q How do I empower myself? | CCC Blog How do I empower myself?

How do I empower myself?

How do I empower myself?

Empowerment is a hot topic and for many good reasons. Start with a quick review of the conversations online:

During coaching certification, we discuss self-awareness and we discuss being present to the client.  Coaching questions support both of self-awareness and presence. Consider questions to reflect on for yourself and coaching questions to ask clients both for their awareness and to be present to how empowerment is influencing client outcomes.

How do I empower myself?
Empower Myself

What are the questions to ask yourself about being empowered?

  • How do I know if I’m empowered?
  • How can I be empowered?
  • How will empowerment make a difference?

What are coaching questions to ask clients about empowerment?

  • How empowered are you now?
  • How empowered do you want to be?
  • How do you reach that level of empowerment?
  • How will empowerment make a difference at home?
  • How will empowerment make a difference at work?
  • How does your level of empowerment impact your incomes?

A fun additional note: coach training is naturally empowering on a personal and professional level because of the skills taught.  Coach training is also a great tool for learning to effectively empower others come back for the next blog on specific application of the competencies for empowerment.

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