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Authentic Self And Emotional Agility: A New Paradigm In Leadership

Forbes Coaches Council

Andre Shojaie is CEO at HumanLearn and a successful entrepreneur & coach helping individuals and organizations perform in a changing world.

The landscape of leadership has evolved significantly over the years, with new theories and concepts reshaping our understanding of what makes a successful leader. Two such concepts that have gained prominence recently are emotional agility and the authentic self. Both focus on the leader's inner realm, and when intertwined, they offer a powerful paradigm for impactful leadership.

Understanding The Authentic Self

The authentic self (subscription required) represents an individual's genuine essence, unburdened by societal expectations and personal insecurities. This concept encapsulates one's values, beliefs, aspirations and emotions.

Successful leaders, such as Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, exemplify this principle. Nooyi consistently advocated for corporate responsibility and sustainable practices, signaling her commitment to ethics and integrity. Moreover, she used her influential position to inspire and empower others, which aligns with her core value of fostering growth and development.

This trait also shines through global leaders like Jacinda Ardern, the former prime minister of New Zealand, who demonstrated authenticity after the Christchurch mosque shootings in 2019. Her empathetic response included a strong rejection of hate and extremism that directly reflected her personal values of inclusiveness and compassion.

Such leaders demonstrate how authenticity—maintaining congruence between one's actions and one's true self—can foster a culture of trust and inspiration and a harmonious work environment that resonates with the leader's essence.

Emotional Agility: A Closer Look

Coined by psychologist Susan David, emotional agility is the ability to navigate one's feelings with adaptability. It involves recognizing and understanding emotions, responding flexibly to changing circumstances and aligning actions with core values. This skill equips leaders with the tools to manage emotional dynamics within themselves and their teams.

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, displayed emotional agility by transforming the company's competitive culture into one of collaboration and creativity, confronting uncomfortable truths and realigning the environment with his own values and vision.

By fostering resilience, empathy and effective decision-making, leaders like Nadella demonstrate the practical benefits of emotional agility.

The Synergy Of Authenticity And Emotional Agility In Leadership

The convergence of the authentic self and emotional agility forges a potent combination that enhances leadership effectiveness. Authentic leaders, grounded in their true selves, possess the self-awareness and courage to acknowledge vulnerabilities and leverage strengths. Emotional agility complements this by enabling leaders to manage emotional terrain, effectively handle stress and build strong interpersonal relationships. Here are three specific benefits of such a combination:

1. Enhanced Trust And Transparency

Authenticity fosters trust within teams. When leaders act in alignment with their authentic selves, they project authenticity and transparency, fostering an environment of openness and psychological safety. Emotional agility further reinforces trust by enabling leaders to manage their emotions, engage in active listening and respond empathetically to their team members' needs.

2. Improved Resilience And Adaptability

Authentic, emotionally agile leaders meet challenges with resilience and adaptability. By recognizing their own emotions and those of others, they cultivate the flexibility to adjust their leadership style to the situation, navigate complexities and drive organizational growth. Their ability to embrace change and lead by example empowers their teams to do the same.

Different circumstances may require different leadership styles; part of being an authentic leader is recognizing when to adapt and how this adaptation can lead to growth.

3. An Empathetic Work Culture

Authenticity and emotional agility together foster an empathetic work culture. Authentic leaders, in tune with their own emotions, are more empathetic and understanding of their team members' feelings. Emotional agility allows leaders to effectively respond to and support their teams' emotional needs, promoting well-being and creating a collaborative environment that nurtures growth and innovation.

Developing Authentic Leadership And Emotional Agility

Developing authentic leadership and emotional agility requires introspection, self-reflection and ongoing growth. Leaders must embark on a journey of self-discovery, examining their values, beliefs and aspirations. They must cultivate emotional intelligence, practice mindfulness and engage in continuous learning and development.

Practical steps could include daily meditation for improved mindfulness, regular feedback sessions for self-awareness and leadership workshops for continuous learning. By nurturing their authentic selves and strengthening emotional agility, leaders can unleash their full potential and create positive impacts in their organizations.

The Challenges

The journey to authenticity and emotional agility is not without challenges. It requires leaders to become vulnerable, acknowledge their weaknesses and confront uncomfortable emotions. Yet, it is by facing and overcoming these hurdles that leaders experience personal and professional growth, fostering authenticity and emotional agility.

Leaders can navigate these challenges by seeking mentorship, obtaining professional coaching and leaning on supportive networks. Companies like Google and Intel, for instance, have incorporated mindfulness training and emotional intelligence workshops into their leadership development programs, recognizing the value of these traits.

Charting The Future: The Evolution Of Leadership

As we push further into the 21st century, understanding the dynamics of authenticity and emotional agility in leadership becomes more than an intellectual pursuit; it becomes a necessity for continued organizational success. The new leadership paradigm doesn't represent a conclusion, but rather a stepping stone toward a more nuanced understanding of leadership in our rapidly changing world.

The combined power of authenticity and emotional agility in leadership fosters leaders who are not only trustworthy, resilient and empathetic but also capable of skillfully directing their emotional landscape while remaining true to themselves. The impact of this leadership model transcends the boundaries of achieving organizational goals. It paves the way for cultivating meaningful relationships, fostering a positive work environment and, ultimately, humanizing the workplace.

In this pursuit, every one of us—whether a leader by title or by action—has a vital role to play. We must strive to foster authenticity and cultivate emotional agility as we continue to navigate the complexities of leadership in a world in constant flux. The future of leadership is here, and it is authentic, agile and undeniably human.

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