New Hire Feedback: How to Gather and Act on Feedback From New Employees

How do you keep employees? It’s simple — ask for new hire feedback! Keep reading for our easy-to-follow roadmap of how to gain feedback from your new hires.

The importance of seeking new hire feedback

The new hires at your company are the most exposed (and busiest!) out of all employee groups. That’s because they’re busy becoming acquainted with co-workers, managers, the job, the company, the tasks, their way around the office…and so on.

Because they’re new at the workplace, they tend to get over-excited and eager. But this proves to be the opposite when they’re left to fend for themselves and don’t feel like they can get support anywhere.

Having a well-established onboarding roadmap ensures that your new hires have the support they need to be successful in their roles right from the very beginning of the onboarding process. It is also important that you seek feedback from them as opposed to feedback only being a one-way street.

No matter how much preparation you’ve done with that roadmap, though, it won’t guarantee that every new hire will experience the same thing. That’s why it’s important to seek feedback from everyone to know how best to improve your current process and to identify what has been working for you.

We’ll uncover the reasons why new hire feedback is important, as well as a few simple steps and policies that you can implement (starting today!) on how to create a culture that’s rife with feedback. We’ll also give you a breakdown on a new hire’s journey when it comes to gathering and providing feedback on the first six months.

This framework of feedback can be used in all kinds of businesses, including accounting firms, law firms, and real estate recruitments.

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Gathering feedback can help you:

  • Improve the onboarding process
  • Measure employee engagement over time
  • Identify concerns new employees might have
  • Pinpoint gaps in the onboarding process
  • Enhance the employee experience from the very beginning

Sample of a new hire feedback roadmap

First week

Very few people can’t recall their first week with their employer, because this is the week where new hires are familiarising themselves with the company. This is when they’ll be learning the company’s core values, benefits, perks, and policies, their job duties and what is expected of them, and the ways they can share questions or feedback.

And this is the best time to introduce the following.

The feedback culture

Make sure your employees know how and where to give feedback so it reaches the right people in your company.

For instance, you may want to let them know of scheduled surveys, one-on-ones with the upper management, and other similar actions; or let them know of more relaxed ways such as talking to peers about feedback or letting them know that they can give their feedback to direct supervisors.

And don’t forget to review survey results with your new hires. It pays to let them know that you are reviewing and assessing the feedback they’ve given as opposed to simply gathering the results and not doing anything about it.

Incorporate shadowing

Your new hires must get a feel for your company by having the opportunity to have relations with your tenured employees so they can share their experiences and what they’ve gone through.

Your tenured employees will also give them a general idea of what to expect. This is a great way for your new hires to feel comfortable with the company’s nature and processes.

Frequent check-Ins

Managers should deliberately schedule frequent one-on-ones with the new hires to provide support, clarify uncertainty, and help in making them feel comfortable with their new roles.

First month

Your new hires are in their first month, and by the end, they will have already gotten used to day-by-day activities and what is expected of them at your company. Still, just because they’ve already gotten through a whole month doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek feedback from them any longer.

Here are a few things you can implement during the first month so your new hires feel comfortable.

Schedule weekly meetings

Your managers should be scheduling weekly conversations with the new hires to ask them for their feedback, clarify if they’re unsure of anything with their role in the company, or ask them how they’re feeling. This is also your best way of gathering feedback to make the employees feel that they shouldn’t be ashamed to speak up and that their feedback is always welcome.

Here are a few questions you may want to ask them:

  • Is there anything you need my help with to make the onboarding process smoother?
  • Do you have all that you need?

This is also a great opportunity for managers to provide feedback to the new hires, including letting them know if they’re at the right pacing when it comes to delivering their work and what is expected of them and if they’re aligning with the company’s values.

Introduce peer feedback

Whether it’s related to performance or noticing that a new employee might not be upholding the company’s values, it’s important that their peers are comfortable with giving them feedback. A great way to go about this is to introduce a feedback gathering software so they can do it comfortably.

New Hire Feedback: How to Gather and Act on Feedback From New Employees

Image: Pexels

Third month

Your new hires have now lasted their first three months. By now, they should be comfortable talking to their peers about work, know their job role and how it fits in with the company, and understand how their performance is measured.

In the third month, it’s best to follow this guidance.

Give recognition and regular feedback

Just because they’ve been with you for three months doesn’t mean they’re incapable of making mistakes. They are new, after all! Make sure that you give them the recognition they deserve when they perform exemplary work and give them the necessary feedback to improve at their jobs. And if you do notice them acting on your feedback, give them recognition with positive reinforcement.

Weekly meetings should still be in place

Your managers should still be conducting weekly meetings with your new hires, checking to see if they need anything and providing feedback on their performance, since they are best suited to do so because they have front-row seats to your new hires’ productivity.

Sixth month

This is not the time to act complacent just because your new hires have signed their regularisation contracts. This is the best opportunity to identify if they’re committed to the company’s goals and values, if they understand team goals, if they feel comfortable working with their peers, and how they know that they’re accountable for their actions.

This is the best time to introduce the following.

Company-wide employee engagement

Even though your company may have a feedback culture that captures feedback at any time, it’s still best to conduct a yearly engagement survey, where everyone will be participating from leaders to managers and employees. It’s best to gather what they feel has been working well for them and what areas they feel need the most improvement.

Maintain one-on-one meetings

This integral part shouldn’t be omitted just because your employee has been regularised. This is an opportunity for your new hires to become aware of career advancements and opportunities within the company. During these meetings, you can discuss performance and areas of improvement and make your employees feel that they can make future plans with your company.

In Summary

Following this simple roadmap is a great way to integrate feedback into your business’s culture.

This roadmap features different tactics of feedback — like meetings, check-ins, and peer feedback — that help make your new hires feel comfortable, engaged, and on track by gathering and acting on their feedback.

Studies have shown that happier employees tend to perform better on their jobs and are less likely to leave! In addition to this, the different ways of providing feedback over the first six months of onboarding all help you figure out what changes may need to be made in order to continuously improve your business.

About the Author

Stewart Dunlop is an accomplished content marketer and creator. In his free time, Stewart likes to hike, crochet and listen to his personal record collection.

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