my freelancers don’t turn in work on time

A reader writes:

I manage 15-20 part-time, remote freelancers. Let’s say our end-client sells access to a recipe database; my job is to find great recipe writers, teach them how to develop recipes according to our house standards, and then get them creating recipes for us on a regular basis. Once a recipe is submitted, I assign someone to test it, and then it is published to the database.

There’s no real timeline to our need for new recipes, since we’re just building up a back catalog of content. In order to keep things moving and to plan the schedule, I ask my freelancers to produce one new recipe per month. But consistently, after their first couple assignments, the work comes in later and later. It’s not that developing these recipes takes more than a month. It’s that this is a side gig for everyone, and there are no real consequences to submitting late work other than inconvenience for me and the recipe-tester.

How can I get my freelancers to complete their work on schedule, or at least on a schedule? If I stopped giving work to those whose work is late, I’d have to hire an entirely new team. I try guilting them by highlighting how much it inconveniences the recipe-tester when their work is late, but it has little effect other than getting lots of emails apologizing.

I answer this question over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and sometimes updating/expanding my answers to them). You can read it here.

{ 83 comments… read them below }

    1. quill*

      Yes, also is this person sure that they’re paying appropriately for the actual amount of time this takes?

    2. L.H. Puttgrass*

      In the original post (Alison doesn’t link to the original posts for some reason, so I’ll refrain from putting one here, but a web search should turn it up easily enough), the OP says that their pay is “alright but not great” and that the freelancers all have day jobs. So it sounds like a situation where it’s hard to motivate the freelancers to care about the deadlines.

      1. Former Child*

        They accepted the pay upfront, so I wonder if it’s this —

        Can YOU get the assignments to them SOONER? Whose job is that?
        And combine that with getting more freelancers, so when someone sends in their assignment they get another one? Even if there are more people than jobs?

        If you have 10 jobs and 15 people, then the latest ones don’t get a job that month.

        Apologies if this doesn’t make sense.

      2. JJ*

        Lol really?? I was assuming her using the term “side gig” was just showing a misunderstanding of freelance work, but I guess she really is hiring people as side giggers.

        If LW keeps hiring people with 9-5s, she is never going to get satisfaction. There is literally no reason to prioritize a piddly freelance gig if your 9-5 job got busy, and losing said freelance gig would be of very little consequence compared to guaranteed full-time income.

        Dump the lot and get a handful of full-time freelancers, give them enough recipes each to make you worth their time and assign them a real schedule. Honestly if it is work similar to developing recipes (like article writing or blogs) any decent freelance writer could churn out way more than one per month.

    3. joss*

      I am going to assume that the free-lancers (f-ls) are paid. But I would add a stick to the requirement that all input be delivered by the 20th but letting the f-ls know that “for accounting purposes all content delivered after the 20th will be paid with a one month delay”. Having predictable input for payments is of benefit to accounting so this is beneficial to a company. It would also require a fixed payment date for all free lance work not a submittal + x days for this to work

      1. Camille Chaustre McNally*

        This was what I was thinking. “ok, it’s late, so we’ll get to this the next cycle!”

    4. Just Another Commentator*

      They mentioned in the comments of the original post that they don’t pay particularly well. I’m sympathetic to the LW as they too are a freelancer and likely underpaid, but when you pay Upwork fees, you get Upwork quality.

  1. Rainy*

    I mean, I’d also be curious whether this person is paying their freelancers promptly and in full for their content.

    If literally every freelancer you have is not giving you stuff to deadline, it’s probably not them, yanno?

    1. Nanani*

      Honestly the setup is pretty baffling. I wonder if the freelancers see this as “if you come up with an idea, send it in for extra money” but not as a priority that they have to come up with every month.
      This does not sound like a client that takes up anyone’s full slate of hours.

      1. Richard Hershberger*

        This is exactly what I thought. Do they come up with their own ideas, or are projects assigned. Does the freelancer have a flash “asparagus cheesecake!” and work it up into a real recipe, or does the LW somehow come up with the idea and farm it out.

        If the former, then what we have here are freelancers who go into the gig with a handful of ideas, which they deliver on promptly. Then they have to scrape together additional ideas, which come more slowly. And you know what? This isn’t necessarily a bad system. The LW just needs to expand her talent pool. But if these are specific assignments, and this is what it sounds like, then we have a problem. The solution is to time limit the assignment: If no asparagus cheesecake recipe is delivered within a specified timeframe, the assignment is canceled and another freelancer is given the project.

        1. Annony*

          I agree. If a large number are turning them in every two months instead of every month, double the number of freelancers and you will hit the target. Or if it is every 1.5 months, add 50% or whatever number gets you approximately the right number. If you get an excess, sit on some until next month so that you are ahead instead of behind.

  2. Nanani*

    “There’s no real timeline”
    Freelancers are not employees, and they have other clients.
    -your- work is a side gig but the total of gigs is their entire job. Your “side gig” with, I emphasize, no actual deadline, is never going to be their priority as long as that continues to be the case.

    How are your pay policies set up? Normally I would expect them to only get paid when they turn in a piece, and if work for you is not paying well it will not be prioritized over their other clients. Which they definitely have if you aren’t paying anyone enough to be top priority.

    If you want employees, hire employees.

    1. Fordby*

      As someone who has been a full time freelancer, and now hires a lot of full time freelancers – this sounds like the type of job that’s not hard to do as a one-off or two-off – but is harder to keep motivated (or coming up with ideas) on a longer timeline.

      Assuming you’ve been clear about the pay / deadlines / house style requirements – given that you’re seeing this *systemically* across all (or many) contributors, I’d strongly suggest getting a bigger pool of freelancers and cutting down on the amount of projects you’re assigning to each.

      Instead of 10 freelancers, contributing monthly – look at switching to 20 freelancers bi-monthly (or 40 freelancers quarterly, or whatever might make sense). There are lots of types of jobs where “Create 1 of this thing in a month” is reasonable, but “Create 12 things in a year” is not. And if you have particularly good freelancers who *want* more work, it gives you the flexibility to reward them for timely completion by giving them more work (and likewise requesting less from people who miss deadlines).

      1. College Career Counselor*

        I was thinking that asking them up front to submit 3 or 4 as a bundle might be the way to go. That assumes they can do 4 in a couple of months. Then circle back to them after 4 months and contract for another 4. That way, the freelancer would think “4 of these is a contracted job,” and submitting those would be better than the 1 or 2 the LW currently gets. Adding a few more freelancers would then get the LW up to 1 per month, perhaps with a cushion.

      2. boo bot*

        “There are lots of types of jobs where “Create 1 of this thing in a month” is reasonable, but “Create 12 things in a year” is not. ”

        YES. This.

      3. NinaBee*

        Maybe it’s the opposite? Maybe creating a recipe a month is too long a time and they get bored and unmotivated long term? Maybe the answer is to pick a good few freelancers and give them more work so the amount of income they get from the project is higher, and therefore the incentive is larger? Sometimes it’s easier to be busy than not (speaking as a freelancer myself). Freelancers are usually efficient in juggling project timelines but when there’s not much to do it’s hard to get motivated.

  3. General von Klinkerhoffen*

    I’m not clear on the payment structure here. I think Alison’s suggestion of having “too many” freelancers is a good idea, because then those who are late can more easily be told, “Never mind, you missed the deadline and we have enough submissions for this month so no money for you this cycle.”

    It should be simple for LW to say they only get paid if work is submitted by the 20th of the month (or whatever) unless by prior exceptional arrangement.

    I think there would be a couple of difficult months and then everyone would get used to the new rhythm. Because if LW says 20th but routinely accepts work up to the 25th (say) then the deadline is actually the 25th and the freelancers will prioritise accordingly.

    1. rachel in nyc*

      Or alternatively, work with Accounts Payable that if you submit the work by the 20th that the company will guarantee payment within X days v. 2X (or whatever their normal terms are (once the invoice is received, if required.)

  4. Jessica*

    It sounds like they’re producing satisfactory content, and the timing of workflow is the only issue? I’d say hire more freelancers, but no need to fire these ones. Increase the flow by having a larger team of originators. If that results in sometimes more recipes than the tester can process, and there’s a backlog, that’ll be good as it ensures the tester will always have work queued up and won’t be left with nothing to do when the recipe writers are erratic. (Of course this assumes that things aren’t time-sensitive and that culinary trends won’t have changed if there’s a bit of delay.)

  5. Momma Bear*

    I think the answer is in “there’s no real consequence” to being late. So make one. Make a schedule that fits what your tester needs. State that going forward x will happen if the recipe isn’t received by y date. Could be that you close the books on all assignments for the month and they have to wait longer to get paid if their submission was not received timely. But being lose and free with the timeframe is going to get you people who drag it out. There’s a saying that goes something like the work will expand to fit the time allotted. I’d also focus work on the people who are timely.

  6. Tech editor by day*

    As a freelancer, I can say that several factors affect how I prioritize assignments. One is rate of pay and timeliness of payment. But another one is emotional. I do admit to prioritizing clients who take a minute to write a genuine thank you—not just those two words but also something specific that makes me know they actually appreciate the quality of my work. I doubt I’m the only one.

    1. JRR*

      As a tech writer I concur. Getting paid is great. Feeling as if my work is important and appreciated is awesome.

      On the other hand, creating content for a content farm is demoralizing, and in my experience not worth doing if you have other options.

  7. bekah*

    I freelance on the side, and I think assigning a deadline, even if it’s an arbitrary one, is essential—I work with a couple different editors at the same site, and I’m way more likely to prioritize the one who says “this is due on the 14th” as opposed to the one who says “get this to me in early/mid June.” And this works even though I’ve worked with them long enough to know the named dates are largely/entirely arbitrary, because they’ve never given me problems when I’ve needed an extension.

    1. TardyTardis*

      Yes, this. I do some editing work on the side, and I always make my assigner give me an actual *date*.

      1. RebelwithMouseyHair*

        Yes, the deadline is important. Once a client told us “the important thing is quality. You can have as much time as you want, so you can work it up into a stellar product.”
        The project stayed at the bottom of the pile because everything else was urgent, and I ended up doing it in a hurry when finally the client lost patience. (I did make sure it was top quality, which was easy because the material I was given was all top quality).

    2. onco fonco*

      Yes, absolutely a deadline. I hate having something hanging over me that probably needs doing sometime soon but no one seems bothered about exactly when. I don’t have any feel for how much of a priority it is to the client, it ends up being pushed aside for more urgent things and I always feel like I’ve delivered late, which is demotivating and bleh. I would always much rather know exactly when the client wants the work.

  8. Chc34*

    It sounds like you need to enact a more stringent system. You say “there’s no real timeline”: but there is, apparently, if people not getting their content in by a certain date affects you and the recipe-tester. I’d get yourself out of that mindset and set firm deadlines with freelancers: as a freelancer, I can tell you my first priority is always things with deadlines that I know there will be consequences if I don’t hit. I also agree about expanding your freelancer pool so it’s not as big of an issue if a couple of them don’t get work in on time.

  9. matcha123*

    I’m on the freelance side of things, in that I have some side jobs very similar to this. The job like the one in the letter gets pushed aside for others that pay more and need instant attention.
    I’ve also been on the writer’s side and had to manage an international team of freelance translators. The pay was very low, but the content was interesting. We met goals by having people in my position give very explicit direction on the content to be translated, gave a weekly goal, and I think the owners may have kicked off people that were slow.

    1. Nanani*

      When the pay is low, you’re likely to get people who are less experienced (say, students doing a little translation for practice) which goes hand in hand with still being in the middle of learning how to manage a freelance job’s expectations.

      Could this also be the case for LW?

  10. Not Tom, Just Petty*

    “I try guilting them by highlighting how much it inconveniences the recipe-tester…”
    Please stop doing this.
    If you want something from me, tell me. Do not manipulate my emotions. Do not invoke a third party. Just tell me.
    “OK, here’s the process. You write the recipe and send it to me. I send it to testing. This means, they cook it and send me the results. At this point, I review if they made changes/alterations or substitutions and send you an email.
    The recipes for the month go live throughout the month, but if it not tested by the 25th, it’s not in that month. You will be credited for the next month’s payment cycle.”

    1. Properlike*

      Guilt does not work for me, especially when you’re talking about a *staff* member (if you are) who’s likely getting paid more than me for a lot less work. I do hope the pay structure takes into account idea generation and revision, as that is creative and abstract. The “writing it up and sending it” seems like it shouldn’t be a big deal because it’s the end product for a very time-intensive, longer process.

      1. Meep*

        Guilt also doesn’t work for me when you make it sound urgent and I know it isn’t urgent and/or you have a habit of making everything a Code 5 emergency, which it sounds like his the case here.

      2. Camille Chaustre McNally*

        Guilt doesn’t work for me because it paralyzes me and I’ll start avoiding you.

    2. MCMonkeybean*

      It’s not manipulating emotions to explain to people what problems are caused by them turning work in late. It sounds like the third party is the only reason it matters, why should they not be mentioned?

      1. Properlike*

        Because OP is using that as the reason that the freelancers should follow vague deadlines — to make HER company/her other staff not get behind, when it’s the OP’s job to create the conditions on the front end so that it doesn’t affect the other employees.

        But these are not employees. These are freelancers. And how it affects paid staff is none of their business really.

      2. Morning Glory*

        Completely agree. The OP should have avoided the word ‘guilt’ here and I think some of the commenters are having a knee-jerk reaction to that word. It seems pretty reasonable to explain the workflow and why the deadline is in place.

      3. Not Tom, Just Petty*

        I recommend explaining the whole process to the free lancers without emotion. That’s all.
        I am quoting OP, who writes specifically about using guilt.
        I don’t think OP should manipulate emotions and definitely not use testers to do it. That sets up a whole “us v. them” situation.
        “Oh, I better get this in or the testers will bitch to OP.”
        That’s not what anybody wants.

    3. Amaranth*

      I’d also be pretty motivated if not turning in my recipe meant ‘once more and we drop you’ as opposed to ‘well if you don’t get it in then there is always next month.’

  11. I'm just here for the cats*

    I know that this is probably hypothetical but I would love a freelance job where I could write recipes!

  12. Bubbles*

    This actually is very helpful for me for a volunteer thing I do! I have a bunch of artists contributing to a collection, but they’re all volunteers; how do I make the deadlines stick? Alison’s answer includes some good suggestions!

    1. Cora*

      Actually I don’t think those are appropriate suggestions for volunteers. Not the consequences part anyway.

    2. Nanani*

      They’re volunteers so the only thing you can do is find volunteers who respect the deadlines. “If you miss the deadline your work will not be in the collection” is the natural outcome.

    3. Your Local Password Resetter*

      Depending on your situation, assume that part of your volunteers just won’t follow through and plan accordingly. Since it’s an optional thing people do for free, it’s just not enough of a priority that some people will decide to drop for one reason or another.

      This obviously depends a lot on how many volunteers you have, how involved they are in the whole thing, if you have long-term working relationships with them, and so on.

  13. Meep*

    I like cooking/baking and coming up with new recipes but dang this sounds emotionally and mentally exhausting of a job. Exactly how much direction are you giving them? Like are you saying “do what tickles your fancy” or asking for neat gluten-free coconut skeleton finger cookies for Halloween?

      1. arjumand*

        I just went back and you’re right, and I missed it too. I’m glad it was only an example, because otherwise it reminded me of those awful content farms which churn out really short recipes and are putting sincere baking youtubers out of business.

        1. JRR*

          It is a content farm. “We’re just building up a back catalog of content” says it all.

          I don’t like to see my work go straight into a back catalog, so I’m not surprised that a lot of LW’s writers seem to lack enthusiasm for the job.

      2. Elsajeni*

        I think it’s still a useful question, though, if the work is actually analogous at all — whatever these projects or pieces of content are, are the freelancers expected to come up with their own ideas, given a specific assignment, or something in between (using Meep’s example, maybe “something using coconut” or “a Halloween-themed cookie”)? The less directed the assignments are, the harder I think it will be to get people to commit to this kind of regular schedule and follow through — in particular, what the OP describes sounds like it could be people agreeing to “oh, one a month, that’ll be easy,” thinking “I have 3 great ideas and of course in a few months I will have thought of more!”, and then running out of steam once they’ve run through their original few ideas.

      3. Meep*

        The point still stands. How much direction are they given for their creative work? It is exhausting having to pull things out of thin air without direction.

  14. JJ*

    I think it’s even more basic than Alison recommended, you don’t sound like you’re being explicitly clear on when you want your recipes. As a freelancer myself, if someone tells me they need something “once a month” it’s 100% going to get deprioritized in favor of clients who say “I need this by [time] on [date].” It’s VERY easy to interpret “once a month” as “any time this month.”

    You said “How can I get my freelancers to complete their work…on a schedule” which reeeeeeally makes me think you don’t actually have a production schedule, or are not communicating it clearly. You have also emphasized that this is a backburner project, which, if you told this to your freelancers, is also going to make it a backburner project for *them*.

    A LOT of people seem to believe “get it to me when you can” is some sort of flexibility kindness to a freelancer, but it’s actually the worst. Just tell them when you want it, precisely, and I think a lot of your problems will be solved.

    1. Zephy*

      Oh, there’s hundreds of content farmers out there – Blossom, 5 Minute Crafts, Troom Troom, Buzzfeed Tasty, Chefclub to name a few – but you should probably brush up on your Russian first.

      1. Raida*

        and those don’t need testing to see if they work, only that the end video will look good – what a time saver!

        1. JJ*

          I assume y’all are Ann Reardon fans?

          (She debunks that stuff on YouTube and it’s great)

  15. learnedthehardway*

    I work with a number of clients – the ones that I am engaged most with get the majority of my attention. Not that I like being micromanaged, or that they are doing that, but if we have touchpoints every week to 2 weeks, it’s a lot easier for me to stay focused and to feel like the client is engaged, and that we’re working as a team. And that’s key for me to being engaged myself. (conversely – too much engagement / micromanagement will make me drop a client, so there’s a balance, kwim?)

    You might need to look at what each of your freelancers needs to stay engaged, and to try to tailor your approach. Some people are – like me – going to be motivated by engagement from you. Others will want a firm deadline and consequences. Others will respond well to a bonus for on time work. Some will simply never be reliable – you probably need to prune those ones out of your freelancer pool.

    I would also look at people’s workloads and think about how important a client you are to them. You may want to have fewer freelancers doing several projects each, rather than a large number doing 1 at a time. This way, instead of being minor part of the freelancer’s income, your work is a solid chunk of their income – that will give you more leverage.

    1. Cora*

      “ You might need to look at what each of your freelancers needs to stay engaged”

      Enough money usually helps!

  16. D3*

    Do you pay with the same promptness you want/expect from freelancers? Do you respond to emails from them quickly and helpfully? I’d bet money that’s at least part of the problem.
    Honestly that’s the WORST part of freelance work. Clients want fast, prompt turnaround but then get told it will be 30, 60, or even 90 days before they get paid for that work. And then IME about 1/3 of the clients miss THAT and have to be nagged for payment. And they whine and complain if I stop work on a project when they are 90+ days out on payment. “We expect better from our freelancers” or “you are in violation of the freelance contract” – and I always just want to slap some sense into them. If you expect better, do better by them!
    Or else they don’t answer questions for weeks and then ask me why it’s taking so long.
    Or just get yourself some EMPLOYEES!

  17. mcfizzle*

    On a mostly unrelated note, I just added a new fake student to my fake school. “Lucy Goosey” is now enrolled based on Alison’s use of the phrase in the answer. Thanks Alison!

  18. Beth*

    Yeah, my first thought was “Pay them better, and pay them more for work finished early.”

  19. bananab*

    Could be a bunch of things. Low pay keeps your stuff on the back burner. Clunky workflow needs or personality mismatches can too. Overly long or detailed emails tend to get kicked down the road to be read later. Something about the process that makes it error-prone can cause problems that take time to fix. If it truly is a side gig for everyone, e.g. they also have a 9-5, your stuff will always be lower priority. I’d ask and see where the answers overlap.

    1. Former Child*

      Since this is stockpiling content for the future, why not hire more people and send out more assignments? And let them all know that late ones may not get an assignment this time?

      It’s not like you have to dole out one job a month to your group and then wait. You can send out more assignments to more people and see if you find a few fast ones who are more motivated.

      The tail is wagging the dog here now in a way. But if you find a few very motivated people who aren’t working FT elsewhere, and show the slow ones they can’t count on a monthly assignment, you might encourage the faster ones and motivate the slow ones.

  20. Sola Lingua Bona Lingua Mortua Est*

    I’m not a freelancer, but this is how I deal with “whenever you get to it” requests. Deadlines are what make things happen; if I’m not given one, I’ll assign one on my own.

    1. bananab*

      I am, but same here. Also, jobs that feel endless tend to achieve some sort of cumulative drag the longer they wear on. Could easily be the case here if all these little projects actually “feel” like one big long one.

  21. Kevin Sours*

    Deadlines are annoying. If your freelancers are doing it for the fun of it plus beer money then you may *not* be able to convince them to be diligent about your timeline. Especially if you recruited on that basis. Your reluctance to fire freelancers suggests that, perhaps, finding reliable replacements won’t be easy.

    There are really two options. Arrange your processes to be less dependent on freelancers submitting on schedule. Communicate expectations to your freelancers, adjust the work conditions — including pay, amount of work available, and consistency of work — so that it make sense to meet those expectations, and cultivate a group of freelancers willing to meet them.

    But it sounds like you’ve communicated that it’s not a serious job and are getting people who are doing it on a lark.

  22. Sleeping Late Every Day*

    It sounds like the OP has categorized the people as freelancers, but from the description of what they’re doing, I’d think many, if not most, of them think of it as a creative hobby that occasionally pays.

    1. A Person*

      Fwiw, the recipe-writing is like teapot design: just an example to help write the question. (LW says “Let’s say our end-client sells access to a recipe database…”)

    2. Kelly L.*

      I agree–I think they’re thinking “when inspiration strikes, or I could use a little beer money, I do this” rather than it being their job.

  23. Turketron*

    You could offer an incentive along the lines of “twice a year we’ll review the submissions in the past 6 months and if you’ve submitted at least 1 recipe each of those 6 months, you get a bonus of $XX.”

    This incentivizes submissions on a (more or less) regular cadence, without necessarily requiring “by the 20th of the month” – I could see that causing issues where if they don’t get it done by say, June 20th, they’ll then put off doing it until right up to the July 20th deadline.

  24. Raida*

    “I try guilting them by highlighting how much it inconveniences the recipe-tester when their work is late, but it has little effect other than getting lots of emails apologizing.”

    1. Raida*

      dunno why that posted before I was finished:
      How about you have a contract, including consequences then?

      You need the task done, you have a timeline, just be more specific about it. THat covers bonuses for consistently on-time work, paying less for late work, having a 3-strike policy to show evidence they will lose this freelance job if they keep being late, having other work available for people who’re consistently on-time.
      Or maybe you shouldn’t hire them for ‘one per month’ but instead for a specified number of completed recipes. they finish them in a week, great. They want more work, excellent.
      If you can’t pay them until the recipe’s tested, talk to the tester about how they would prefer to be getting this stuff to test – block out a day to do a half dozen? One a week? and work from there on frequency so that the freelancer isn’t waiting for months to get paid the full amount

  25. Chickaletta*

    As a former freelancer, I echo everyone who suggests that the pay very likely the problem. You’re clearly at the bottom of their to-do list and money would be the primary suspect as to why.

    When it comes to any creative art form, as the saying goes, pick two: fast, good, cheap. In your instance, you could edit the adjectives to: timely, good, cheap. You’re not getting timely, so that tells me you’re getting the last two.

  26. Sleeve McQueen*

    Assuming the pay is decent and you pay on time, the incentive can be something like “to receive payment in this month’s cycle, copy needs to be submitted by this date”. Because freelancers also spend far too much time chasing payment, that would be a massive carrot.

  27. Mimsie*

    If your freelancers only need to submit one recipe a month with little to no consequences I think you have too many freelancers. Reduce the number, increase the workload frequency. The job will be worth more of their time and you might get some more dedication.

    This is assuming all the pay stuff is taken care of as commented by everyone above.

    1. Mimsie*

      Just reading again 15-20 freelancers? Sheesh. Cut it down to five. Have them submit 3 a month (or they don’t get paid). Your budget won’t change much but their pay will increase and so will their work bandwidth dedicated to your job. If they don’t work out, you’ve still got 10-15 backup freelancers!

      1. New Jack Karyn*

        I think the issue is that most of these folks aren’t professional freelancers. They have 9-5 jobs, and this is a sideline. So, LW can’t just pick the five ‘best’ performers and tell them they now have triple the workload. A full-time freelancer might agree to this, as it now makes it worthwhile to block out a big chunk of time to do three recipes, instead of letting one recipe fall further and further into the pile. But the ‘beer money’ freelancers might not want to do that, and quit altogether.
        I think the solution is to have *more* freelancers and build up that backlog of content for the testers.

  28. Money*

    Tell them if the work is not on time their payment will be docked/removed. Create a contract if you have to. You could also add that if they need a reference you will be forced to be honest.

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