3 Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Through Your Diet

Jerome H
Thrive Global
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2018


Constant stress in western society is generally looked at as a normal thing that you must endure.

According to the American Psychological Association stress statistics in 2017, work stress came in number three at 61%. The future of America and money were the only stress factors that scored higher.

These are sobering statistics. While some stress is healthy and excellent for longevity (like exercise), chronic stress is a different story.

There are many ways you can quickly reduce your stress. Eating a whole foods diet is one of the quickest ways to alleviate constant stress.

In just a matter of days, a change to a minimally processed whole foods diet will help you feel lighter in both body and mind.

You don’t have to live a life of constant stress. A few tweaks in your diet goes a long way helping you free yourself from soul-crushing stress.

1. Leafy greens are your best friend when it comes to stress.

I’m sure that you are aware of how important leafy greens are in a whole foods diet.

Leafy greens have a plethora of benefits like:

  • They help you burn fat.
  • Allow you to age with grace.
  • They cause you to be more sensitive to insulin which prevents the onset of diabetes.

Greens also can contribute to reducing your stress levels. An article in the Harvard Health blog on how to reduce stress and anxiety with nutrition talks about how mice that had diets low in magnesium experienced higher levels of stress.

The article pointed out that,

“ Foods that are rich in magnesium may therefore help a person feel calmer. Examples include leafy greens such as spinach and Swiss chard. Other sources include legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.”

Living a busy life with demanding work hours can create havoc on your diet even if you have the best of intentions.

A great way to incorporate greens in your diet is to batch prep them.

Simply take 20 minutes to cut, wash, and saute in a pan with a healthy oil like organic coconut oil.

This literally takes minutes and you will have greens on your plate for the next few days.

If you make eating greens as easy and tasty as possible, you have a greater chance of continuing the habit.

I remember when I first started cooking how long and complicated I made it. Over time I got faster and wiser. You can do the same. This is your best chance at long-term stress reduction.

2. Fermented foods ease discomfort in your gut.

A stomach filled with anxiety is one of the worst feelings. I remember when I ate the Standard American Diet (SAD) my gut was bloated and often felt painful.

Eating SAD will cause this primarily because SAD food is highly processed and void of nutritional benefits.

Dr. David S. Ludwig a nutrition professor at Harvard says that,

“Fermented foods are preserved using an age-old process that not only boosts the food’s shelf life and nutritional value, but can give your body a dose of healthy probiotics, which are live microorganisms crucial to healthy digestion.”

In addition to your gut being your “second brain”, it is also the largest component of your immune system.

If you keep your gut healthy with good bacteria coming from foods like kimchi, kombucha, and kefir, you have a better chance of fighting off common illness.

A great way to include fermented foods in your diet is to include a scoop of sauerkraut with your meal or drink organic kombucha.

You will feel calmer because of reduced inflammation in the gut. You will also be less prone to sickness in the office because your immune system will become stronger.

When I first started eating fermented foods, I was amazed at how good I felt after. The inflammation in my gut went down. My stress levels went down with it.

3. Quality dark chocolate helps reduce your stress in a healthy way.

If you like a bit of sweet but want to keep up a good diet, organic dark chocolate is a great choice.

Dr. Axe in the article, 8 Awesome Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate highlights the importance of dark chocolate in your diet.

These benefits include:

  • Protection from disease. The free radical fighting properties in dark chocolate are attributed to its high levels of antioxidants.
  • Improved heart health. Flavanols are the main type of flavonoid found in dark chocolate. Research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that this has a positive effect on heart health.
  • Lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Eating a whole foods diet like the ketogenic diet and having some dark chocolate can help reduce your stress levels. Diabetics will also benefit from minimal amounts of dark chocolate high in cacao and low in sugar.

That being said, many of the dark chocolate bars on the market are not that great for you. They are high in sugar and have unnecessary emulsifiers like soy lecithin.

Getting quality dark chocolate without high amounts of sugar can be a challenge.

In the article 3 Best Dark Chocolate Bars, I highlight my personal favorites.

Reducing stress through diet is one of the best a quickest ways to increase your quality of life.

Over time positive benefits will compound. You will be amazed at how lighter you look and feel.


Learn more about how to combat weight gain and stress by downloading the free Quick Guide to Less Stress, Less Weight.

Thanks for reading!



Jerome H
Thrive Global

I talk about manifestation, accountability, goals, and spirituality. Download your free grounding meditation: https://bit.ly/3WmfGyd