Powerful Signs of a Positive Work Culture

Working in a company that provides an ideal work-life balance for employees is heaven. It helps the employees to get settled, be more productive and is beneficial for the company in the long run. We explain.

Positive work culture is the “thing” employee looks at before joining a company. The office ‘vibe’ is something unique and it can make or break your employee experience. Work culture is a two-edged sword, a good work culture helps you to stay longer in the organisation. And a toxic work culture results in the employee getting out of the company too soon. 

We all have at one time or another have experienced a bad work culture. 

But it’s a new time and companies are adopting certain techniques to improve the work culture. There are certain factors you need to watch out for and put in place. This article provides indications of a good company culture. 

A positive workplace needs to be goal-oriented

Everyone in the organisation from an intern to the CEO is focusing on the company goals. Positive workplace culture is when everyone does their part and fulfils their roles. 

The goals get divided into small parts rather than focusing on a long term goal. When employees get excited about arriving at work and straight away dwell on their tasks. It means that the employee culture is good making it easier for everyone to work. 

A company having happy faces throughout the day helps the company move in the right way.  It happens contribution coming for positive work culture.  

Here are some signs that show that employees are goal-oriented: 

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  • Every employee in the workplace knows their responsibilities and takes ownership of everything. 
  • Employees assist and support the coworkers
  • Employees aren’t afraid to speak what they feel and about new ideas
  • Employees meet their deadlines
  • Employees are welcoming new challenges

So, in a happy workplace, the coworkers are happy to take on new challenges and adapt to new surroundings. 

“Company culture is the backbone of any successful organisation.”

-Gary Vaynerchuk

A positive workplace focuses on mental and physical health 

Organisations have less focus on mental and physical health. These two factors affect the individual’s day to day life functioning. They also impact the ability of the employees to work. 

Maintaining the co-worker’s mental and physical health is a prime concern.  It makes them feel secure in the position and respect their choices during any emergency.

No company wants their employees to pop a pill before coming to work. Some worry about some petty things or getting tired because they live far away from their place.  And commuting daily causes them a lot of stress. 

A positive work environment helps to prioritise the health of your employees.  If you need a sabbatical to recover or do you need some time off if you are undergoing therapy. 

“Company cultures are like country cultures. Never try to change one. Try, instead, to work with what you’ve got.”

-Peter F. Drucker

A positive workplace believes in rewards and recognising

It is hard when your boss is not appeased with whatever you do. Every day you are giving your best efforts but it always falls short that leaves you with criticism. A workplace that pushes its employees for work. And with no appreciation leads to a drop in confidence. 

According to a survey, 1 in 4 employees did not get any appreciation from their managers which led to low confidence. Organisations should improve the mood that is present in the workplace by taking the cue from the tips: 

  • Tracking the progress of every employee and recognising them for their efforts.
  • Make the effort to communicate with every employee and boost their morale. 
  • Explain that individual roles are important for the company. 
  • Praising the workforce to work towards a common goal and sharing success. 

These all are the small things that do wonder in the long run. Happy employees are the pillar of any company and what’s better than rewarding to engage them.

Powerful Signs of a Positive Work Culture

Image: Pexels

A positive workplace promotes ideal work-life balance

Everyone knows the definition of work-life balance. Dealing with your micromanaging boss, you’ve forgotten a good work-life balance. According to one of the research conducted has shown positive results. The statistics include: 

  • Employee productivity has increased.
  • Stress levels are lower, and sick days are shorter.
  • Positive family relationships and social bonding among peers have improved.
  • Profits have increased.

So, here’s the big question: “Why aren’t more businesses pursuing a flexible work-life balance?”

Businesses believe that the number of hours spent working equals the amount of money they make. Companies see an increase in productivity from overworked employees, it is only temporary.

Overworking backfires in the long run. It encourages negative emotions such as greed, envy, anger, and arrogance among employees. Employees get unmotivated to give their all, and profitability will suffer as a result.

The formula is straightforward: happy employees equal higher profits.

“A company’s culture is the foundation for future innovation. An entrepreneur’s job is to build the foundation.”

-Brian Chesky

A positive workplace brings values to a person

A positive work environment alters your values and commitment to your profession. Everything you learn changes you and makes you a better person for the rest of your life.

Let’s take a look at some of the positive organisational values. 

Honesty: You embrace your workplace’s honest approach when you don’t fear it. Integrity and good relationships thrive in positive work environments. You gain a sense of trust when you interact with the right people.

Confidence: Working with positive attitudes teaches you to be confident in yourself and your abilities. Companies with a positive image are those allowing employees to take risks.

Motivation: The desire to live on one’s own. The drive to realise your potential. The desire to learn and develop. A positive workplace instil these values in its employees by providing a safe working environment.

Loyalty: Loyalty is an important quality for an employee toward their employer. It’s an internal feeling that allows you to reclaim the trust and respect you gained at work. Employees who have collaborated in a positive environment are more likely to stay friends and network in the future. Loyal employees tend to stay longer in the company. 

“Treat employees like they make a difference and they will.”

-Jim Goodnight

A positive workplace provides growth opportunities

Stagnation in your job is a serious threat to your career. It’s easy to get comfortable in your job role without realising it. Find out that your coworkers at other companies have advanced knowledge. 

The following are signs of a stagnant workplace.

There will be no salary increase

Positive companies provide bonuses or commissions on sales to their employees. There are no prizes for guessing that you work in a toxic environment. If your salary sheet has the same 5 digits at the end of each month.

You are not learning much 

Every business aspires to be successful. Learning is an important part of that process. If you’ve been working with the same methods for more than a year as an employee, it’s time to leave. If you stay in the job market long enough, your outdated techniques will render you obsolete.

“Part of company culture is path-dependent- it’s the lessons you learn along the way.”

-Jeff Bezos

In Summary

For many people, working in a positive environment is a dream come true. And the main thing in the organisation is making the employees comfortable. This gets done with the help of implementing a positive work culture in the office.

Some companies tend to only focus on the monetary gain and only prefer employees who can toil hard.  This is where they go wrong but don’t worry there is always a solution present. 

Here are some more ways an employer can do it. 

It includes accepting the feedback of employees, creating an employee engagement program, promote diversity and culture. It’s easier said than done but the thing is and employees can figure out which job is the best fit for you?

Of course, by following the signs in this article!

About the Author 

Ginni Agarwal is a Talent Acquisition Expert at Upright Human Capital with extensive experience in Tech and Non-tech hiring. She loves blogging, writing articles about Talent Acquisition, and Human resources. She has been associated with the Talent Industry for a while. She enjoys sharing her experience with others.

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