How Upskilling Can Help You Get Your Next Job

by Rich DeMatteo on October 5, 2020

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The pandemic has upended the job market for millions of Americans. This is mainly due to the impacts of the lockdowns and the subsequent measures put in place by state and local governments to slow the spread of the virus.

However, these decisions come with negative consequences as businesses large and small have been forced to close their doors and let go of their staff. As such, the unemployment rate has shot up, and many are wondering what to do next.

While the increased unemployment compensation authorized by Congress earlier this year had lessened the blow for many, these benefits have run out. For many, this means that they are faced with the reality of being out of work in a down economy without the skills needed to move on.

This can be an exceedingly difficult place to be as those seeking a job outnumber available jobs. But there is one thing you can do. It is called upskilling and doing so could help you get your next job.

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is continuing education, which can help you gain additional knowledge and skills to move forward in your career. The process of upskilling can include attending classes, professional conferences, workshops, taking online courses, and gaining certification for skills you already have. By using upskilling, you can raise your profile and possibly help you apply for jobs that you might not have been able to apply for in the past.

How Can Upskilling Help You Get Hired?

It does not matter if you are currently employed or not. You want to invest in yourself continually. This means learning new skills, such as how to handle conflict management.  While you might be concerned about spending money on learning a new skill, you do not need to invest in expensive courses to help you get hired.

As mentioned, adding a new skill to your resume can help you stand out from the pack. But it can also help you keep your current job, especially if you are worried about your job prospects. One way to take advantage of this is to find a skill you have already developed and get certified. Not only does certification allow you to add letters after your name, but it will also tell employers that you are a professional that can help their organization grow.

Beyond certification, upskilling can also help expand your network – either by connecting with the instructors or your classmates. As the saying goes, “it is not what you know; it is who you know,” and in this case, expanding your network can help you find new opportunities.

Lastly, upskilling can help you find a new job by giving you the confidence to try new things and even apply for positions that you might not have considered in the past.

How to Upskill

As mentioned, you have several opportunities, including online classes, executive programs at your local university, conferences, and certifications. Regardless of what skill you decide to develop or where you decide to build it, the key is to have a plan.

First, you need to determine the skill you want to perfect. Then you need to have a plan for how you will learn and perfect it. From there, you need to make a budget – not just the cost of learning the new skill but also the time it will take. One of the biggest reasons people fail to complete a development course is that they do not set enough time to learn the skill.  Do not let this happen to you. Make sure you have enough time to learn.

Beyond these factors, you also have a plan for how you want to market your new skill. This might be just as important as the new skill itself, given that your reason for upskilling to standout in a crowded job market.


While the pandemic might end up only being an economic speedbump, there are millions of people who are suffering – as such, perfecting a new skill is one of the best ways to help you stand out in a crowded job market.

Remember that you need to have a plan to learn, and you want to make sure you stick to that plan. If not, then you will end up getting stuck with nothing to show for it. Also, remember that once you have earned your new skill, you need to publicize it. If you do not use your new talent to help you stand out, then the odds will probably not help you find your next job.

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