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20 Smart Ways Managers Can Foster More Open Dialogue In The Workplace

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Jun 1, 2023, 12:30pm EDT

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace landscape, fostering a culture of open communication is crucial for organizational success. One key aspect of a strong culture is employees feeling secure enough to express their grievances, concerns and ideas freely. Effective managers recognize that an empowered and engaged workforce leads to enhanced productivity, greater innovation and overall job satisfaction.

Below, 20 Forbes Coaches Council members explore actionable strategies leaders can implement to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages employees to voice their opinions and contribute to the growth and development of the organization.

1. Seek Employee Feedback

Leaders should first ask for team members’ ideas and input, listen patiently while they share them, acknowledge what has been said, then collectively discuss any next steps based on feedback or ideas. The key is to practice all four steps, consistently and without fail, which is rare. - Shawn Casemore, Casemore and Co. Inc.

2. Act On Employee Input

Leaders must demonstrate that input from employees is always seriously considered and often acted upon. Start keeping track of new ideas, input and suggestions from your team. Record the actions being taken to hold yourself accountable, and communicate progress to the team. As employees begin to see that their input is valued, they will naturally become more vocal. - Brian Houp, ReZone Coaching

3. Demonstrate The Importance Of Feedback

Employees are more inclined to share when they believe that their ideas will be implemented or their concerns will actually be addressed. It’s critical to end your conversation with a call to action. Ask employees to share one action they’ll take to apply their idea to the next team project. Offer one step that you’ll take to resolve their concerns. Proof of action shows employees that their workplace is listening. - Loren Margolis, TLS Leaders

4. Learn How To Hold Space

Managers need more training on how to hold space for employees before they can encourage them to be more vocal. If a manager does not know how to create this safe space, any attempt at soliciting feedback will not be a positive experience for all involved. The quickest way to do this is for a manager to receive feedback neutrally and ask high mileage questions while also clarifying what they heard. - Vix Reitano,

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5. Become More Comfortable With Emotions

Emotions are still taboo in some work environments. Leaders often prefer to avoid conversations that have the potential of turning into emotional ones. However, emotions are our internal GPS system, locating what really matters. Given some judgment-free space, they pass. Underneath is the real conversation that needs to happen. We need to build the capacity to access emotions. - Alessandra Marazzi, Alessandra Marazzi GmbH

6. Discuss What’s Going Well And What Isn’t

Make it a regular habit to discuss what’s going well and what can be better. This removes the stigma and normalizes hard conversations. One of my clients keeps it lighthearted by having a monthly “into it/over it” meeting. New issues will always come up, so this will help employees to feel confident they have a forum to speak up and collectively address issues before they get too big. - Carrie Skowronski, Leadology

7. Consistently Welcome Ideas From Employees

Create a transparent and open culture by consistently welcoming ideas from employees. Employees will not feel comfortable sharing unless they see managers listen in team meetings and implement worthwhile ideas, even if managers pay lip service to transparency. These small actions will help build a work environment where employees will vocalize their thoughts and opinions. - Michael Timmes, Insperity

8. Be Open To Hearing Feedback

Employees will tell you what they think and what’s not working if they believe you are open to hearing it. One of the best bosses I’ve ever had would ask in every one-on-one and department meeting, “What are we doing that makes you roll your eyes?” It was so simple and effective. - Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

9. Build An Environment Of Trust

Focus on building an environment of trust. There are resources available, such as Peter Lencioni’s Five Behaviors of a cohesive team, that can provide a roadmap for leaders. Build trust, which is the foundation for employees to have productive conflict; then you can discuss their concerns and bring their ideas forward because you have built a safe space for them to share openly. - Bryan Powell, Executive Coaching Space

10. Be A Role Model

Leaders’ role modeling is the strongest predictor of co-worker behavior. If a leader has developed the emotional maturity and courage to share their own grievances, concerns and ideas, others will follow their example. My research shows that this type of vulnerable leadership behavior increases psychological safety in co-workers. - Katharina Schmidt, Inspiration & Discipline

11. Provide An Anonymous Communication Channel

Providing an anonymous channel to express themselves can encourage employees to communicate. Sometimes, employees may be reluctant to speak up because they fear retaliation or negative consequences. Managers can offer anonymity to employees who want to share their grievances, concerns or ideas anonymously. This can be done through suggestion boxes or anonymous surveys. - Andre Shojaie, HumanLearn

12. Be Vulnerable With Employees

Vulnerability is table stakes in the quest for psychological safety. If you are not willing and able to demonstrate vulnerability yourself as a manager, then you can’t expect your team to do it. With the basic idea of mirror neurons, if you consistently speak up about your own mistakes, grievances, concerns and ideas, and reward and celebrate others for doing so, more will follow your lead and speak up. - Alex Draper, DX Learning Solutions

13. Act On The Information You Receive

As a leader, if you aren’t acknowledging and implementing what others share, your employees will not feel heard, and over time, will stop contributing. Don’t let the input you seek get lost; the best way to encourage a culture of feedback and idea-sharing is to act on it. - Andrea Miller, Veritas Leadership, LLC

14. Prepare To Remain Objective

Leaders must prepare to remain objective and not be triggered by what they learn. Employees will often sound like victims when they are trying to share grievances, and this triggers management into tuning them out. Give your team an empowering process, making them understand that you all want the same thing: improvement. Provide various opportunities to share in a way that protects dignity for all. - Daphne Michaels, Daphne Michaels International

15. Slow Down And Work On Your ‘Inner Game’

I work with client leaders on this topic and have them slow down and work on their “inner game.” There’s no quick win or easy process tweak here. It’s a long game. If it’s truly important, then it’s part of the infinite game. Building psychological safety is key. Create space for all voices, invite participation and respond productively. It’s not a trend if it’s part of your belief system. - Duncan Skelton, Duncan Skelton Coaching Ltd

16. Don’t Expect Perfection

Managers and their teams will benefit when they stop demanding perfection and encourage bold and brave action instead! Employee mistakes should be celebrated, new ideas inspired and all feedback welcomed. Be sure to train your team around giving and receiving feedback so that it’s shared thoughtfully and gently when appropriate. - Michelle Rockwood, Unscripted Sales

17. Be Strong And Fair To Establish Trust

Employees will share in a culture and with a leader they trust. A culture where people are not afraid to speak up or challenge the status quo requires a strong and fair leader who gives constructive feedback and encourages robust conversations that challenge and bring innovative thinking to the team. A leader who truly listens engenders a culture where people step up and engage. - Angela Sedran, The Business Growth Accelerator

18. Be Present And Curious About Employees’ Emotions

One of the ways that managers can help their employees feel safe to share what’s on their minds is to remain present and curious about how the other person might be feeling and thinking. Once they have a sense of that, they may share it by saying something like, “I sense that you’re frustrated, and I am curious about...” or, “I imagine you’ve got some thoughts about this, and I’d love to hear them.” - Vered Kogan, Momentum Institute

19. Include Employees While Creating Solutions

Managers need to create safe and trusted spaces for employees to open up. Such spaces can’t be created unless the manager shows authenticity, vulnerability, transparency and acceptance. Manager must have great self-management skills to stay present while listening without personalizing the topic or judging the person or situation. It is always a good choice to include employees while creating solutions. - Senem Anataca, 180UTC

20. Give Employees Space For Creative Thinking

Too many managers I work with assign work without giving employees any space for coming up with new and better ways to work. Allow time for brainstorming sessions where everyone can contribute. - Stacey Ackerman, NavigateAgile

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