Episode 383: Finding the Hidden Gems Within the Organization With Dr. Edie Goldberg, Founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates

Summary:Workology Podcast interview with Dr. Edie Goldberg, Founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates talking about leveraging talent in employees.

Episode 383: Finding the Hidden Gems Within the Organization With Dr. Edie Goldberg, Founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates

Summary:Workology Podcast interview with Dr. Edie Goldberg, Founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates talking about leveraging talent in employees.

Table of Contents

The book was really written both for business leaders and HR leaders who are interested in facilitating internal talent mobility. Who are interested in thinking about how do we need to change the way we work given all that’s going on in terms of employee expectations, in terms of the changing skills in the workplace, and really helping companies to optimize the talent that they already have sitting within their company. It’s like, how do we utilize all the skills and experiences of our employees? Because we know that companies just don’t take full advantage of everything that every person brings to the workplace.

Episode 383: Finding the Hidden Gems Within the Organization With Dr. Edie Goldberg (@EdieLGoldberg), Founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates


Welcome to the Workology Podcast, a podcast for the disruptive workplace leader. Join host Jessica Miller-Merrell, founder of Workology.com as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools, and case studies for the business leader, HR, and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Now here’s Jessica with this episode of Workology.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:01:13.23] This podcast is powered by Ace The HR Exam and Upskill HR. These are two of the courses I offer for certification prep and recertification for HR leaders. Today’s podcast is an important one. Not just because so many of our employees are remote or spread out, but because workplace and businesses have fundamentally shifted in the last three or four years, making the need to understand the experiences, skills, and abilities for an entire workforce so important. So when things shift, I hope they never do, but they did in 2020, workplaces are ready to respond and be agile, making changes literally in a moment’s notice. Before I introduce our guests, I want to hear from you. Please text the word “PODCAST” to 512-548-3005 to ask questions, leave comments, and make suggestions for future guests. This is my community text number and I want to hear from you. Today I’m joined by Dr. Edie Goldberg, founder of E. L. Goldberg & Associates and author of The Inside Gig. Edie has specialized in human capital management and organization development for over 30 years. She focuses her practice on designing HR systems to attract, engage, develop and retain employees. Before starting her own company, Dr. Goldberg worked for Towers Perrin as the Global Thought Leader in Career Management, Succession Planning, and Learning & Development. She also co-lead a Talent Management Initiative which produced groundbreaking research on employment perceptions regarding what attracts and retains employees, as well as the development of a process that helps companies attract, retain, and engage their workforce. Edie, welcome to the Workology Podcast.

Edie Goldberg: [00:02:56.40] Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here with you.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:02:59.58] I didn’t know all this about you. I mean, we’ve known each other for a while through social media and different things, but I love that the Thought Leader in Career Management, Succession Planning, and L&D. That’s, I mean, and now it’s like, okay, it all makes sense to me with the book, The Inside Ggig and the work that you do.

Edie Goldberg: [00:03:19.11] I’m just I have to tell you, I am having the time of my life. It’s kind of like the stars are aligning and my background and expertise and interests are all aligning around kind of what’s happening in the world of work. And so for me, it’s a really, really exciting place to be in the field of HR and helping companies to attract and retain talent.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:03:41.71] I agree because we are having problems in all those areas and now the workplace is completely shaken up with so many of us being remote or hybrid and all the different things.

Edie Goldberg: [00:03:52.41] Absolutely. It’s a whole new world out there. We need new strategies and that’s kind of what I love to play in.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:03:58.71] Well, let’s talk about those things. Before we get started, talk to us about your career path and what led you to the work that you do now.

Edie Goldberg: [00:04:07.81] Okay. That’s a, that’s a great question to start with. My academic training, you said, Dr. Goldberg. I’m much more casual than that, but I do have a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology, so that’s kind of where I came from academically. I’ve been a career consultant. I started with a boutique consulting firm that really focused on assessment and development early in my career. Then I went to Towers Perrin, a large global management consulting firm. Shows you how long ago I was there. It’s had like three names since then, and I was their global thought leader in the human capital practice and some specific areas. I left Towers over 20 years ago to start my own business. And I really focus on both talent management and organization effectiveness. But I think that the real pivotal thing you asked kind of my work today, my real pivotal experience was back in 2015, I got involved with a group of colleagues and this was mostly Chief HR Officers, some academics, some other HR thought leaders to form a group which was originally called the Future of Work or the Future of HR. And because so many people had things called that we decided to call the group CHREATE. C-H-R-E-A-T-E, which stood for the global consortium to reimagine employment, oh boy, talent, and the enterprise. And the, CHREATE was really created to, excuse the double. We’re there to address how HR needs to develop to kind of meet that changing nature of work and what kind of tools and new processes do we need to address the future of work. And that experience kind of having this. It was a three-year project for us, but having this deep dive and really thinking about where is work going, what are, going to happen to organization structures. It really informed all the work that I do to help companies today reinvent their practices to address both the changing nature of work and employee expectations.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:06:28.00] Fascinating. I, I love hearing kind of the origin story of people because I think to me it is really interesting. No person’s journey into human resources is the same, really. It’s, it’s truly unique. And I love the academic background. I think we need more data, more research, more numbers to help drive HR. It’s not all feelings or gut instincts. The data needs to be helping to drive what we do.

Edie Goldberg: [00:06:54.55] It’s so funny that you say that because many of my colleagues will come up to me and say, You know, I always start with the data. I always start with the facts. And that’s kind of my background as a researcher. I love that. But I’m very practical, kind of oriented to execution. So it’s a nice combination.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:07:14.59] It is. And it’s the opposite of how I think most employee HR situations go in the real world. It’s feelings first. I am so tired of John, I need to get him out of here. And then it’s like, wait a second, let’s, let’s stop. But it’s, it’s, I think it’s a great, it’s a great balance that we need more of. Absolutely. I want to switch gears a little bit and talk about the book, The Inside Gig. I’m going to link to the book in the show notes over on Workology.com. Tell me what inspired the book and who is the audience intended for with the book?

Edie Goldberg: [00:07:50.40] So interestingly, I just told you about the CHREATE project. The book was really an outgrowth of that CHREATE project. One of my colleagues who was on the CHREATE team with me was Kelly Stephen Weiss, who at the time was the CHRO for a company called Fear Technologies, and she wanted to help her company be more agile and upskill people in the flow of work. And so she said to me, You know, Edie, you know, I need somebody to completely rethink my talent operating model. If we move to this more project-based way of thinking about work. Can you help me? And I said, Sure. That was so much fun. And the project was such a huge internal success. You know, they estimated their cost savings in the first year of implementation to be $14 million, and that’s by accessing internal talent without having to go outside to get some special projects completed. And because the project was such a success, me, with my kind of academic background, I wanted to write up that project as a case study. So I went to somebody at Harvard Business Review that I knew, and I said, You know, I want to write this up as a case study.

Edie Goldberg: [00:09:10.59] And she said, No, Edie. There’s so much more of a story to tell there. You have to write a book. You can’t, you know, case studies, limited X number of words, and you really need to write a book. Nobody’s put all these things together in the way that you have. And so that’s really what inspired the book. There’s no other book on the marketplace around internal talent mobility or implementing talent marketplace. So I’m excited to kind of be the first one out there on that topic. The book was really written both for business leaders and HR leaders who are interested in facilitating internal talent mobility, who are interested in thinking about how do we need to change the way we work. Given all that’s going on in terms of employee expectations, in terms of the changing skills in the workplace and really helping companies to optimize the talent that they already have sitting within their company, it’s like, how do we utilize all the skills and experiences of our employees? Because we know that companies just don’t take full advantage of everything that every person brings to the workplace.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:10:31.62] I feel like this is so timely and I felt like at HR Tech, this was the underlying theme that I was seeing was talent development and kind of upskilling because it’s so expensive to have to rehire or bring in somebody externally. Why not tap into the skills and experiences of the people who are already in your workplace, especially with all these shifts that we’re seeing? Headcounts? You know, business is so unpredictable with inflation and the economy. The right time is now for, for the work that you’re doing.

Edie Goldberg: [00:11:06.54] You know, I would say that it’s not just expensive to hire from the outside. People are having a hard time actually finding the talent that they need. So in many cases, you do have to grow your own.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:11:17.31] True. True. What is the most effective way to bring an organization into the future when it comes to internal opportunities, transparency, and that internal mobility piece?

Edie Goldberg: [00:11:30.21] .I believe everybody can take baby steps, steps You can go big boom, right? There’s a lot of great technology out there that can help you with this. But I have a lot of clients who are doing things as simple as posting internal project-based opportunities on their company’s SharePoint or whatever internal system that you have. Somebody has it on their workday system where they post their internal gigs. I love that they’re calling it that. And that, the beauty of this is when we can post something where everybody can see it, that is kind of the beginning making these projects more accessible for more people. Now when I talk about making projects available to people, most managers kind of get their feathers kind of up in a rough and they get really nervous. Like, you can’t take away my employees. They have a lot of work to do. Like they have their core job responsibilities. So I want to be really clear that when I think about inside games, I’m not talking about big projects that are going to take you away from your core responsibilities. I’m talking about shifting work so that we’re doing work where we add more value and eliminating work where we don’t add as much value, but also we can add value on projects where we’re, we’re contributing as few as, a few hours a month. A company I’m working with right now has an internal gig assignment. We meet biweekly to facilitate a change project that we’re working on within the company so it doesn’t require somebody leaving their job to take on a project opportunity. But I think we just need to think about work a little bit differently than it’s just your job.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:13:23.59] I agree. Another term that I have heard a lot and I would love to hear your insights into what this means is the democratization, democratization of work. So what is that exactly?

Edie Goldberg: [00:13:38.17] Yeah, we talk about that as one of the core principles within our book of thinking of this new way of approaching work. It’s really about providing equal access to opportunities. So think about the external gig market, right? There are all these if you go out onto a platform like Upwork or Guru or Talk Towel or whatever system is out there, everybody can see the projects that are available. So in a company, usually only a handful of people get access to those cool new opportunities, right? People who are politically connected. And we want to change that to create an equal playing field where companies can actually find their, what we call their hidden gems within the organization. Those people can rise and be seen, because if I post an opportunity and then I match people based on their skills, not based on who they know or where they sit or what their job is within the company, all of a sudden I gain access to a greater number of resources within the company and those little hidden gems that you have within the company who just quietly doing their work can be seen more because maybe they volunteer to work on a project.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:15:00.19] Another term that I have heard and I talked about this, I was on a panel at the Cornerstone on Demand conference earlier in the fall, and they mentioned the term talent hoarding. And I would love your insights into this. Why is it important for us to recognize those talent hoarders and when this is happening? I mean, how does how is it impacting business negatively?

Edie Goldberg: [00:15:25.83] Yeah, unfortunately it happens far too often. I always love to quote some research from i4cp that found that 50% of managers in general and 74% of managers in low-performing companies, they actually resist letting their employees move into a different role within the company. So generally people move into different roles to facilitate learning. That is talent hoarding, right? I don’t want my employees to leave. Another way that we see talent hoarding is managers who won’t speak really positively of their employees and a talent review because they don’t want people to know about the gems that they have and potentially steal them away. The problem is, is that employees want new experiences that build their skills. And if a manager isn’t providing those skills, those experiences to them, they’re just going to leave and go get another job. So managers have to realize that employees are getting offered new jobs all the time, and it’s up to the company to create such a rich environment for the employee where they can continuously learn and grow their skills. And so talent hoarding is a problem because it,. It keeps an employee down, and that’s just going to push them out of the organization. So we really need to correct that and make sure that talent moves a bit more freely.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:16:58.70] As you’re talking, I’m thinking managers are so influential into the success of the business and ensuring that they’re helping their people get new experiences and opportunities and to feel like they’re contributing in a way that works for them is, is incredibly import-nt now more than ever. And you have all these gig-type boards like you were, you were mentioning, or places where people can go to have side hustles when there are so many great ways to tap into the existing people in your workplace that have these hidden skills or want to learn, they’re going to stay around longer. So, I mean, personally, I, I’m sad when I lose someone on my team, but in the bigger scheme of the business, like I am helping plant the seed for somebody to really grow wherever they are in the organization. And I think that that’s part of being a team player at a, at a larger company.

Edie Goldberg: [00:17:59.06] Yeah, I think if you can get somebody to move into another role that facilitates learning, you’re actually acting in the best interests of the organization as opposed to acting in the best interest of your team or yourself. And that’s really where we need to see people kind of working as one as opposed to just kind of my fiefdom.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:18:21.89] Yes, a great fiefdom. I like that too. I don’t like the word, but I like the idea, like, it’s better than talent hoarding.

Edie Goldberg: [00:18:28.70] Right.

Break: [00:18:30.02] Let’s take a reset. This is Jessica Miller-Merrell and you are listening to the Workology Podcast, powered by Ace The HR Exam and Upskill HR. Today we’re talking with Dr. Edie Goldberg, future of work expert, author and founder of EL Goldberg and Associates. Before we get back to the podcast, I want to hear from you. Text the word “PODCAST” to 512-548-3005. Ask me questions, leave comments, and make suggestions for future guests. This is my community text number and I want to hear from you. Personal and professional development is essential for successful HR leaders. Join Upskill HR to access life training, community, and over 100 on-demand courses for that dynamic leader. HR recert credits available. Visit UpskillHR.com for more.

The Inside Gig


Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:19:15.89] Another thing that you mentioned in the book, and this is a core principle in, in the book called The Inside Gig is you get what you give. So what does this mean to HR leaders and companies?

Edie Goldberg: [00:19:27.62] So the principle you get what you give is really kind of addresses how talent sharing across organizational boundaries is a better way of optimizing the talent that you have. And what, what we mean by you get what you give is if you allow one of your employees to go spend, let’s say, a few hours a week working on another project, on another team, or in another function, what you get in return is talent from elsewhere in the organization that can contribute to your business priorities. So one of the things I often hear from managers is I have all these projects on my back burner and I can’t get them done because I don’t have people with the right skills on my team. Well, this allows you to access people from elsewhere in the company, you know, you get, but in order for the whole ecosystem to work, you have to be willing to give as well. Our initial concept for you get what you give, of course, is internal talent sharing. And we’ve seen it have really, really positive effects within the company. Like I mentioned, when we first incubated this idea here technologies and they were able to basically get a lot of time back from their employees to work on these other important projects. Our future vision for you gett what you give was about talent sharing across your business ecosystem, which kind of blows people’s mind. In the book, we actually give a story about Disney and Siemens and how they share talent across their boundaries. It’s a fascinating story and it’s a huge win-win for both companies, but I think everybody can relate. During the pandemic, Cisco, the food distribution company, used to distribute food to hotels, to restaurants, to cafeterias and companies, airports, all the places we weren’t going, right? And what happened? All of our food needs shifted to our home grocery store. And so they, the local grocery store was having supply chain challenges getting stuff out there. So Cisco partnered with Kroger and they both helped with their supply chain expertise as well as just employees who were furloughed and move them over to the grocery store so they could get food out to the people. And it was a really great example for me of sharing talent across boundaries. That was a huge win-win for everybody.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:22:10.57] I love that. I do that in my business a lot. I have a mastermind group that I’m a part of, and if somebody is needing someone that is, has an area of expertise to help support them, maybe for launching a podcast or doing research or something else, we’ll share our people. And when you’re a small business, that is a huge impact because so much of our time is spent trying to find the right people. And if it’s a small project or even, you know, it can be medium-sized, it’s not going to hurt my business, but it’s kind of that give-what-you-get mentality where I know they’re going to do that for me in another way. So I feel like I’m depositing karma points into a bank account, like good karma points, and eventually, I’ll make a withdrawal with that person when I might need a favor for them.

Edie Goldberg: [00:23:01.90] Absolutely.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:23:02.95] Let’s talk about maybe mistakes, because I want us to think about as an employer, as an HR leader, what are some things that are maybe some of the worst of the worst so that we can paint the picture maybe for the executive team in terms of what could happen or what? Here’s an example of something that has gone wrong. So what is the worst mistake you see companies make when it comes to setting a workforce up for future success? What do we want to avoid?

Edie Goldberg: [00:23:34.12] So let me answer this in two ways. I’ll answer it specifically around internal talent, mobility, and then I’ll answer your kind of more broad question. So thinking about internal talent, mobility, I’ve seen companies set up their, this process so that they treat employees like they’re hiring an external hire. And so you have to go through an interview process to get on a gig and they make it really hard and onerous. And, you know, we say a lighter touch is better and less rules. Like think very, very few rules and restrictions is what makes the system work. If you start putting a lot of process around it, you’re going to crush it. So that’s specifically around internal talent, mobility. But to answer your broader question about setting your workforce up for success, I think the biggest mistake today is this need to focus on the changing skill sets. You mentioned this when we first started talking. Companies need to invest more in finding, in training the talent that they need. The research, and I’m seeing this in multiple places, says 69% of companies cannot find the talent that they need to explicitly execute on, on their business strategy. So, you know, and right now I think there are two job openings for every one unemployed person. Like, that’s, that’s a problem.

Edie Goldberg: [00:25:08.45] And this is, I know there have been a lot of layoffs. So, you know, a little bit of that is going to ease because some of that is with those skill sets that other companies need. But this is a, a huge problem for organizations. So understanding and learning how to get in front and what are the skills that we’re going to need for the future of the organization and really creating and investing in a plan that will help them to build those skills. So I’ll give you just a great short example. Cisco Systems, different Cisco company, was changing, changed their business strategy from a focus on core server technology to cloud-based technology and the Internet of Things. And when they made that transition, they realized that the skill sets in the organization were going to change fundamentally, and they didn’t have the talent internally to do this new cloud-based work. So they looked out in the labor market and they went, Oh my. They don’t exist. Certainly not in the numbers that they needed. So they realized that they were going to have to build their own and they actually created an internal opportunity platform where people could kind of learn while working on some of these cloud-based projects and develop the skills that they needed to help the company transform for their future business.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:26:35.14] I love that. It’s, I love seeing or hearing about examples because it helps us as HR leaders, be able to think about how we might be able to apply this in our own workplace and then the storytelling in terms of the executive team, because they need to get to the same place that we’re at in terms of this change needs to happen.

Edie Goldberg: [00:26:57.19] And I think stories are the best way to help change mindsets.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:27:02.20] Agreed. Agreed. Another term that I am hearing a lot about and I would love to get your take on this is Talent Marketplace Technology. I mentioned HR Tech. There was a lot of, I felt like the underlying theme was about internal talent, mobility. But talk to us about what talent marketplace technology is and what defines it.

Edie Goldberg: [00:27:23.95] I have absolutely seen an explosion of interest in this new kind of technology, and I think that’s what you saw at HR Tech. When I first started working on this concept. No technology existed that could do this. So it’s fascinating to see how many companies are trying to build these new solutions. Ultimately, it’s usually a Saas-based platform, so a software service platform. But the core of what makes a talent marketplace technology is that they use artificial intelligence to quickly and accurately match the skills needed for a project based compared to the skills available in the company. So earlier I talked about the democratization of work, and this really helps democratize that work, right? So I refer to these talent marketplace platforms as equal opportunity platforms, because now those opportunities are available to everyone, not just the chosen few, right? In the past, we’ve always asked employees to tell us what they’re good at, right? Or what, what they’re interested in learning. So our skills, inventories that we’ve had have focused on that. But today, artificial intelligence allows us to understand kind of the whole person and even beyond just what people say about them. So as scary as this is, it’s possible today to actually scan your work files and identify what skills you’ve demonstrated through your work products.

Edie Goldberg: [00:29:02.14] But for me, the most exciting development with these new technologies is that they can infer what skills you have or could easily develop because they can connect what we call a skill adjacency. So you’ve probably heard when they’re talking about talent, marketplace technologies, a skills ontology, and that’s this connection of data points. If you have this skill, you can quickly learn that skill. So, an example, if your company is really into Agile Software development and you’re a scrum expert and somebody in your company is looking for Kanban workflow expertise, it turns out that Kanban and Scrum are really similar skill sets. So even if no one in the company has Kanban workflow management methodology expertise, you could take a scrum expert and quickly upskill them to do that work. So that to me is what’s the most exciting about these talent marketplace technologies, But really just fundamentally think about it as it’s a new tool to match existing projects or roles to the people in your company to the skills that they have.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:30:18.64] Again, when I was at the Cornerstone OnDemand conference, we talked a lot about talent, marketplace technology. But share with us if you have like a short list of maybe some companies that are in the talent marketplace technology kind of segment or vertical now.

Edie Goldberg: [00:30:34.33] So the, if you will, the market leader right now is gloat, probably followed closely by Fuel50. And then Workday is working on implementing something within their product. You see, I think Lever may have something with it. So a lot of talent acquisition platforms are starting to develop this within their phenom. People I know has something Eightfold AI. I mean, you’re going to call your company AI, it’s, it’s the perfect place to do something like that. So those are some of the, I think, big-name companies. But a lot of people are starting a lot of both core HCM products, HRIS products, and talent acquisition products are starting to develop this capability.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:31:23.02] This gives you kind of like a little checklist of, of companies. Another one that, that I have been impressed with is Reejig. They’re an Australian base kind of AI internal talent mobility technology company. But as people are like, Oh my gosh, I’ve never heard of this, Where do I go? Here’s a little checklist of companies maybe for you to get started, but there are new ones and old guys that are changing, and evolving, and adding these resources and AI all the time.

Edie Goldberg: [00:31:54.18] Soon, soon, we’ll start to see more of a consolidation in these technologies already. Hitch, which was my co-author, founded that company, got acquired by ServiceNow last year.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:32:06.42] Wow.

Edie Goldberg: [00:32:06.90] So you’re going to start to see some consolidation in the marketplace.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:32:10.20] Yeah. Yeah. When we spoke previously, you mentioned a great example from Dolby and Net Talent Exporters. Can you share that with our listeners?

Edie Goldberg: [00:32:20.73] Yeah. You know, Dolby, you know, magic of the sound that they create, right? They’ve got a lot of brilliant engineers within the organization. And they knew that they were sitting on a pot of gold, that they just simply weren’t taking advantage of as much as they could. So they implemented one of these inside gig platforms and they said to their employees, if you have a little bit of time, you know, give your expertise elsewhere in the organization because they know that these people have deep skills in multiple areas and they can probably contribute to other projects. But, you know, there’s the one thing to get an employee engaged in doing that. People like it. There’s nothing to let a man get a manager to let their employees go do something like that. So they talk about managers in terms of whether or you are a net talent exporter. So are you developing your talent so that they can contribute to the organization as a whole? Or are you hoarding like we were talking earlier? So they were I think the first company that I had worked with or talked to that used the term net talent exporter, but I know other companies had kind of integrated sharing talent as part of their leadership core behaviors that they want to recognize and reward. But the idea of, you know, not everybody has time to work on these gigs, but their employees like to be able to look at what opportunities are out there for when they do have the time to do that. So sometimes we’re all full out working on a huge project, can’t do anything, and then maybe there are other times where our workflow is kind of paused a little bit while we’re waiting for feedback on something where we could give a few hours to a colleague to help them advance their project ideas. So I think it’s a really cool way of thinking talent and really, I think it says that they value the people within their company and that they want to give them as much exposure within the organization as possible.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:34:34.87] I love that it’s baked into the culture and focused on managers because as we have been talking, managers are so key to the success of an organization. And so setting the expectation or encouraging managers to, hey, just be more aware and willing to share your employees expertise with other, other groups within your organization. I think that sends a really great message. And if you also tie it into their compensation or their bonus, they’re also going to be more incentivized to, to have that kind of internal talent mindset.

Edie Goldberg: [00:35:09.76] Right. Absolutely.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:35:11.20] Well, Edie, I have loved this conversation. I, it’s so timely what you’re doing. The inside gig and the work that you’re doing is helping so many organizations. It is all behind the scenes. These are the things that employees don’t know we are doing as HR leaders. They just see the layoff announcements, they see the, the things happening, the changes in benefits and strategy. Maybe communication, but they don’t see things like this. So we truly are. And the work that you’re doing is really like secret superhero-type work that’s impacting the organization. Where can people go to learn more about you and the work that you’re doing right now?

Edie Goldberg: [00:35:50.23] They can check out my company website, which is www.ELGoldberg.com. G O L D B E R G. And obviously read about The Inside Gig and there is a website for the inside gig, www.TheInsideGig.com. So pretty easy to find.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:36:08.80] Awesome. Well, we’ll link to all those things on the transcript of the podcast over on Workology.com. We’ll include Edie’s LinkedIn and some other social media resources as well as a direct link to the book because I want you to pick it up. If you are, I think we all should be thinking about how we can improve retention, and engagement, and productivity in our workplaces. And so The Inside Gig is a great starting point, maybe for your entire executive team to really kind of wrap their head around the, the process and thought of internal talent, mobility, and what we can really do to make a difference in our organization.

Edie Goldberg: [00:36:46.03] You know, and just to link back to what we were talking about in the beginning around kind of the changing nature of work, the whole front part of the book is really about kind of the fourth industrial revolution and how it’s fundamentally changing our workplace and workplace expectations. So it’s a great kind of future of work, if you will, book, and then it gets into that talent mobility piece.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:37:08.74] Perfect. Perfect. Well, pick it up. Thank you again, Edie, for your time, and I appreciate you being a guest on the Workology Podcast.

Edie Goldberg: [00:37:15.88] Thank you, Jessica, for having me. Appreciate it.

Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:37:18.52] I so appreciate Edie sharing her expertise and experience with us today on today’s podcast about the future of work. This is an important topic and something that is happening in workplaces behind the scenes. We are doing this work to improve the employee experience and increase our profitability and revenue of the businesses we support. I love that and I love the stories of how workforce planning can positively impact business outcomes. Thank you for joining the Workology Podcast sponsored by Upskill HR and Ace The HR Exam. This podcast is for the disruptive workplace leader who’s tired of the status quo. My name is Jessica Miller-Merrell. I want to hear from you. Text the word “PODCAST” to 512-548-3005. Ask me questions, leave comments, and make suggestions for future guests. Thank you again for joining us. Until next time, visit Workology.com to listen to all our previous Workology Podcast episodes.

Connect with Edie Goldberg.



 – Edie Goldberg on LinkedIn

 – Edie Goldberg on Twitter

 – The Inside Gig 

 – E. L. Goldberg & Associates

 – Episode 382: Human Resources as a Business Partner With Lisa Novak From data.world

 – Episode 380: Astrology and Human Resources With Jessica Munson

 – Episode 379: How to Create a Sense of Belonging With Jackye Clayton From Textio

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