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How Should A CEO Choose An Executive Résumé Writer?

Forbes Coaches Council

Top Executive Résumé Writer Mary Elizabeth Bradford runs Ceoresumewriter,com, a global source for CxO Executive Résumés.

In the dynamic and competitive C-suite world, staying ahead of the curve means embracing change and seeking and welcoming new opportunities. If you are a C-suite executive considering a job transition or simply aiming to enhance your professional prospects, having a top-notch executive résumé is, in my professional opinion, absolutely necessary.

Your executive résumé and the conversations it will start demand precision, eloquence and a deep understanding of your unique value proposition. As such, crafting an effective C-suite résumé requires a specialized set of knowledge, skills and abilities not every executive has. The answer to this skill gap may be collaborating with an executive résumé writer. Online searches for this service may be overwhelming; to help you make the best choice for your next pivotal career move, let’s explore five key points on how a CEO should choose an executive résumé writer.

1. Look for expertise in C-level executive résumés.

Your executive résumé is a powerful representation of your leadership skills, experience and potential. To create a résumé that truly reflects your value, you need a writer who specializes in executive-level résumés. The writer should have a long track record of working with C-suite professionals, understanding the nuances of executive roles and tailoring résumés to the demands of the senior leadership arena.

2. Prioritize industry knowledge.

When choosing an executive résumé writer, ensure they have a deep understanding of your industry. The writer should be well-versed in the trends, key performance metrics and challenges specific to your field. Industry-savvy writers are well-equipped to highlight your achievements in a context that resonates with potential employers.

3. Expect a personalized approach.

One-size-fits-all templates do not work for executive résumés. A high-quality executive résumé writer will collaborate with you to gather information and insights about your career and goals. They can identify and spotlight your strengths, most relevant accomplishments and most impressive selling points as they relate to the role you want next, then craft a targeted and personalized résumé that tells your career story. Avoid writers who rely on generic templates or a cookie-cutter approach; a customized résumé is vital for distinguishing yourself in a competitive job market.

4. Assess their portfolio.

A reputable executive résumé writer will have a past work portfolio demonstrating their expertise. Review their career marketing document samples and previous projects and assess whether their executive résumés are compelling, well-structured and effective. Don’t hesitate to request references or case studies from former clients to gain insights into the impact their résumés have had on job searches and career transitions.

5. Seek evidence of results.

Ultimately, a high-quality executive résumé writer should be able to prove their ability to deliver results. Inquire about the percentage of clients who secured interviews or job offers after using their services and for specific examples or testimonials that highlight the effectiveness of their résumés in helping executives attain their career goals. A track record of tangible results strongly indicates an executive résumé writer’s proficiency.

Here are signs of a high-quality executive résumé writer.

Now that you know what to look for in an executive résumé writer, let’s delve into a few key signs that can help you identify a high-quality professional:

They conduct a comprehensive analytical intake process.

A top executive résumé writer will go beyond asking about your professional background and analyze your career transition goals, reasons for making a change, ideal job descriptions and thought leadership, among other things. They will use this information in conjunction with what you expect to see on a résumé, such as professional background, education and community involvement, to create an individualized executive brand that makes your value proposition impossible to ignore.

They prioritize storytelling.

Effective executive résumés go beyond a pretty design and a simple list of accomplishments. A skilled executive résumé writer will use storytelling techniques to create a compelling narrative that engages potential employers and highlights your career progression.

They stay updated.

The job market is constantly evolving. A quality résumé writer will remain current with industry trends, changes in recruitment practices and the latest résumé formatting and content strategies. Similarly, the best executive résumé writers in the industry will have awards, advanced certifications and memberships with industry associations, such as Career Directors International, The National Résumé Writers' Association or Career Thought Leaders.

They provide ongoing and supplementary support.

Job searches can be complex, and executive résumé writers have the expertise and provide the services you need to stand out and achieve your goals—for example, they may provide additional documents (executive biographies, LinkedIn profiles, endorsement pages), in-person and/or online career coaching, and advisory and private equity/recruiter distribution services.


Choosing a well-suited executive résumé writer can be crucial to landing a new C-suite role and advancing your career. The right writer can be the key to unlocking opportunities and presenting your best self to potential employers. When selecting an executive résumé writer, prioritize expertise in executive résumés, industry knowledge, a personalized approach, a compelling portfolio and evidence of results. With the right partner, your executive résumé can be a powerful tool to propel you into your next career chapter with confidence and success. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of C-suite positions, investing in a high-quality executive résumé can mean investing in your future.

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