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Levels of Background Checks

Hand writing words on the wall. Background check levels concept.

As with most products and services, different screening providers have different ways of marketing and selling their offerings. At times, this can lead to confusion as search names and screening packages experience variability between vendors.

We want to bring as much clarity to the process as we can and talk a little more in-depth about common screening options.

How Many Levels of Background Checks Are There?

When it comes to background checks for employment, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. They can greatly vary in depth and detail. For this reason, we have established some different screening levels based on the needs we frequently see. While not set in stone, these levels serve as a good baseline and can help in determining what background check packages may be best for your organization. Again, these “levels” are only to serve as a general example of how screening solutions can differ depending on an organization’s needs.

For personal Background checks, we offer three packages based on a number of different needs. If you are interested in ordering an online background check on yourself, visit our personal screening page.


Magnifying glass on laptop. Levels of background check concept.

Level 1

We would consider a “Level 1” screening to be a name-based background check that includes a nationwide database search as well as one jurisdiction (or county) court search. Typically, this is the area where the individual currently lives. A level one check can also include a single employment verification. This is a great background screening option for many organizations looking to cover the general bases for entry-level employees.

Learn the Difference Between Fingerprint And Name-Based Background Checks.

Level 2

A “Level 2” background check would be very similar to a “Level 1” background check with a greater emphasis on jurisdictional (or county) records retrieval and the addition of a federal criminal court search (learn more about federal records). This package would include a search for every county where the individual has lived, worked, or gone to school in the past seven (7) years. County criminal searches are very reliable as information is pulled directly from the courts. This background check package is recommended for the majority of entry-level positions in a professional working environment.

Level 3

“Level 3” is perhaps the most common type of background check we offer. It consists of a comprehensive criminal history check (including the nationwide database, past seven (7) years of counties, and federal court search), education verification (highest degree obtained), previous employment history (up to 3 past employers), and reference checks (professional references are recommended). The “Level 3” background check reports also often involve drug tests. This background check package is recommended for most hires up through mid-management.

Level 4

The “Level 4” background check is the most comprehensive. These background checks are vital when hiring executives or promoting them from within the company.  “Level 4” checks are similar to “Level 3” checks with the addition of federal and county civil records searches, social media searches, financial screening, and a more comprehensive drug and health screening process (depending on the industry). This level of background check is most recommended for executive or high-security positions.

However, we recommend proper drug screening in almost every hiring scenario. This process could include pre-employment drug screening, random drug testing, reasonable suspicion drug testing, or post-incident screening.

Depending on the industry, fingerprint background checks may be included in a “Level 4” background check. This is typically due to regulation and is more common within the public (government) sector. You can learn more about fingerprint background solutions here.


While we structured packages this way for the purposes of this article, the truth is every organization is unique. At Peopletrail, we can customize any solution you need, creating different packages for different departments within your company, if necessary. 

We are happy to help with any questions regarding types of background screenings and their different levels.

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