Most Challenging Tasks of an HR Manager

What is one most challenging tasks of an HR Manager?

To help you best appreciate the challenging job roles of an HR Manager, we asked CHROs and business leaders this question for their best insights. From giving equal and fair treatment to workforce relationship building, there are several tasks that present the most difficult challenges to HR managers in their day-to-day management of the workforce.


Here are 10 most challenging tasks of an HR Manager:

  • Giving Equal and Fair Treatment
  • Dealing With Difficult Employees
  • Retaining Employees 
  • Implementing Diversity in the Workplace
  • Staying Up to Date On Legal Matters
  • The Entire Recruiting Process
  • Balancing Compensation and Retention
  • Having to Terminate or Lay Off Employees
  • Asking Leadership for Support and Resources
  • Workforce Relationship Building


Giving Equal and Fair Treatment

Giving fair and equal treatment, regardless of circumstances. For example, an HR Manager might overlook checking in on an extremely satisfactory and positive employee because on the surface, there’s nothing to check in on.

Rather than focusing solely on the difficult or disgruntled employees, it’s important to check in on all employees regardless of how things might seem.

You really never know what’s going on with any one person entirely, and it’s important for an HR Manager to spread their time equally.

Matt Woods,


Dealing With Difficult Employees

One of the most challenging tasks for an HR Manager is dealing with difficult employees. Sometimes, getting them to comply with company policies or follow instructions can be difficult. It can also be tough to motivate them and keep them engaged in their work. Dealing with difficult employees can be a huge challenge for an HR Manager, but it is also very important.

Aviad Faruz, FARUZO New York


Retaining Employees

One of the most challenging tasks of an HR Manager in any workplace is retaining employees, especially with the ever-evolving job market. While human resources do have the upper hand when making decisions on the right candidate, employees have the upper hand in deciding whether they would like to continue working at the workplace.

Work/life balance, competitive benefits, flex hours, and the overall culture of the company have a huge influence on those that choose to stay.

That said, an HR Manager should definitely keep in tune with the reasons that employees may or may not choose to stay.

Adrian Pereira, Eco Pea Co.


Implementing Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity is still a hot topic in human resources, with many organizations still struggling to incorporate DEI goals into their strategic plan. It is a critical point in moving the needle at your company. More employees want to work for companies that promote diversity and give all employees a sense of belonging; therefore, employers must brand and lure talent to the company. Begin by assessing your organization’s current state of DEI and setting clear goals for where you want to go. Assign clear ownership and critical results to each objective you set. Finally, allocate resources to each objective so that their owners can deliver the results you require.

Salvador Ordorica, The Spanish Group


Staying Up-to-Date On Legal Matters

The most challenging task of an HR Manager is staying up to date on legal matters.
It’s not just about making sure you have the right employment contracts and policies in place but also being aware of any changes in the law that could affect your organization. This is especially important for those working in a highly regulated field such as healthcare or education. 

You must constantly track new legislation and stay alert for any changes that could impact your business.

Keeping up with the latest developments in your industry will help you understand what’s going on at the local, state, and federal levels of government so that you can help your company navigate the complex legal landscape.

Shaun Connell, Connell Media


The Entire Recruiting Process

Recruiting in 2022 is becoming increasingly complex due to the great resignation and an ever-growing talent pool – HR professionals need to ensure that the correct steps are being followed to recruit and attract talent, but also that all resources are not being allocated to recruiting alone. One of the best ways I’ve found to optimize this task is to use AI, more specifically, AI tools that allow me to streamline initial processes which reduce face-to-face engagement (until the initial interviews).

James Taylor, Digital Tool Report


Balancing Compensation and Retention

Due to our current ever changing economic situation, advocating for more comprehensive compensation for employees can be very difficult. what works today may not be enough next month. If the company plans to retain its workers when an economic shift changes the compensation goal line, they have to be ready to change, sometimes rapidly. It isn’t as if every business is keen to pay out more whenever the economy takes a dip either. It’s a careful balancing act of considering the needs of the workers and the needs of the business, and trying to meet in the middle. If you fail by too great a margin someone ends up getting the short end of the stick, and workers may flee to greener pastures.

Caleb Ulffers, Haven Athletic


Having to Terminate or Lay Off Employees

Having to terminate or lay off employees from the company is probably one of the most challenging roles because although there may be a good reason business-wise why it needs to be done, you are still affecting someone’s personal life, potential income and way of living. So it can take a massive toll on you if you do not have the right tools to cope and deal with that sort of pressure.

Tracey Beveridge, Personnel Checks


Asking Leadership for Support and Resources

Many HR Managers struggle with the ability to ask and quantify the need for support and resources we need (for ourselves) and the HR Department. Having the ability and courage to ask (for help) and provide the business case for the necessary tools and support is a challenge for HR Managers especially for those that are a Department of “One” or in organizations that do not value HR in the same manner as other departments. When we fail to advocate to have the proper tools and support we struggle, which is a leading factor contributing to burnout.

Tina Marie Wohlfield, TIMAWO, LLC


Workforce Relationship Building

Managing relationships doesn’t stop once you have a managerial position in HR. You must toe the delicate line of encouraging professional relationships. On the other hand, open communication is a great way to build cross-functional teams and develop successful team activities. Human Resources is responsible for investing in those they are hired to serve. As an HR manager, you have a complicated job of hiring, firing, and discipline. Effectively striking a balance and building workforce relationships takes patience and encouragement to help and support others.

Benjamin Earley, HOLT

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