Top 10 Event Planning Tools for HR in 2024

By hrlineup | 06.06.2024

In the dynamic landscape of human resources (HR), event planning has become an essential component for fostering employee engagement, boosting team morale, and facilitating organizational growth. With the advancement of technology, HR professionals now have access to a plethora of event planning tools designed to streamline the process and enhance the overall experience. As we step into 2024, let’s explore the top 10 event planning tools that are empowering HR teams to orchestrate successful and impactful events.

10 Best Event Management Software in 2024

1. Cvent 

Cvent is a comprehensive event management platform that provides HR professionals with tools to plan, promote, and execute events seamlessly. From corporate training sessions to team-building activities, Cvent offers features such as event registration, attendee management, venue sourcing, and data analytics. The platform’s user-friendly interface and integration capabilities make it a go-to choice for HR event planners.

2. Purple

Purple has emerged as a prominent event planning tool that offers innovative features for events. Purple is a digital platform that walks you through each and every step of the planning process, providing endless ideas and inspiration, and then connecting you with the top vendors in your area who will help bring that vision to life.

3. Eventbrite 

Eventbrite remains a popular choice for HR teams looking to organize events of all sizes. The platform enables HR professionals to create event pages, manage registrations, and even sell tickets if needed. Its mobile app allows event organizers to stay updated on attendee details and engagement in real-time.

4. Whova 

Whova is an all-in-one event management software that caters to HR professionals seeking to enhance attendee networking and engagement. The tool offers features like personalized agendas, virtual event hosting, attendee matchmaking, and interactive live polls, making it an ideal choice for HR-led conferences and workshops.

5. Bizzabo 

Bizzabo focuses on creating engaging event experiences by providing tools to manage registrations, analyze attendee engagement, and facilitate networking. HR teams can utilize Bizzabo to customize event websites, develop branded mobile apps, and integrate with various marketing platforms to maximize event reach.

6. Splash 

Splash is a visually appealing event marketing platform that allows HR professionals to design event pages that align with their brand identity. With features like registration management, ticketing, and email marketing, HR teams can create immersive event experiences that leave a lasting impact on attendees.

7. Gather 

Gather offers a suite of event management solutions designed for HR professionals in charge of organizing company meetings, conferences, and corporate retreats. The platform streamlines event logistics, including venue sourcing, budget tracking, and vendor management, ensuring smooth event execution.

8. Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot continues to be a preferred choice for HR professionals organizing events. This all-in-one membership management software offers event planning capabilities that cater to a variety of HR needs. With features like online registration, payment processing, and communication tools, Wild Apricot simplifies the event management process, allowing HR teams to focus on creating impactful experiences.

9. Zoho Backstage

Zoho Backstage is a cloud-based event management software that assists HR teams in planning, promoting, and analyzing events. With features like event registration, multi-track session management, and attendee engagement insights, Zoho Backstage simplifies the entire event lifecycle.

10. HeySummit 

HeySummit caters to HR professionals venturing into virtual events and webinars. The platform enables seamless hosting of online summits, conferences, and workshops, providing tools for speaker coordination, live streaming, and interactive audience engagement.

The Importance of Event Management Software in HR

Event management software has transformed the way HR professionals approach event planning. These tools offer a centralized platform to handle various aspects of event organization, from sending out invitations and tracking RSVPs to managing schedules, communication, and post-event analytics. With the right event management software, HR teams can enhance collaboration, reduce manual work, and deliver memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact on employees.

How to Choose the Best Event Management Software

Selecting the right event management software for your HR needs involves careful consideration of several factors:

  • Event Type and Scale: Determine the nature and size of your HR event. Smaller workshops may require different features compared to large-scale conferences or company-wide gatherings.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The software should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing HR professionals to navigate the platform with ease.
  • Customization: Look for software that can be tailored to your brand’s identity and the specific requirements of your HR events.
  • Features: Consider the features you need most, such as registration management, communication tools, mobile apps, and analytics.
  • Integration: Ensure that the software can integrate with other HR tools you use for a seamless workflow.
  • Support and Training: A responsive support team and available training resources can be invaluable, especially when adopting a new software solution.
  • Budget: Compare pricing plans and assess the value the software brings to your HR event planning process.


In the fast-paced world of HR, event planning tools have become essential assets for creating memorable and impactful experiences. The top 10 event planning tools for HR in 2024 listed above offer a wide array of features that cater to different event types and scales, providing HR professionals with the means to orchestrate successful events while enhancing employee engagement and organizational growth. Whether it’s a virtual conference, a team-building workshop, or a large-scale seminar, these tools are equipped to simplify the event planning journey and contribute to the overall success of HR-led initiatives.