solicitous steps you can take to make your new employees transition smoothly into their new job.

Read ahead to find out how you can pull this off by following these 10 actionable tips:.

Prepare your team to welcome the new employee

It often happens that the team a new employee is expected to join isn’t aware of the onboarding. They tend to give the new-hire a cold shoulder since it disrupts their routine. In fact, companies are sometimes so underprepared that the supervisor is seen scrambling to arrange work equipment (phone, cables, other accessories) at the last minute.

This disorganisation may discourage them and leave a negative impression. However, it can be avoided by informing and preparing your team prior to their arrival. It will give them time to set up the new employee’s workstation.

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  • Provide them with an email listing and invite them to join the company’s social media groups.
  • Make sure they are invited to the company’s team collaborations to integrate a sense of community within them. This will benefit them and the company in the long run.
  • Discuss and assign a co-worker to guide the new employee on their first day.

Give your new employee a tour of the entire office

New office environments can be disorienting for the new employee. This happens because of several reasons; not being familiar with anyone, having no idea how things are organised, lacking directions (not knowing where the restroom or cafeteria are).

To make new employees feel welcome and avoid this disorientation, show them around the entire office and introduce them to other co-workers to begin with.

Chances are, they will not remember much as there will be too many faces and names to remember. But, it will help them relax and feel comfortable. Make sure you do not assign them complicated tasks immediately.

Creating multiple opportunities for them to interact with the team should prove to be helpful. In this manner, if they have queries or need assistance, they will be able to approach their co-workers easily.

Help them in organising their work desk

Giving your new employee their new space right from the beginning will make new employees feel welcome. Make sure their desk is clean and organised; they will be grateful for it.

Give them whatever they need to begin working and show them where to get more supplies should they need them. Another thing that a lot of organisations have started focusing on is an Employee Welcome Kit. It is a package with items that would be helpful to the new joinee and also they would feel appreciated like a part of the team.

An Employee Welcome Kit is a simple and effective way to get them connected with your brand, team, vision, and also impacts a lot in the long run.

Provide all the on-job training they need

Once you take the new employee in, giving tasks right away is the incorrect thing to do. What would help them ease in is a lot of training once they get oriented.

Seasoned employees take a lot of little things for granted since they have been around for long. You should keep that in consideration and make sure their training includes every little thing, no matter how simple it might seem. For example, the training could include tasks such as learning how to use the copy machine.

Give them smaller and easier tasks to begin with

Allow your new employee to transition into their new role gradually. Begin with assigning them smaller and easier tasks. This will build their confidence and also give them a moment to settle in. They will understand the standard operating procedures that need to be followed.

To make new employees feel welcome, let them know you are available for them as you will also be the first person they meet. Initially, they will have a lot of questions. Let them ask away. This way, they will trust you much sooner and be able to concentrate on their tasks knowing you have their back if they need any assistance.

Oh, and don’t forget to appreciate them for a job well done. In the words of Sam Walton, “Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.”

Be a mentor to them

It is natural for your new employee to be unsure about the company and work culture during the initial few weeks of the job. It happens to everyone. This is where you can step up and clear their confusion by being a mentor to them or assigning them one.

The mentor will be assigned to shadow them throughout their shift and observe them. They can correct the new employee if they make any mistakes. The mentor can also be approached if there are any questions too.

A mentor’s role is vital as they will play a huge role in creating a positive impression of the company in the eyes of the new employee.

People new to a job often make the mistake of proving they know it all and can do everything. While this is understandable, it is often incorrect. Early wins are definitely a great way for new employees to build credibility. Keep the new employee focused on their tasks and thank them in different ways for all their productive activities. This way, they will earn their wins in the right way.

Take them out to lunch

On a new employee’s first day of work, this is one of the greatest things you can do for them. Not only do you have an opportunity to socialise outside of the office, but free food is always welcome. It is also a good idea to show them some local lunch alternatives.

Most importantly, inform them ahead of time so they do not waste time wondering about where they should dine. They will trust you and see you as a friend.

Ultimately, this will benefit them as they will be able to perform tasks without any hassles.

Finish the paperwork as soon as you can

This is undoubtedly one of the most daunting tasks in any organisation. If not tended to, it can take weeks to finish. Hence, while it is not an enjoyable process, it is best to deal with it as early as possible. It will assist your new employee in contributing to organisational productivity right away.

Consider emailing them the paperwork, so  there are no unnecessary obstructions when your employees show up at the office.

Seek feedback constantly

Before their shift ends, ask your new employee how their day was. Inquire if they had any concerns. Were team members welcoming? Did the work environment agree with them? Did they face any issues?

Knowing that you care and are concerned about their experience will leave a good first impression of your company. What’s more, this feedback can also help you acknowledge efficiencies in your employee engagement strategy and lay the groundwork for improvement.

Let them know what to expect next

Once your new employee starts getting the hang of their tasks, introducing them to more things to do will be a good idea. Give them an insight into what the company goals are. Ask them where and how they can contribute to fulfilling their goals. The employee will feel a sense of responsibility towards the organisation’s growth.

Make New Employees Feel Welcome

Image: Pexels

Importance of employee engagement

The best employees stay

Satisfied employees take responsibility and invest in their roles. They are also easier to work with. Further, they are more satisfied with their job and hence, less likely to quit. Ensure you make new employees feel welcome and keeping them motivated is critical to ensuring that they stay at your company and work towards achieving their full potential.

Employee engagement leads to satisfied customers

People who are enthusiastic about their jobs are the greatest people to deal with consumers. Why? Because their enthusiasm is contagious. Employees who are engaged are more likely to put in more effort. This translates to higher productivity levels, happier teams, and a more convincing product pitch. This eventually leads to happy customers as they have a better experience when dealing with happy workers.

Invested employees are more productive

Engaged employees are usually very happy and invested at their jobs. According to statistics, they are 21% more productive than their non-engaged co-workers. Engagement can be called a symptom of success. When employees step up and take responsibility, they feel valued. They are more likely to feel proud of working in your organisation every single day.

Employees who are engaged are motivated not because they are productive or pleasant to deal with but because they believe their work is important. They have a sense of worth. When their accomplishments are recognised, your employees will feel as though they have made a significant contribution at work.

Company culture is a part of employee engagement

The culture of employee engagement is vital to the success of any organisation. A work environment that is designed around the values of the organisation enhances company culture.

Creating a culture requires steps such as checking in with your employees regularly. It may be regarding work to make sure the tasks they are performing align with the company’s mission. It may also be to check that they are comfortable performing those tasks the way they want to. Letting them know they can do it their way as long as the outcome benefits the company is a great way to let them take responsibility.

In Summary

We have read some simple but crucial steps employers can take while onboarding, to make new employees feel welcome. These often-overlooked elements are beneficial for the productivity and long-term success of your organisation. Remember, the first few days of a new job can be incredibly stressful for them.

This is where you can step in, to turn that negative experience into a positive one. If new employees know you have their back, it will give them the confidence to give their best.


About the Author

Srikanth Acharya is the founder of OffiNeeds, one of the leading corporate gifting companies providing corporate gifts, gift cards and new employee welcome kits for corporates. He is a passionate entrepreneur, avid learner and enthusiastic traveller.

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