Powers Resource Center Chosen to Deliver Specialized Leadership Training Program for Global Organization

breaking news on leadership training program

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Denver, CO Powers Resource Center (PRC), a prominent provider of high-impact leadership training programs, is excited to announce its recent contract award to design and deliver a comprehensive leadership development workshop for an esteemed global manufacturing company. This partnership aims to equip senior leaders from 10 countries with essential skills to excel in today’s dynamic business landscape.

PRC’s selection for this prestigious contract is a testament to its proven expertise in leadership development and its ability to align programs with organizational strategy, vision, and values. The customized training will address key development areas identified for the organization’s senior leaders, focusing on enhancing their leadership capabilities. Participants will cultivate skills in “LEADING SELF” by building emotional intelligence to leverage diverse strengths and adapt to other styles, and “LEADING OTHERS” by understanding how to have influence with their team and developing others through coaching.

“We are truly honored to have been entrusted with this important project,” said Tara Powers, PRC’s founder and CEO “At PRC, we are dedicated to creating transformative learning experiences that empower leaders to thrive and drive positive change within their organizations. This training will provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their effectiveness, foster inclusivity, and build stronger teams.”

Extensive research demonstrates the significant value of investing in leadership development. Recent studies have revealed that organizations prioritizing learning and development experience 27 percent lower turnover and achieve double the revenue per worker compared to those that do not emphasize employee growth and education.

The leadership development program, spanning approximately 2-3 months, will incorporate three virtual 2.5-hour workshops and two group coaching sessions held via Zoom. Participants will actively engage in assignment and application activities between sessions, allowing them to apply their newfound skills and insights in real-world scenarios. To gauge the program’s impact, a comprehensive survey will be administered at the program’s onset and conclusion, benchmarking participants’ confidence, skill levels, and overall effectiveness.

PRC’s approach to designing the program involves a strategy design and alignment meeting with internal stakeholders from the partnering organization. This collaborative process ensures that the program aligns seamlessly with the organization’s vision, values, and leadership expectations. Throughout the program, PRC’s facilitators and coaches, boasting diverse industry experience, will guide participants, equipping them with the necessary tools and insights to thrive in their leadership roles.

PRC remains committed to delivering innovative, results-driven training programs that align with the unique needs and values of its clients. With a diverse team of experts and a customer-centric approach, PRC continues to be a trusted partner for organizations seeking to unlock the full potential of their leaders.

For more information about PRC and its range of leadership development programs, interested leaders can visit www.powersresourcecenter.com.


About Powers Resource Center
PRC offers award-winning training products and programs that focus on modern leadership for the future of work through developing engaged, emotionally-intelligent leaders and truly cohesive teams. Programs include DiSC Certification, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Practitioner Certification, train the trainer, done-for-you workshop content, virtual leadership training and custom-built programs. Over the past 25 years, PRC has worked with more than 350 companies and thousands of executives, managers, internal trainers, emerging leaders and teams to create cultures that get them excited and deliver results. Information: www.PowersResourceCenter.com. 

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