How to Create Engaging Content for a Coaching Blog

A group people are standing around a table with a small whiteboard and laptop computers discussing an issue.
A group people are standing around a table with a small whiteboard and laptop computers discussing an issue.
How to Create Engaging Content for a Coaching Blog

To help you create engaging content for your executive coaching blog, we’ve gathered ten unique tips from industry professionals and leaders. From intertwining personal stories with emotional intelligence to enhancing engagement with video content, these insights come from a diverse group of CEOs, marketing experts, and other key figures. Dive into these valuable perspectives to elevate your blog content.

●      Intertwine Personal Stories with Emotional Intelligence
●      Engage Real Client Feedback in Blogs
●      Focus on Tangible Outcomes and Success Stories
●      Prioritize Clarity Over Complexity
●      Humanize Content with Personal Narratives
●      Address Reader’s Needs and Questions
●      Share Unique Lessons from Executive Coaching
●      Provide Authentic Perspectives and Personal Stories
●      Invite Guest Bloggers for Diverse Insights
●      Enhance Engagement with Video Content

Intertwine Personal Stories with Emotional Intelligence

One tip I would recommend is to intertwine personal development stories with the principles of emotional intelligence. This approach not only humanizes the often abstract concepts of leadership and management, but it also resonates with your readers on an emotional level.

For instance, I often share stories from my journey as a life coach, demonstrating how understanding my emotional reactions helped me improve my decision-making, enhance my relationships, and ultimately serve my clients better.

This storytelling technique helps capture attention and also shows the practical benefits of adopting emotional intelligence strategies. By making your content personal and relatable, you’re more likely to engage your readers and inspire them to implement your insights in their own lives.

Bayu Prihandito, Psychology Expert, Life Coach, Founder, Life Architekture

Engage Real Client Feedback in Blogs

One idea for creating engaging content for a blog about executive coaching would be to keep “the main thing” as the main thing. Engage real client feedback and reference this in the blog. This could include why clients pursued it, how they benefited, how they measured success, what more additional coaches could do to be effective, and what they’d like to see.

Diane Gongaware, Executive Coach

Focus on Tangible Outcomes and Success Stories

Creating engaging content for a blog about executive coaching often involves focusing on tangible outcomes.

As a general manager, the privilege of coaching an executive team to enhance their leadership skills was experienced. Instead of solely emphasizing theoretical concepts, blog posts were crafted that highlighted real-life success stories and practical strategies employed by executives to achieve measurable results.

Showcasing concrete outcomes, such as increased team productivity, enhanced communication, and successful organizational transformations, allowed readers to connect with the content on a deeper level. This approach captured their attention and provided them with actionable insights they could implement in their own professional journeys.

Haya Subhan, General Manager, First Aid at Work Course

Prioritize Clarity Over Complexity

From my experience, I’d tell you that to create captivating content for an executive-coaching blog, it’s critical to abstain from overwhelming jargon. I recall a time when we wanted to establish our company as an authority in the industry.

We crafted a series of blog posts teeming with technical terms and industry jargon, believing it would show our expertise. Ironically, these pieces saw the least engagement. Our readers were lost, unable to connect with the content. They didn’t need to be impressed by how much we knew; they needed understandable, accessible insights to improve their own skills and careers.

Ever since, we’ve focused on clarity over complexity, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Rabea Elias, Business Head, Almowafir

Humanize Content with Personal Narratives

Humanize your content by incorporating personal stories, examples, and case studies. Stories have a powerful impact on engaging readers and helping them relate to the information you present. Share success stories of executives who have benefited from coaching or write about your own experiences in coaching sessions.

By weaving narratives into your content, you make it more relatable, memorable, and engaging.

Adil Advani, Marketing Director, AnySoftwareTools

Address Reader’s Needs and Questions

What are the challenges that executives are facing today? What are their goals? What are they hoping to achieve through executive coaching? When you write your blog posts, keep these questions in mind and focus on providing content that is relevant and helpful to your target audience.

Here are some specific examples of how you can focus on the reader’s needs and pain points in your blog posts:

  • Use real-world examples. Share stories from your own experience as an executive coach, or from the experiences of your clients. This will help your readers see how executive coaching can help them overcome their own challenges.
  • Offer practical advice. Don’t just tell your readers what they need to do; show them how to do it. Provide step-by-step instructions, checklists, and templates that they can use to implement the advice you’re giving.
  • Answer their questions. What are the questions that executives are asking about executive coaching? What are they wondering about the process?

Brenton Thomas, CEO, Twibi

Share Unique Lessons from Executive Coaching

When creating content, most writers will type their primary keyword into Google and regurgitate whatever is on the front page. When people read their content, it offers nothing original; it sounds like every other article on the internet.

This is why I suggest sharing lessons you’ve learned as an executive coach. When people read your work, it’s unique because it’s based on your life lessons. They won’t be able to find it anywhere else on the internet, and this originality engages people.

Scott Lieberman, Owner, Touchdown Money

Provide Authentic Perspectives and Personal Stories

When writing content for a blog about executive coaching, it’s important to provide authentic perspectives. People respond better to stories that have an emotional connection and an understanding of their struggles.

So, be sure to include stories from clients you’ve worked with that illustrate the impact your coaching has had. You can also include anecdotes or advice from executives who have experienced success with executive coaching. Doing so will help show the value of executive coaching and engage readers meaningfully.

In addition, you can share your own personal story as an executive coach and the challenges you faced while working with clients. This will show readers you understand the struggles they’re going through, as well as give them actionable insights to take away.

Takeaway: Showcase authentic perspectives from clients, executives, and yourself to create engaging content for a blog about executive coaching.

Darryl Stevens, CEO, Digitech Web Design

Invite Guest Bloggers for Diverse Insights

It would be a fantastic idea to invite guest bloggers who are established thought-leaders in executive coaching or a related area to contribute to your blog. Other executive coaches, psychologists, or leadership specialists could contribute their thoughts and ideas.

This partnership not only adds new perspectives to your blog’s discussion about executive coaching but also attracts and engages a wider readership.

Tom Miller, Director of Marketing, Fitness Volt

Enhance Engagement with Video Content

Use videos in your blog. They not only help make your content more engaging, but they also help both your blog and video rank higher, which leads to a higher CTR. I’d recommend creating videos that basically summarize your articles, then embedding them directly at the top of your article.

Taylor Scher, SEO Associate, TaylorScherSEO

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