Weekly digest

The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Man standing and working on his laptop

Low employee engagement may be costing the global economy $8.8 trillion.

Yes, you read that right: $8.8 trillion or, as Gallup found in its latest State of the Global Workplace report, a whopping 9% of the world’s GDP.

A contributing factor may be “quiet quitting,” highlighting that the term may be more than a buzzword or a TikTok trend. Gallup’s report found that nearly 6 in 10 global employees could be categorized as disengaged quiet quitters.

“Quiet quitting,” the report explains, “is what happens when someone psychologically disengages from work. They may be physically present or logged into their computer, but they don’t know what to do or why it matters. They also don't have any supportive bonds with their coworkers, boss, or their organization.”

This disengagement could also spur, to use another buzzword, a second Great Resignation. Gallup’s report found that over 50% of global workers are actively looking for or are open to the possibility of another job. 

To learn more about why worker engagement is so low and what quiet quitters may be looking for in their next gig, be sure to check out Gallup’s full report at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. 

And further down our list, you can learn why non-tech companies may have a golden opportunity to attract top tech talent; how AI could be the key to upskilling Gen Z workers who lost ground in their careers because of the pandemic; and why “grandternity leaves” may be an employee benefit that every company should offer.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report (Gallup)

2. Non-Tech Companies Have a Unique Opportunity to Attract Tech Workers Right Now. Here’s How (Fast Company)

3. Can AI Help Gen Z Workers Make Up Lost Ground? (BBC Worklife)

4. Many Workers Lack Access, Understanding of Continuous Upskilling (HR Dive)

5. How AI Will Change Hiring (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World (The New York Times)

7. Remote and Hybrid Workplaces Are Hiring People Twice as Fast as Full-Time Office Employers: Report (Forbes)

8. The New Way to Keep Older Workers from Quitting: Grandternity Leave (The Wall Street Journal)

9. What Happened When States Banned Affirmative Action? (SHRM)

10. 20 Questions to Ask When Your Team’s Vibe Is Off (Harvard Business Review)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Satya Nadella’s Intelligence Is Not Artificial (Freakonomics Radio)


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