Ready to Relocate? Tips for Buying a New House Before Your Long-Distance Move


A long-distance move always means making some big changes. One of the biggest, of course, is buying a new home. Though it’s easy to feel like you’ll have to go into this process blind, there are steps you can take to make your long-distance house buying process a more successful one for you and your family.

Learn More About Homes for Sale in the Area

Your first step is to start learning the basics about homes for sale in the area. Try to get information about what styles of homes are prevalent in the region, what features you should expect at each price point, and how the homes for which you are looking might differ from the usual homes in your area. Getting this out of the way early can help you to get over the initial shock that comes with house hunting in a new area.

Use an Online Map

Your next step should be to consult an online map. This will give you a much better idea of where a given neighborhood is in relation to the places that will be important to your move. For example, if you’re moving for work, you want to check how long your commute will be This is also a good way to get an idea of whether or not you’ll have access to public transportation and how important owning a car might be in a new region.

Consult Social Media Pages

Next, start looking at neighborhood social media pages. Not only is this a good way to find out if there are houses for sale, but it’s also a good way to figure out more about the individual neighborhoods. If you’ve found a home you like online, try to snoop around on the local social media a bit. This will give you a better idea of the character of the neighborhood before you have to commit.

Talk to an Agent

Finally, start talking to a real estate agent before you move. They can go ahead and get a list of homes that are in your price range ready and some agents will even do virtual walkthroughs with you so that you can see homes before you relocate. Getting an agent ahead of time is also a good way to get inside information about the market before you get ready to commit to a purchase. If you are looking for help with more than just property listings, such as help with mortgages, surveys, etc, then contact Your Property Genie.

When you’re preparing for a long distance move, don’t be afraid to do some work before you leave your old home. Start gathering information as soon as you can and reach out for professional help when you start to get ready to move. Doing so will put you in a much better position to make the right purchase.

One comment

  1. It was really impressive to read up how helpful real estate agents can be when you’re looking for a new home. Searching for a new home can be an incredibly daunting task, especially if you don’t know much of anything about the housing market like me. I’ll definitely take your advice and look for an agent that can show me around first before selecting a single-family home that I like.

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