The Best Resources & Tools for HRCI and SHRM Certification Prep

Summary:View the best resources & tools for HRCI and SHRM certification prep, featuring top courses, apps, & platforms for HR

The Best Resources & Tools for HRCI and SHRM Certification Prep

Summary:View the best resources & tools for HRCI and SHRM certification prep, featuring top courses, apps, & platforms for HR

Table of Contents

Looking for the best resources and tools for HRCI and SHRM certification prep can sometimes be challenging. With the many options available, it could be difficult to determine which is the right choice for you. As an HR professional with years of experience in leadership and recruitment roles, I understand the importance of focusing on your professional development and staying current with industry standards and certifications. I want to help you with your HRCI and SHRM certification prep, and I want to review with you five essential resources that can help you do so.

The Best Resources & Tools for HRCI and SHRM Certification Prep

From comprehensive online courses like Ace the HR Exam by Workology to mobile apps such as Pocket Prep, Quizlet as a valuable review tool, and platforms like HRCP and SHRM Learning System, these resources provide a range of study materials tailored to your learning preferences. By leveraging these top-notch resources, you can confidently navigate through eligibility criteria, exam content areas, test-taking tips, and interactive lessons on strategic HR leadership topics such as talent development or human capital management practices. So let’s dive into the best resources and tools for HRCI and SHRM certification prep that will elevate your career in human resources management.

1. Ace the HR Exam by Workology

Ace the HR Exam by Workology is an online course designed to help human resources professionals prepare for HRCI and SHRM certification exams. This comprehensive program offers lessons on topics such as job analysis, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, labor relations, and more. Participants will benefit from interactive activities, practice tests, and expert guidance to ensure they are fully prepared for their exams.

Overview of the Program

The Ace the HR Exam course covers all essential aspects of human resources management that you need to know in order to pass your HRCI  or SHRM certification exam successfully. It includes modules on strategic planning, workforce planning and employment laws, total rewards and performance management, employee relations and risk management, business acumen, global mindset development, among others.

Features and Benefits

– Comprehensive content: The course provides a thorough understanding of all key areas tested in HRCI exams.

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– Focused approach: You will only focus on what’s important for passing your exam with flying colors – no time wasted studying irrelevant material.

– Actionable insights: Learn practical tips and strategies from Jessica Miller-Merrell, founder of, who has been through this process before becoming a certified expert ready to share her knowledge with you now.

– Variety of learning methods: The Ace The HR Exam course is also part of the Ace HR Suite that gives you access to other courses within the Workology collection, offering different learning methods like audio lessons, practice tests, short videos, and more.  

– Ongoing support: Access additional resources like podcasts and events like webinars and conferences that offer further insights into specific topics covered within the course curriculum as needed throughout your study journey.

How to Get Started

To get started with Ace the HR Exam by Workology, simply visit their website and choose the course of your preference.  Registration grants immediate access to all materials and resources. 

Ace the HR Exam by Workology is an excellent resource for those preparing for their HRCI or SHRM certification exam.  With a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips and expert guidance every step of the way, you’ll be well on your way to acing your SHRM or HRCI exam.

2. Pocket Prep Mobile App for HRCI Certification Prep

The Pocket Prep mobile app is a convenient and efficient tool designed to help human resources professionals study for their HRCI certification exams on the go. With hundreds of practice questions, detailed explanations, and other helpful features, this app allows users to master the material quickly and efficiently.

Overview of the App

Pocket Prep offers an extensive collection of study materials specifically tailored for the HRCI PHR certification exam. The app’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through various topics covered in the exam while providing customizable quizzes that adapt to your progress.

Features and Benefits

– Practice Questions: Pocket Prep includes hundreds of practice questions with detailed answer explanations so you can understand why certain answers are correct or incorrect.

– Flashcards: Users can review key terms using built-in flashcards or create their own custom sets based on specific areas they need extra reinforcement.

– Daily Study Reminders: To keep you accountable during your preparation journey, Pocket Prep sends daily reminders encouraging you to stay consistent with your studies.

– In-App Progress Tracking: Easily track your progress within the app as it provides real-time data about your performance across different subject areas.

– User Community Support: Pocket Prep also has an active community where users can share tips or ask questions related to their exam prep experience.

How to Get Started

Getting started with Pocket Prep is simple. You can either study on the web or download the app from either the Apple iStore or Google Play Store. Once installed, create an account and select your desired HRCI certification exam. You can then choose between a free version of the app with limited access to questions and features or upgrade to a premium subscription for full access.

Pocket Prep for HRCI Certification Prep is an effective and efficient way to prepare for the certification exam. By leveraging its comprehensive features, it facilitates an organized and efficient approach to preparing for the exam, as well as makes it an accessible way to study for their HRCI certification exams anytime, anywhere.

3. Quizlet as a Great Place for Review

Quizlet is an online platform that provides users with a variety of tools, where they can create custom quizzes based on their own notes or use pre-made sets created by other users. It also offers audio pronunciations of key terms and definitions, as well as interactive games to make studying more engaging and enjoyable. This interactive feature makes it an amazing tool to help HR professionals review any type of content for their HRCI or SHRM certification exams. 

Overview of Quizlet Platform

The Quizlet platform allows you to access thousands of study materials in various formats such as flashcards, quizzes, and games. You can search the database for existing HR-related content or create your own personalized study sets tailored specifically to your needs. 

Features and Benefits

– Create Custom Quizzes: Design your own quizzes using the information from your personal notes or textbooks relevant to HRCI or SHRM certifications.

– Browse Pre-Made Sets: Explore user-generated content related to human resources topics that have been shared by others who are preparing for the same exam.

– Pronunciation Assistance: Improve understanding by listening to accurate audio pronunciations of important -terminology within the field of human resources management.

– Educational Games: Engage in fun learning activities like matching exercises, multiple-choice questions, and timed quizzes to test your knowledge and retention.

– Mobile Apps: Access study materials anytime, anywhere with the Quizlet mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices.

How to Get Started

To begin using Quizlet as a resource for HRCI or SHRM certification exam preparation, follow these simple steps:

1. Create a free account on the Quizlet website.

2- Search for existing HR-related content by entering keywords such as “HRCI,” “SHRM,” or specific exam names like “PHR” or “SPHR.”

3. Browse through the search results and select relevant study sets that align with your learning objectives.

4. If you prefer creating personalized content, click on ‘Create’ at the top of the page and start designing custom flashcards or quizzes based on your notes.

5. Download the Quizlet app from either Android’s Google Play or iOS’s App Store to access your study material on the go. 

Fun fact: Workology has a free set of HR Quiz flashcards on Quizlet! 

Incorporating Quizlet into your HRCI and SHRM certification prep routine can help make studying more enjoyable while increasing retention of important concepts. By leveraging this platform’s features, you’ll be better prepared when it comes time to take those crucial exams.

4. HRCP as a Resource for HRCI Certification Programs

The Human Resources Certification Preparation (HRCP) platform is an online resource center designed specifically for those preparing for their HRCI certification exams. With a wealth of resources, such as practice tests, study guides, webinars, podcasts, and more at their fingertips, users can acquire an improved comprehension of the topics on the HRCI certification exams while streamlining their preparation.

Overview of the HRCP Platform

The HRCP platform offers resources tailored to each specific HRCI certification: aPHR, PHR, SPHR, aPHRi, PHRi, and SPHRi. By selecting your desired certification path on the website’s homepage or through its navigation menu options like “Online Prep Courses” under the “Products” section, you’ll be directed to relevant content that caters to your needs.

Features and Benefits

– Practice Tests: Users have access to multiple practice tests with detailed explanations of correct answers which help them identify areas where they need improvement.

– E-books & Study Guides: Comprehensive e-books and study guides are available covering all aspects of human resources management required for each specific exam type.

– Premium Webinars & Podcasts: Gain insights from experienced professionals through premium webinars and podcasts discussing various topics related to human resources management.

– User-friendly Interface: The intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate between different sections within the platform without any hassle or confusion.

– Email Support: Users can reach out to the HRCP team via email for any questions or concerns they may have during their exam preparation journey.

How to Get Started

To get started with HRCP, follow these simple steps:

1. Visit the HRCP website.

2. Select your desired HRCI certification from the homepage or navigation menu.

3. Browse through available resources and choose those that best fit your needs. You can purchase individual items or opt for bundled packages that offer better value.

4. Create an account on the platform to access purchased materials and track your progress throughout your study plan.

5. Utilize all available resources, practice tests, webinars, podcasts, and support options provided by HRCP as you prepare for your HRCI certification exam.

HRCP is a great resource for HRCI certification programs and can help professionals reach their professional goals. With its comprehensive offerings tailored specifically towards each certification type, users will find it easier than ever before to prepare effectively while maximizing their chances of success on exam day.

5. SHRM Learning System as a Way to Prepare for SHRM Certification Prep

The SHRM Learning System is an all-in-one resource designed specifically for those preparing for their SHRM certification exams. It includes comprehensive instruction on topics such as organizational behavior, employment law compliance, employee relations management strategies, talent acquisition processes, and more. Interactive activities, like case studies and simulations, are included to help participants use their knowledge in practical scenarios while preparing for the exam.

Overview of the SHRM Learning System

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) offers its own learning system to provide HR professionals with a structured approach to studying and mastering the material required for both the SHRM-CP (Certified Professional) and SHRM-SCP (Senior Certified Professional) certifications. The system consists of four modules covering key areas of HR knowledge: People, Organization, Workplace, and Strategy.

Features and Benefits

– Detailed Study Materials: The SHRM Learning System provides users with access to study materials that cover every aspect of human resources practice needed to pass the certification exams successfully.

– E-Learning Platform: Users can access online learning tools like quizzes, flashcards, and videos explaining complex concepts in simple terms making it easier than ever before to study at your convenience.

– Interactive Activities: The system includes case studies and simulations that allow users to apply their knowledge in real-world situations, reinforcing the learning process.

– Progress Tracking: Users can track their progress through each module, allowing them to identify areas where they may need additional study or review.

– Expert Support: Access to SHRM-certified experts who can provide guidance and answer questions as you prepare for your exam is invaluable. This support ensures that you have a thorough understanding of the material covered on the test.

How to Get Started

To begin preparing for your SHRM certification exam with the help of the SHRM Learning System, follow these simple steps:

1. Purchase access to the SHRM Learning System.

2. Create an account using your email address and a password of your choice.

3. Login into your account and start exploring all available resources.

Incorporating these valuable resources into your preparation strategy will undoubtedly increase both confidence levels and chances at acing those HR certifications. So why wait? Start today by choosing the ones that suit you best!

FAQs in Relation to The Best Resources and Tools for HRCI and SHRM Certification Prep

What is the best study material for SHRM or HRCI?

The best study material or preparation course depends on your needs. For example, if you are an individual looking for an on-demand HR certification exam developed by an HR professional with over 20 years of experience, Workology’s Ace the HR Exam course is a great choice for you. We recommend it because it provides a custom and comprehensive exam review for HR certification exams including the aPHR, PHR, SPHR, SHRM-CP, and SHRM-SCP exams. 

What is the best way to prepare for the SHRM or HRCI exams?

The best way to prepare for the SHRM or HRCI exams is to develop a comprehensive study plan that incorporates multiple learning methods. Start by familiarizing yourself with the content areas covered in the exams. Then, use online practice tests and other resources to gain an understanding of how questions are structured and what topics will be tested on. Finally, create a timeline that allows you enough time for review before taking the test. 

Do employers prefer HRCI or SHRM?

It is difficult to definitively answer the question of which certification employers prefer, as it largely depends on their individual needs and preferences. Generally speaking, both certifications are well-respected and highly regarded by employers. 

How long should I study before taking the SHRM or HRCI exams?

How long you should study depends on your exam type whether it be with HRCI or SHRM. The aPHR with HRCI averages 20-40 hours of review. The PHR with HRCI averages 40-60 hours of review. The SPHR with HRCI averages 60-80 hours of review. The SHRM-CP with SHRM averages 80-100 hours of review. The SHRM-SCP with SHRM averages 80-100 hours of review.

If you have more questions about SHRM or HRCI certifications, you can check: 

– What’s the Difference Between the aPHR and the PHR? 

– What’s the Difference Between the PHR and the PHRi?

– What’s the Difference Between the PHR and the SPHR?

– What’s the Difference Between the PHR vs SHRM-CP vs SPHR? 

– What’s the Difference Between the PHR and the SHRM-CP?

– What’s the Difference Between the SPHR and the SHRM-SCP?

– What’s the Difference Between the SHRM-CP and the SHRM-SCP?


The best resources and tools for HRCI and SHRM certification prep are vast. With Ace the HR Exam by Workology, Pocket Prep mobile app, Quizlet as a great place to review, HRCP as a resource for HRCI certifications programs, and the SHRM Learning System as a way to prepare – you can be confident that you have access to all of the necessary materials needed in order to become certified in either or both organizations. It requires commitment and effort to achieve success!

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