Six Business Cases for Interim Staffing

Businesses experience fluctuations based on market conditions, competitive landscapes, and other internal and external factors. Whether these business challenges are exciting (accelerating growth) or nausea-inducing (layoffs), you’ll need a strong HR team that can adapt to your unique position and help your business achieve its goals.

If you need to bolster your current team with specific skills or add additional resources for project-based work, you should consider interim staffing.

Interim staffing can help you add a variety of temporary HR professionals, from HR generalists to specialized consultants, during critical times.

Here are just a few of the problems that interim staffing can solve for your organization.

1. Compliance & Changing Laws

There’s a whole slew of employment laws that your HR team needs to stay on top of:

  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • OSHA
  • Sexual harassment laws
  • Anti-discrimination laws
  • Other industry-specific laws

If an employment law changes or your business is leveraging new types of workers, you might need to bring in an HR professional that understands how to ensure your company’s compliance with applicable laws.

Example positions to use interim staffing: HR compliance generalist, HR compliance manager, HR consultant

2. Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can take months, and the resulting operational and cultural transformations can continue for years. During this critical time, a massive amount of HR legwork is needed. According to SHRM, there are over 100 HR tasks that need to be addressed before a merger or acquisition is complete.

Some of the most essential items include:

  • Effects of the acquisition on structure
  • Employment agreements, consulting agreements, non-compete agreements
  • Welfare plans
  • Qualified retirement plans
  • Stock purchase plans
  • Pension and profit-sharing plans

To ensure that the transition goes smoothly for your employees, you may need to bring on additional help. Whether this help is strategic or administrator-level depends on your needs, but knowing interim help is possible can prevent 60-hour work weeks and subsequent burnout.

Example positions to use interim staffing: Director of talent & culture, talent management specialist, payroll specialist, benefits specialist, compensation analyst, HR generalist, HR consultant

3. Lack of Leadership Development

We know employees leave bosses, not jobs. It’s vital that the managers in your organization are leaders who inspire. For small or inexperienced HR departments, Leadership Development can be quite an undertaking.

Bringing in an interim HR consultant who specializes in leadership programs can be an economical solution. They can monitor and analyze your organization and develop a custom leadership development track. Once implemented, your team takes control and uses it to further develop your organization’s ideal leadership program.

Example positions to use interim staffing: HR consultant, leadership development specialist

4. Compensation Strategy

If your company is consistently losing talent or prospects to other companies, you may have a compensation (or benefit) problem. Bringing in a compensation strategist to review your current plan and provide recommendations can be a quick solution for struggling companies.

Example positions to use interim staffing: Compensation analyst, compensation manager, benefits package specialist

5. Creating a Recruiting Department

Internal recruiters are essential to large and growing businesses. They nurture and manage talent pipelines and make the hiring and on-boarding process more efficient. Recruiters with deep organization knowledge give you more control over the cultural fit, weeding out misfits and pursuing top-tier candidates.

Since your recruitment team will be the first interaction a future employee has with your company, you’ll want to hire rockstars that align with (and can sell) your company’s culture.

Without substantial knowledge of recruitment, this can be difficult (and expensive if not implemented correctly).

Bring in an interim recruiter or consultant to create your department and help set the talent acquisition strategy and process.

Example positions to use interim staffing: HR consultants, recruiters, talent acquisition leaders, talent management directors

6. Extended Leave

From maternity and paternity leave to family and medical leave, there are quite a few scenarios where your team could be without a key HR role for months.

While these leaves should be fully supported, you may need an interim solution to keep the department functioning during absences. With proper planning and strategy, any type of HR role can be filled with a temporary HR professional.

Solve Your People Equation

hrQ a LandrumHR company logoEach of the people challenges above can be solved with the help of Interim Staffing.

Bringing in a specialist for a time improves efficiency and effectiveness and can keep you running smoothly.  Once the work is complete, interim HR professionals can exit your organization with ease, empowering your team to take on the new initiatives.

hrQ can help your business with its interim HR staffing needs. Because we recruit, keep staff on our payroll, and handle employment logistics, your team can focus on their core responsibilities.

Contact hrQ to learn more about our interim HR staffing process and how we can help your team.

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