q Setting the Foundation for Engaging Coaching Clients | CCC Blog

Setting the Foundation for Engaging Coaching Clients

Setting the Foundation for Engaging Coaching Clients

The 11 Core Competencies of a Coach as defined by the International Coach Federation, ICF, are organized in four areas.  Through coach training, these competencies are learned and developed.  After coaching certification, these same competencies serve to engage new clients.

Setting the Foundation for Engaging Coaching Clients
Setting the Foundation

Start with the first category and first two competencies:

  1. Setting the Foundation
    1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
    2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement

As a new coach, chances are you plan to or are already updating your profile on social media and creating a website.  This is a great opportunity to apply the first two coaching competencies!

First, include information on what coaching is and is not – draw from your coach training class.  Write about how the focus of your coaching is to empower the client and that they choose what they want to accomplish and how they want you to partner with them.

Second, promote the ICF Code of Ethics and share your commitment to abide by it as a coach.  Talk about how you learned about the ethics during coach training.  Share your plans to continue coach training for ICF membership or credentialing.

For your network and prospective clients who read about you on your social media profiles and website, your information on coach training, coaching ethics, and on empowering the client speaks to your commitment to provide effective coaching that makes a difference.  This is an invitation for them to contact you or refer you to others they know who want a coach.

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