Your Guide to Mastering Time Management

by Oct 3, 2023

Do you ever find yourself in that all-too-familiar situation of juggling different tasks at work, feeling like you’re on a never-ending rollercoaster of meetings, deadlines, emails, and projects? It’s a scenario we can all relate to. The demands on time just seem to keep piling up.

The key to thriving in this work environment lies in mastering time management—a skill that can be your ticket to achieving greater productivity, reducing stress, and ultimately reclaiming control over your workday. 


Mastering Time Management

Here are some strategies to make the most of your time at work.


Prioritize Your Tasks

One of the fundamental principles of time management is prioritization. By focusing on the most important tasks first, you can make significant strides toward greater productivity. 

A great way for me to decide which tasks I should prioritize is by using my CRM board. I put all my tasks there, mention when they’re due, label them, and sort them. This helps me see which ones I should do first. When given many tasks at once, I ask my boss, “Which one should I do first?” This way, I get a clear idea of what’s most important.


Set Clear Goals

You’re probably familiar with SMART goals, right? Setting SMART goals is essential for effective time management. When you’ve got them laid out, it’s easier to know where you’re headed and how to get there.

Let’s say you work in sales. Instead of aiming to increase your sales figures, set a specific goal, like “Increase monthly sales by 20%.” This clearly defined objective gives you a tangible target to work towards and allows you to allocate your time and resources more efficiently.


Use Time-Blocking Techniques

Time-blocking is a highly effective productivity technique that can significantly improve your daily workflow and overall efficiency. By breaking your day into distinct segments and allocating specific tasks or activities to each block, you can maximize your focus, minimize distractions, and achieve more in less time.

Instead of constantly checking your emails throughout the day, try setting aside a dedicated block of time, like from 9:00 am to 9:45 am, to clear your inbox and respond to messages. After that, you can smoothly move on to the next task on your list. 

It’s a strategy favored by successful professionals because it enhances focus and minimizes multitasking, which can be detrimental to productivity.


Embrace the 2-Minute Rule

The 2-Minute Rule, popularized by productivity guru David Allen, suggests that if a task can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately. This rule prevents small tasks from piling up and consuming more time later.

Adding the 2-Minute Rule to your daily routine can be a game-changer. It keeps your tasks in check, reduces stress, and boosts your overall productivity. Plus, it’s super simple but incredibly effective, leading to some serious improvements in how you manage your time and get things done.


For Managers and Supervisors

As a leader, one of the most important things you can do is maintain open and honest communication with your team. So, try asking your team members, “How’s your bandwidth?” regularly. This simple question lets them know that you care about their workload and are ready to support them, rather than just piling on more tasks.

Additionally, think about offering valuable training opportunities to your team. Research has shown that when companies invest in employee training, they can see a whopping 24% increase in productivity!

But it’s not just about talking the talk; you’ve got to walk the walk too. Lead by example by showing the importance of setting clear priorities, sticking to schedules, and respecting work-life balance. When your team sees you doing it, they’re more likely to follow suit.

Last but not least, don’t forget to create a culture of recognition and appreciation among your employees. A little acknowledgment can go a long way in boosting both productivity and job satisfaction. So, make sure to celebrate wins, both big and small, and let your team know just how much you appreciate their hard work!

Let us know how we can help you and your organization.


We are happy to share that our CEO, Catherine Mattice, has received four Community Top Voice badges on LinkedIn in Culture Change,  Emotional Intelligence, Internal Communications, Interpersonal Skills, and Talent Management! 

LinkedIn Top Voice

Incivility, bullying, and harassment occur because the culture allows them to. Before starting inclusivity initiatives, you’ve got to stop bad behavior. Take this assessment to determine if your workplace fosters a positive culture.


About Catherine Mattice

Catherine Mattice, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is President of consulting and training firm, Civility Partners, and has been successfully providing programs in workplace bullying and building positive workplaces since 2007. Her clients include Fortune 500’s, the military, several universities and hospitals, government agencies, small businesses and nonprofits. She has published in a variety of trade magazines and has appeared several times on NPR, FOX, NBC, and ABC as an expert, as well as in USA Today, Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. Catherine is Past-President of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), San Diego Chapter and teaches at National University. In his book foreword, Ken Blanchard called her book, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic.” She recently released a second book entitled, SEEKING CIVILITY: How Leaders, Managers and HR Can Create a Workplace Free of Bullying.

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