Juneteenth Goes Beyond One Day on the Calendar

Salvador Vergara, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

We recently celebrated a momentous aspect of our nation’s history with Juneteenth. I think it’s incredibly important that the significance of that day is not lost over time simply because it’s the end of the month. Surprisingly, Juneteenth became a federal holiday just last year. For those not familiar with Juneteenth, on June 19, 1865, General Gordon Granger of the Union Army reached Galveston, Texas, where he proclaimed that all enslaved African Americans in Texas were free citizens. This was almost 2.5 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted. And more than 150 years after the first Juneteenth, we, as a society, are still fighting for true equality for Black people to have the same freedoms afforded them like their fellow Americans.

The remembrance and honoring of this holiday are simply a part of a larger, sometimes uncomfortable conversation. To bring about real change, we need to look back and acknowledge what pitfalls we must avoid again and aspire to establish, maintain and cultivate a culture of true liberty for all. We should leverage this holiday to be introspective about our own IDEAL strategies (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Authentic Leadership) and commit to being accountable for whatever we decide to implement. It’s not a moment, but a movement. Those words ring true more than ever before.

As you move forward in formulating and/or optimizing your IDEAL policy within your own company, perhaps you should reflect on if some key areas are being adequately addressed. For instance:

  • Are you proactively encouraging your employees to educate themselves about Juneteenth, inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging?
  • Do you provide the resources necessary for everyone to learn about an IDEAL culture without fear of judgment, pressure or discrimination?
  • Does your DE&I policy address all areas of your recruiting strategy? This includes passive candidate attraction, job descriptions, interviewing, onboarding, total rewards and succession planning.
  • How are you encouraging your employees to embrace an IDEAL environment, and what are you doing to help those who aren’t comfortable with it or simply don’t understand?

Juneteenth has left an indelible impact on our nation’s history, and it’s often referred to as this country’s second Independence Day. For many, it’s the birth of the modern United States and the inception of the notion of liberty and justice for all. Let’s make sure we honor that concept by being inquisitive, empathetic and inclusive.

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