11 Responsive Feedback Email Templates for Businesses

Feedback has always been and will continue to remain a controversial topic, whether negative or positive. Unfortunately, though, since ancient times, bringers of negative feedback have suffered at the receiving end of the lash more than any other.

Ancient Persians showed their hostility towards negative feedback by killing the bearer of bad news. Likewise, nowadays, artists and employees shoot the messenger – pouring aggression on the unfortunate person delivering the message.

But indeed, while on a personal level, we might have enjoyed tending to feedback focusing on the bearer rather than the content of the message, the B2C and B2B world can’t thrive on such actions.

That’s why the unicorns of every industry – forward-looking entrepreneurs and CEOs invest in acquiring constructive feedback: positives and negatives combined.

Constructive feedback can give you an upper hand in overcrowded markets – helping you deliver the right content to the right consumer at the right time.

So before you wave off the idea of gathering feedback from employees, clients or prospects based on the stigma of negative feedback, why not test the waters with any of these templates? It might be what you need to get the ball rolling!

Email example 1


Thanks for using (company name) to find your dream home. Please tell us about your experience in this fifteen minutes survey. Your feedback will help us streamline a more effective house hunting experience for you and other customers.

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The (company name) team

Feedback email template 2

Hi John,

You’ve heard from us. Now, let’s hear from you.

We’re always striving to improve our product, so please don’t take offence if you often find us in your inbox asking for ideas.

Below is a link to a five minutes survey. We want your thoughts on your previous purchase. Your answer is invaluable to us, and to that effect, a special gift awaits you at the end of this survey.

Many thanks,


Example email 3

Hi Maria,

Help Us Improve.

Our team is currently stuck trying to understand the ever-changing needs of our customers. To help us simplify the data and bring home valuable ideas, we’d love your help answering these 12 quick questions.

The (company name) team

Feedback email template 4


We’re thankful you took the time to sign up!

We strive to provide the best possible product backed by quality assurance to meet your team’s every need.

We believe we’re doing a great job and, at the same time, believe we can do better.

We’ll appreciate it if you could spare 5 minutes from your busy schedule to explore this survey.

Best wishes.

Email template 5

Hi Richard,

This is Dele from (company name).

Thanks for taking the giant leap from being a long-time lurker to an active participant—we appreciate your unwavering support.

I’d like to know if you’ve or are currently experiencing any issues with our portal. If Yes, kindly reply to this mail with detailed feedback, I will respond ASAP.

Otherwise, please enjoy the day. However, you can help us enhance our overall user experience by participating in this 2 minutes survey.

You’re the best,


Feedback email template 6

Hello Ela,

You’re our most active subscriber at the moment, and for that, we say thank you.

I am writing to you because we plan a total revamp of our platform and would like to hear from you.

From your experience using our platform, what do you think we should improve and why? I’d appreciate it a lot if you could provide detailed feedback via the Google doc below.



P.S A detailed feedback means 5% off your next subscription is on us.

Email template 7


I hope you’re having a nice day. It’s Jane from (company name)

Your continuous support has helped us reach this height. And for that, we are thankful. But to move any further, we need your input.

Our sales team has selected you to participate in this marketing survey; I would like to know if you can spare a few minutes to answer any of these five pressing questions.

P.S you will find a 10% discount voucher at the end of the survey.

Appreciate your time,


Email template 8


We can’t thank you enough for how you relentlessly went the extra mile to ensure our product launch was a success. Indeed, you’re the real MVP.

But now, there is something more pressing. We’re looking to extend our offerings to a new market and would like to examine our overall performance.

Please kindly rate us using the scale below.


Thanks for your time.

Best wishes.

Feedback email template 9


Your issue has been resolved. Thanks for contacting support.

But before we go, Quick question?!

How would you rate our support team on a scale of one to ten?

Fond regards,


Email template 10


This is Micheal from (company name)

I’m contacting you regarding the purchase you made from our store last week—nothing special, just a friendly checkup to know if you’re enjoying our product.

If Yes, I would ask if you can spare a minute to drop us a review on Glassdoor. Otherwise, you can reply to this mail, and I will log your complaints.



Feedback email template 11


Last week, some subscribers complained of lagging interfaces and poor user experience. I would like to know if you have similar issues.

If such is the case, I am deeply sorry and would like to inform you that we are currently working on it.

By the way, we want to launch a second platform to counter such issues in the future; and are currently gathering feedback.

Can you please take a minute to answer the questions in this survey?

Many thanks,


Sending feedback email

Image: Pexels

Tips for creating effective feedback email templates

Now that you have a handful of editable B2B and B2C feedback email templates, it’s only appropriate we highlight a few awesome ways you can improve your feedback response rate.

Use a catchy subject line

Responsive feedback emails don’t happen by chance. They’re articulated, thought-out messages that inspire action. And like every other proactive email marketing message, responsive feedback emails begin with a great subject line.

Your subject line determines whether clients would read your email or not. If you want recipients to blink an eye at your feedback email, work with a subject line that cuts through the noise and brings your messaging home. Something different yet unique!

Create subject lines that leave a lasting first impression. Give it the semblance of a properly tailored tuxedo worn by British nobility. Keep it short, catchy, and intuitive. Here are some subject line ideas.

  • How was your experience?
  • Got a minute to talk to us? (10% off your next purchase)
  • Please help us improve
  • Kindly rate us!
  • How’re we performing?
  • We value your feedback
  • Review your experience
  • What’s your perspective?

Also, don’t forget to make it evident from the get-go that you’re asking for feedback and not trying to push for a sale. You don’t want recipients frowning over your feedback emails because your subject line couldn’t send the right message.

Start with a greeting

Starting your feedback email with a safe, polite, and conservative greeting is synonymous with welcoming recipients with belly bear hugs. A warm opener can make subscribers feel appreciated, valued, and in sync with your messaging—creating room for your feedback emails to thrive.

Now, before you get overly excited about starting your feedback email with a salutation, know this: not all email greetings will move the needle on your feedback marketing efforts. For example, some greetings are too casual, informal, or sometimes insulting.

  • Don’t start your feedback email with ‘Hey!’, except when you are talking to old-time friends. Otherwise, it’s too casual.
  • Avoid starting your feedback email with ‘Dear’. It’s too informal.
  • Stay clear of timed greetings (morning ma/sir), timezone differs.

You are writing a feedback email for customers. The easy way out is to start your email with a ‘Hi (name)’. We encourage this greeting format because it’s friendly and innocuous.

Another thing: you don’t want to appear insensitive when asking for feedback. Avoid starting with pushy messages like ‘Hi (name) take our survey for a $50 discount now’ — it’s offensive. Calm your customers’ nerves with a warm greeting before stating your intentions.

Thank your clients in advance

Thanking your client in advance doesn’t mean you end your email with the phrase ‘Thank you in advance.’ A lot of recipients will find this phase rude. No one likes it when you assume they will do what you want, leaving little to no room for them to decline.

However, saying thank you in advance sets the tone for the client to reconsider and act upon your request. So why it’s a no-no to use the exact phrase—except if all the recipients of your messages are clients you’ve established a working relationship with—there are many other phrases to use. Try out:

  • Thank you;
  • Thank you for any help you can offer;
  • Appreciate your time;
  • Many thanks, etc.

‘Thank you’ usually comes last. But that can change. You can also start your message with a thank you gesture, depending on your level of interaction with the client.

Use incentives

If you’ve ever received a feedback email, you’d know how tempting it is to ignore the message, especially when there is nothing in it for you.

You already know that not every customer would want to spare a minute to provide detailed feedback without an instant incentive. Offering incentives in your feedback emails shows recipients that you care about their time and encourages them to participate.

So instead of bombarding clients with bulky emails, raise eyebrows by including discounts and incentives. However, while we encourage you to use gifts, discounts, and promotions to make your feedback email responsive, do that sparingly.

Don’t offer recipients inducements you can’t come true with. Be sure to cut your cloak according to your size and readjust any part that hurts.

Be specific with timing

For most recipients of your feedback email, time is everything. Don’t waste people’s time. Calculate how long your survey or questionnaire would take and state it in your email.

Being specific with timing fosters a sense of trust between you and your recipients. It keeps them in the know and helps you manage expectations.

So before you send out feedback emails, make sure you and your team have calculated the time it would take each participant to fill your survey. Clients with busy schedules appreciate such gestures and can quickly reschedule your feedback request for a later time.

Bold call-to-action (CTA)

Behind every ‘feedback’ email is a simple yet profound idea — garnering enough information from recipients so you can make better business decisions. That’s why every responsive feedback email requires a bold and sometimes shiny call-to-action button.

CTA helps recipients take immediate action. It’s what moves the needle for your feedback request. Without a CTA, customers wouldn’t know what to do with your email: they might be drawn in by your catchy subject line, enjoy the warm greeting, and explore your thoughtful content but wouldn’t act.

Make your CTA bold, bright, and shiny for recipients to take action. Be sure to keep it in sync with the general tone of your email. It’s okay to save your CTA for last, but what’s not okay is using the same font size all around. Do everything possible in design to make your CTA attractive.

In Summary

Having a detailed feedback email template sets you up for success faster than any sales or marketing funnel. But how often are clients willing to go the extra mile when providing feedback—except if they have a pending issue they want to be resolved.

For maximum result, we recommend you run an NPS (net promoter score) survey to weigh the responsive rate of each customer on your marketing list before sending a feedback message. Good luck.


About the Author

Words and their magic drive Luka. It’s her biggest passion and natural habitat. So she lives by the motto – the mind is clearer when you write down what’s inside it. Oh! And Luka also manages the content for Sender.net, ensuring that everything is on point.

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