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14 Leadership Tips For Setting Expectations The ‘Right’ Way

Forbes Coaches Council

As a leader, thoroughly outlining employee expectations is critical for organizational success. Expecting employees to know what your preferences are before explaining them can lead to a toxic working environment and distrust among your team.

Leaders may find it difficult to set expectations the “right way” or be unsure how to follow up on these expectations without seeming too heavy-handed. Here, 14 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss how leaders can handle these conversations with employees and ensure expectations are met without causing long-term problems within their teams.

1. Pinpoint Your Needs

Expectations stem from our needs. We all have them, so it’s helpful to surface them as a two-way conversation. To establish them, ask, “What needs do I have of this person?” and, “What needs do they have of me?” This is also a great way to iron out assumptions and make what is often implicit, explicit. What you agree on can then be used to review how well expectations are being met. - Mary Gregory, Mary Gregory Ltd.

2. Ensure Your Message Lands Well

Setting clear expectations, even in the most eloquent and motivational way, does not automatically mean that the message comes across and will be implemented right away. Simply voicing directions doesn’t mean the organization will follow suit. I highly recommend spending time on understanding if and how the message landed and what additional support might be required for a successful implementation. - Heidi Hauer, Heidi Hauer Coaching & Consulting

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3. Explain The ‘Why’ Behind The Expectation

Buy-in is a key element of setting expectations—if one doesn’t see the relevance or understand the “why” behind the expectation, it’s not likely to be met. Leaders can check in and see how the team connects to the “why” for an expectation, supporting them in internalizing the rationale in whatever way it makes sense and is most meaningful for them. Without buy-in, leaders risk seeming heavy-handed. - Jennifer Landis-Santos, Cassaday & Company, Inc.

4. Make The ‘Why’ Meaningful To The Employee

When setting clear expectations, leaders should be prepared to speak to the “why” behind them. That can relate back to a team or organizational goal, but definitely consider making it meaningful to the employee themselves. Once the “why” is communicated, plan to speak to it daily if not weekly, and check in as a team, group or individually to gauge people’s commitment to your goals and expectations. - Joshua Miller, Joshua Miller Executive Coaching

5. Paint A Picture Of What ‘Right’ Looks Like

Setting explicit expectations for your team is essential for team effectiveness. Providing your leaders and their teams with the picture of what “right” looks like and what’s expected of them in terms of performance, safety, quality and teamwork creates awareness. Connecting expectations with the mission, vision and values of your organization will create the engagement you’re looking for. - Dennis Volpe, LRI

6. Reinforce Teamwork And Trust

Setting expectations for employees is a key, integral part of organizational success. What is the right way to do it? It begins with reinforcing that you all are a “team.” You are working together—you have their backs! Once this trust is in place, then you can show how each employee’s input is critical to the success of the team as a whole. Be sure to share credit as well! - Ash Varma, Varma & Associates

7. Identify Your Expectations And Welcome Questions

Setting clear expectations starts by understanding yours. Begin by identifying your expectations and communicating them early on in a clear and direct way, ensuring you leave time and space for questions. I advise leaders to normalize talking about expectations by making it a regular part of the check-ins. - Sohee Jun, S.J. Consulting, LLC

8. Ensure Check-Ins Are Supportive

Following up and checking in with employees regularly can also help to meet expectations. However, it’s essential to do this in a supportive and coaching manner rather than in a reprimanding manner. Aim to have open and honest conversations about progress, offer assistance or resources where needed, and celebrate successes together. - Peter Boolkah, The Transition Guy

9. Create Agreements, Not Expectations

Do not set expectations. Instead, create agreements that are inclusive and collaborative. Agreements feel good and lead to better outcomes; expectations are one-sided and feel like pressure. People don’t perform well under pressure. If an agreement isn’t met, you can easily reference it and discuss viable next steps. The best part is that people want to stick to their agreements and have integrity. - Rosie Guagliardo, InnerBrilliance Coaching

10. Check Yourself When You Say ‘Should’

Monitor your “should-ing.” When you find yourself “should-ing” (“he should”; “she shouldn’t”), this means you have an expectation that hasn’t been met. That’s also your cue to be curious. If your team isn’t meeting expectations, have you actually been clear with your expectations? Do you actually know what you expect? Most of us don’t, because expectations often are subconscious. Start with yourself. - Yvette Costa, Velocity Advisory Group

11. Use A Coaching Approach

Powerful and motivating expectations stem from having a shared vision and values. When employees feel that the process is collaborative, they become more engaged in the process. Using a coaching approach in meetings, for both individuals and teams, is a highly effective way for the leader to challenge, when necessary, in a supportive way and to also celebrate and acknowledge successes. - Cath Daley, Cath Daley Ltd.

12. Create An Inspiring Vision

Setting clear expectations starts with setting a clear vision. When your vision is inspiring, employees will be motivated and appreciate being great contributors to its success. Checking in on progress and being accessible for questions and feedback is the key to your staff meeting and even exceeding expectations. - Tinna Jackson, Jackson Consulting Group, LLC

13. Align Expectations With Business Goals

Start by aligning the expectations with the organization’s goals and vision. How does this play a part in helping the team and the organization succeed? Hold an open, two-way conversation about why this is important and ensure you are aligned. You can bring the business values in to help clarify what you mean specifically. Then, determine how the employee would like you to support and check in with them. - Sarah Needham, Unique-U Coaching

14. Set Purposeful Goals

“Grit” is defined as the intersection of passion for purposeful goals and the perseverance to achieve these goals. The goal should be challenging enough to push you above your everyday work, leading to a flow of more great work. If a goal is too challenging, anxiety will appear; if it’s too easy, boredom and apathy will appear. “How high can you fly?” is a good starting point. - Julien Fortuit, Julien Fortuit Agency

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