How Perks and Motivation Can Lead to Better Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is quite important for organisations and they have begun to realise that it affects the employees’ productivity and the company’s profitability. It generally means the level of the employees’ commitment towards the company values, mission and goals.

Employee engagement has a direct impact on customer experience, brand reputation, employee turnover, company culture and talent acquisition among others.

Employee engagement has become the prime focus of several companies. More companies are working towards improving staff engagement and boost their productivity and workplace morale.

Why is employee engagement so important?

  • Better employee engagement boosts enthusiasm and productivity
  • It offers higher job satisfaction to the employees
  • It increases employee retention rates and reduces absenteeism
  • Good employee engagement enhances the company culture
  • It increases an employee’s loyalty
  • It maximises profitability

Nowadays, most employees feel that factors such as job perks, enhanced facilities, good working environment, better employee engagement etc greatly influence an individual’s contribution to the growth of the business.

There are many other factors which positively impact the employees’ performance. But, job perks and motivation are the two main factors that facilitate successful employee engagement.

Here are 14 innovative hacks to improve employee engagement in your office. Read to know how job perks and motivation can lead to increased productivity.

Provide them with a clear roadmap

Every employee works with a clear vision and goals in mind. An employee’s personal goals and values must align with the goals and values of the organisation. Hence, it is utmost necessary for an employee to work with clarity as clear as crystal.

So, employees should be given clear instructions and guidelines for them to get accustomed to the work. Before doing so, they must be provided with a complete orientation of their job role and responsibilities.

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Keep a close check on their needs

Supervision is needed at times, along with reflecting on their work a timely check on their basic needs on operations will do good.

Have genuine concerns for the employees and pay attention to their needs. Trying to fulfil them will make the employees feel valued and respected.

Such a gesture will indeed motivate the employees to perform better and deliver the best results in return.

Communication serves well

Very often we find problems where there is a lack of communication. More often we jump to conclusions rather than finding the root cause of the problem and communicating to resolve it.

With a diverse group of employees in the office, it becomes tedious to talk to each one of them. Therefore, allotting time to talk to a bunch of people on a personal level is a wise thing to do.

You can create a new project or come up with activities that will probably improve communication with workers.

Creating an environment to talk and discuss will help you build a strong bond. It will also instil a feeling of trust in the employees.

Engagement with a new common project

No employee would want to give their valuable hours to a monotonous task. New projects help an employee to engage in a better way with much enthusiasm. This also keeps them interested as they get an opportunity to learn new things.

To make the workspace engaging and cooperative, a company can come up with one good common project. This will allow all the workers to get together, discuss ideas and work on the same.

This way, employees build mutual understanding and cultivate a strong social bond with each other. In a way, it motivates employees with a sense of productivity and hunger to strive for the better.

Permit adaptable working

Employees are often held up with monotonous routines and huge amounts of work. This makes them feel frustrated and less involved in work. With each passing day, flexible work turns out to be progressively reasonable in pretty much every domain of business. Forcing or sticking by the number of hours under nose supervision fetches no better results.

Employees must be left with a choice to work remotely or work on flexibility under certain circumstances. A flexible working style motivates them and boosts their confidence.

Feedback is a classic way to boost employees morale

Getting inputs and regular feedback from employees can boost their engagement towards work. Positive criticism from employees is very much needed to know how the business may be doing.

Negative criticism should be likewise given importance. The employees’ opinions must be valued without being judged. If you can, plan meetings with workers, to allow them to talk about progress in work.

Furthermore, remember to state “Thank you!” for the work done right. It’s a ground-breaking inspirational gesture. Recognising your representatives’ commitments and hard work serves as a big motivation for them.

Perks and motivation

Image: Pexels

Create a social workspace once in a while

Social gatherings at the workplace reduce the stress of staff leaving them more joyful and relaxed.

When the workload gets more hectic conducting games, outings or other employee engagement activities to ease the tension.

Watching a movie could also be considered. A team lunch together would also do good for a better bond.

Act fair and straight

Utilise your judgment, intelligence, and experience to make sound decisions. At the point when issues emerge, analyse the conditions, comprehend the specific circumstance, and provide a suitable judgement

Regard and trust your group and you will receive the expected validation in return.

No matter even if you are in a higher position, if you commit an error, apologise and concede you weren’t right. This will help your employees to get along with you better, and they will value your genuineness.

Create a fun-filled learning workspace

Great managers focus on both learning and work. Make the workplace a joyous and fun-filled space to work in. Make work more fun; nobody wants to work in a dull environment which helps them doze off. Well, work gets more appealing when they enjoy doing themselves.

Recognise and appreciate high-potential workers

Indeed, even in a strong economy, hiring and holding high-potential employees have different chances. Constant negativity around will not sustain an employee for a long time. The more an employee thinks about less job security, the better are the chances for an exit.

If employees feel there’s no scope for further growth, retaining them for a longer time could be difficult.

To keep them drawn in, recognise and reward the performances of the employees’ regularly. Their outstanding work and dedication must never go unnoticed or unappreciated. To increase their engagement in work, reward all the top performers generously.

Be imaginative to hold them back

Do everything feasible to retain top employees. Increased employee engagement is the best way to do this. Make them feel valued, respected and appreciated.

Never threaten an employee’s income or job security. Be it during the times of a pandemic, layoff or economic recession, never do it. Make them feel that you need diligent employees like them for the further growth of the company.

  • Provide a good platform for the employees to express their concerns and ideas.
  • Allow them to use their skills, ideas and talents with fewer restrictions.
  • Make them get noticed by higher authorities and management.
  • Make them get noticed by higher authorities.
  • Make the top performers more popular in the office.
  • Provide fair and equal treatment for all the employees.
  • Understand their goals in life and value them.

Incentives and bonuses

No matter what sort of business you are in, you should investigate motivating factors for an employee. Incentives and bonuses have been demonstrated to be largely useful in inspiring workers.

An advantage is that the incentives can be paid out only after a target has been achieved.

“Do great and you’ll get remunerated” has a constructive impact on the employees. So the employees will work more diligently to meet the goals.

The accompanying outcomes were found in an investigation by the International Society of Performance Improvement, on the advantages of motivating force programs.

What’s more interesting is that the top-notch employees are additionally bound to remain when motivation programs are set up.

A relaxing environment with something to munch and sip

Essential refreshments are most likely affordable for any company even if it is the smallest of ventures.

A relaxing environment with short breaks is much needed in the midst of a strenuous 9-5 job.

Some fresh cookies, tetra pack fruit juices, or some hot and cold common beverages will do. These treats help employees restore their energy and work till the end of the day.

Also, don’t restrict employees from their eating habits. Let them free as long as the work is done right and they meet deadlines on time.

Consumer loyalty reviews

Consumer loyalty frequently relies upon how fulfilled your workers are. Estimating consumer loyalty can help you in recognising levels of representative inspiration. This is particularly evident when the workers are in direct contact with your clients. This strategy is regularly utilised to improve customer experience.

To effectively connect with and persuade your workers, you truly need to comprehend whether it could be that inspires or drives them.

In Summary

Retention of employees calls for an absolute challenge. It is a one-time big investment to ensure success and profit in the business.

Employees are the most valuable assets of any organisation. Employee engagement needs to be embedded in the company value, culture and plans. It should not be a time-related activity, instead, it must be executed regularly.

Enhanced and productive employee engagement is the best way to retain your top-class employees. You succeed when you can retain them for a considerably long period with the right tactics and techniques.

Play your cards well with these 14 smart and innovative ideas. Boost the employees’ engagement in your office to achieve greater success and profit.


About the Author

Nithish is a professional content writer who is passionate about blogging and creative writing. He works full time at Workex and frequently writes about the latest and evolving trends in Human Resources and the job market. Through his engaging blogs, Nithish provides effective tips and strategies for recruiters and candidates and keeps them updated on the things to come.

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