How to Rebuild Team Morale

High team morale can do wonders for the success of your business. But, not every organisation pays attention to it. According to studies, high team morale can help businesses grow faster and keep employees satisfied. When your team is happy, they tend to be more motivated and productive.

This article discusses everything you need to know about team morale. Here, you will read about its importance and some proven ways to rebuild employee morale.

So, let’s get started!

What is team morale?

Team morale refers to the overall attitude of a group of people working together towards a common goal.

High team morale can lead to increased productivity, motivation, and job satisfaction, while low team morale can lead to decreased productivity, dissatisfaction, and turnover.

Employers can’t control employee morale, but they can create a positive environment. And a positive work environment can boost employee morale significantly.

It’s worth noting that low morale can sometimes stem from personal issues. It is not related to the company culture. Whatever the case is, employers can still offer support and resources to help boost morale.

Why do you need to rebuild team morale?

You know that morale is the driving force behind an organisation’s success. When employee morale is at its peak, teams can achieve great things. Moreover, employees feel valued and have opportunities for growth.  This helps everyone work towards a common goal.

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Having positive morale in the workplace is essential for organisations. It can impact various aspects such as:

Building employee loyalty

Low morale can make employees feel undervalued and unappreciated. They may feel to leave the company which results in high turnover rates. Maintaining positive morale can increase employee loyalty and reduce turnover.

Boosted work performance

High morale inspires and uplifts employees. They can perform better individually which collectively becomes the best team effort.

Employee motivation

When employees feel acknowledged and appreciated, they are more motivated. You should keep them motivated to help them reach their work-related goals.

Better communication

Effective communication strengthens relationships between employees and managers.

Enhanced productivity

High team morale fosters employees to invest in the company’s mission. With high morale, they produce more work at a faster pace.


When employees feel supported and in sync with their peers, they are more excited.  Thus, they better collaborate on new projects.

Employee engagement

High morale encourages employees to be more present in their work. They feel more engaged in their work instead of feeling overwhelmed.

Thus, positive morale in the workplace can lead to a more pleasant work environment. Not just that, it increases team productivity and a more engaged workforce.

How to rebuild team morale: Some proven strategies to implement

If your team’s morale is low, it’s time to take action. There are several strategies you can use to boost and maintain employee morale. You can integrate these strategies into your company culture.

We’ve gathered the nine best strategies to boost and maintain employee morale. Have a look:

Show some appreciation

Showing appreciation is one of the most important ways to boost employee morale. Regularly express your gratitude to team members for their hard work and contributions.

You can do this through verbal recognition, bonuses, or other rewards such as:

  • Free healthy eats
  • Clean office environment
  • Free parking or transit

Rewarding employees for their efforts boasts great benefits. You can use different social and agile recognition platforms to recognise and appreciate the efforts of your team in a more formalised and structured way. These platforms make it easy to celebrate everyday employee contributions, key milestones, and achievements.

They also offer features that automate tedious HR admin tasks, incentivise participation in company initiatives, and surveys and offer digital rewards that employees will appreciate. Among the plethora of agile recognition platforms, you can choose according to your company preferences and needs.

Promote wellness

Besides appreciating your team, promoting wellness can be another powerful way to build team morale. Without appreciating your team’s efforts, you can’t encourage them to give their 100% to your organisation.

To improve their well-being, you can make them step away from their desks and take a break whenever they feel so.

Try to model healthy habits yourself whenever possible. Setting an example for your team as a leader can result in an encouraged and successful team.

To get an idea of how your team members are feeling, talk to them individually and ask them about their:

  • Good work-life balance
  • Current workload
  • Physical or mental health issues
  • Comfortability with communication and collaboration

Depending on your team and their health and well-being, you should have different ways to rebuild the team morale.

Here are a few starting points to help you:

  • Offer gym memberships
  • Mental health support
  • Promoting open communication
  • Collaborative teamwork
  • Flexible schedule
  • Remote working options

By combining these wellness-promoting tips, you’re on your way to building a holistic team to achieve new heights.

Take part in their growth

Team growth is a composition of:

  • Professional development
  • Welcoming mentoring opportunities
  • How your team stretch their growth to increase their skills and confidence
  • Alignment with the company’s vision and goals
  • Continual improvement

Team growth reflects the image of your organisation and its specific goals and objectives.

So, before you expect exceptional team performance from employees, get ready to invest in something. Take part in their growth by following these simple steps:

Provide training: make arrangements for workshops, conferences, and online courses. These courses help team members improve their skills and advance in their careers.

Mentoring: Provide mentoring opportunities by matching experienced team members with less experienced ones.

Encourage professional growth: Encourage your team members to take on new responsibilities. Allow them to take on new projects and stretch themselves.

Employee recognition: Reward team members for their efforts and contributions.

Share the big picture: Share the company vision, mission, and long-term goals with your team members.

Take your time get indulge with your team. Make efforts for their growth before expecting them to perform beyond their limits.

Nurture connections

No matter what kind of project you are working on, it is important to build stronger and healthier relationships with the team members. Being a leader, take notes on organising team-building activities such as:

  • Team lunches
  • Off-site events
  • Volunteer opportunities

It encourages team members to get to know each other better. Also, make room for open communication among team members. They may have better ideas for your work.

Take feedback

Getting employee feedback is a valuable way to improve employee satisfaction and motivation. By actively listening to your employees, they will feel valued and engaged.

However, it’s not enough to simply gather feedback, it’s important to take action on it. Even if you can’t implement every suggestion, make sure to acknowledge and appreciate them. for sharing their ideas.

For example, 87% of employees say they want opportunities for career development. But only a third of them receive the feedback they need to achieve it.

There are several Employee Survey Platforms that allow employees to give feedback on any subject matter through pulse surveys. This automated process of getting feedback from employees can also help you calculate Net Promoter Score (eNPS) based on the feedback given.

Train managers

Many organisations miss this step to build a powerful and growing office environment. However, taking this strategy into account can make a big difference.

Managers play a vital role in shaping the work environment and employee engagement. So it’s important that they are equipped with the necessary skills to lead effectively.

This includes:

  • Training in emotional intelligence
  • Effective communication
  • Providing feedback and recognition to employees
  • Understanding different leadership styles

Skilled and trained managers can handle any issues that contribute to low morale. They can create a more positive and productive work environment.

Show gratitude on social media

You can show your appreciation for your workers by wishing them a happy birthday. Another idea is celebrating the time they’ve spent working with you on social media. You can post a picture of the employee and talk about something special that the person has done for your company.

This way, your team feels valued and appreciated. It also helps others in the company get to know their colleagues better. It’s a small way for you to say thank you for all their hard work and dedication.

Leveraging automation in business process

Leveraging automation in business can also contribute to rebuilding team morale. It can help make repetitive and time-consuming tasks more efficient and less stressful for employees.

For example, automation can help in tedious data entry jobs, recruiting or hiring processes, and customer service support. Use right, automation can free up time for employees to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling work.

A great benefit of an automated data entry and tracking system is that it reduces errors and improves the accuracy of work. Thus, it increases trust and confidence in the team.

Not just that, recruitment automation streamlines the hiring process and makes it a breeze for hiring managers and HR professionals. In addition, it increases the likelihood of getting high-quality candidates.

Promoting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I)

DE&I remains for diversity, equity, and inclusion. These three interconnected concepts play a significant role in creating a fair and inclusive workplace.

Diversity: It refers to recognising, valuing, and leveraging the unique perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of individuals.

Equity: It refers to ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to succeed, regardless of their background or identity.

Inclusion: It refers to creating a culture where everyone feels that they belong and that their contributions are valued.

Promoting DE&I culture at your workplace can help you build a more positive image for the organisation. It directly influences employee morale and motivation, as well as attracting more customers, clients, and investors.

Here are some ways to promote DE&I culture at your workplace:

  • Developing and implementing DE&I policies and procedures.
  • Providing DE&I training and education for all employees.
  • Creating employee resource groups for underrepresented groups.
  • Providing holidays for all cultures
  • Promote pay equity
  • Monitoring and addressing unconscious bias in recruitment, promotion, and performance evaluation processes.
Team building activities to increase morale

Image: Pexels

Team building activities to increase morale

The above-mentioned team morale rebuilding points can be a great way to prepare a strong, efficient, and effective team for the long haul.

But there are some activities for onboard employees to improve their focus and energies to the work to drive the best results.

You can arrange several indoor and outdoor activities to rebuild your team morale to the next level. Some of them are listed below:

Puzzle and trivia games

You can plan a fun activity where your team works together to solve puzzles or answer questions.

This way you can all have fun and get to know each other better. It will help you to work better as a team and make your company a better place to work.

It improves communication and collaborative skills along with their problem-solving skills.

Promote charity work

You can manage a volunteer event where team members can work together to give back to the community. This can help to build a sense of camaraderie and purpose among team members. Also, it can be a way to show that the company cares about the community.

Hold company contests

Organise fun contests such as a cooking competition, a scavenger hunt, or a talent show.  These activities encourage team members to bond and have fun together.

Outdoor activities

Organise outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or kayaking. These activities can help team members to bond in different environments. So, if you want to improve teamwork and communication, try this strategy now.

Team building retreats

Organise a team-building retreat where team members can get away from the office. So that they recreate bonds in a relaxed and fun environment. It’s an opportunity for team members to get to know each other better. And it results in building stronger relationships.

In Summary

Rebuilding team morale is crucial for the success of any organisation. It’s important to rebuild low morale for team growth, better engagement, and communication.

We’ve mentioned some effective strategies for rebuilding team morale. By implementing these strategies, organisations can help to rebuild team morale. Moreover, it improves team dynamics, and ultimately drives better business outcomes.

About the Author

Rohit Shah from Metahire publishes well-researched articles on the optimisation of the recruitment process, including digital transformation, pre-employment assessments, artificial intelligence technologies, and job simulations.

Team 6Q

Team 6Q