8th November 2021

A recruiter’s book list: Keeping skills and knowledge up to date


Keeping on top of your game with the latest thinking

Continual Professional Development (CPD) is of course an essential element of continuing success for people in many jobs. For practitioners of recruitment, updating the knowledge and skills that support your core skills is a bit like eating your own dogfood – there is a need to practice what you preach.

There are a couple of usual ways to do this:

Of course, the former is suited to those who prefer directed learning, taught by a tutor. However, the nature of recruitment is really geared to those who are self-starters, so the latter really fits with the mindset of many.

Structured programs may have to be organised and run over a period of time, meaning that there may be periods when skills lag behind. Researching your own CPD materials is something that recruiters can do on a continual basis, ensuring they always remain up to date.

Here, culled from around the internet, we have provided a reading list of books to help recruiters like you stay on top of your game. We have included some ‘golden oldies’, some best sellers from more recent years, and some contemporary reads.

The list is organised into key topics that help address the issues of modern recruitment. In the wake of the pandemic, there is an enormous focus on mental health and well-being you may find the psychology section especially useful.

Interpersonal and business skills

Equality, race, gender & disability issues


Recruitment, technology and social media

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