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Five New Year’s Resolutions: A Countdown To Communication Excellence

Forbes Coaches Council

Sonia Maslovskaya, Public Speaking Expert, Founder of SoniaMPower.

As the New Year approaches, many of us make resolutions to focus on ways to improve ourselves. Public speaking is one area that is often overlooked. But should it be? It is a skill that can elevate many areas of your life, and it’s a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be.

You might be giving presentations at work, pitching to investors or promoting your business—the success of your communication is measured by how your message is received by the audience. And with such an abundance of social media and professional platforms available for creating content to promote yourself—Instagram, YouTube, TED Talks, LinkedIn, etc.—sharpening your public speaking skills is more important than ever.

Let’s count down to 2023 with these five New Year’s communication resolutions!

5. Find a strong purpose for your public speaking.

This is going to be the foundation of your success and can give you support during times of doubt or anxiety. Are you speaking to inspire someone, help them find a solution or empower them with important tools? Get crystal clear on your purpose and the message you want to deliver. When you are working on your talk, ask yourself: Is this in alignment with my purpose?

4. Learn the art of storytelling.

Storytelling is in our DNA; it is the most powerful tool in communication and the one we respond to the most. While powerpoints, facts and statistics engage the audience on an intellectual level, storytelling can get the audience emotionally involved. When you learn the art and science of storytelling and know how to craft a strong story, create suspense and get the audience to care—you can become truly memorable and your message can have a long-lasting impact.

3. Eliminate filler words.

“Umm,” “well,” “you know,” “basically,” “like,” “literally”... These are some of the filler words that pollute many people’s daily vocabulary—they water down your message and distract the listener. Simply eliminating filler words from your daily communication can elevate the quality of your speech and make you sound more polished. Easier said than done, right? The first step in decluttering your speech is awareness. Record yourself while you are speaking on the phone, telling a story to a friend and especially when giving a speech. Then go back and listen to how many filler words you used, mark them down and count them. Do you have your “signature” fillers? Become mindful of them, slow down and use pauses instead of filler words. It will take some effort, but it will be well worth it!

2. Develop your voice.

First impressions are powerful, and one of the first things that we often get judged on is our voice. Voices that have more resonance and depth are associated with trust and confidence. While many vocal qualities are inherited, all of us have vocal instruments that we can tune, and there are many exercises you can do daily to develop your voice as a speaker. Here are a few tips to start with:

  • Learn how to relax your jaw and throat to give your voice more resonance.
  • Support your voice with proper breathing techniques.
  • Understand how to use rising and falling intonations intentionally to deliver your messages with impact.

1. Fall in love with public speaking.

Some of you might ask: “How am I supposed to fall in love with it when it causes me anxiety?” Communication is the art of connecting, sharing and inspiring. Once you strongly connect with your purpose, unlock the tools available to you and allow yourself to genuinely share your gifts with your audiences, you can enjoy this art immensely. It is a process that can take time and requires your dedication and willingness to step out of your comfort zone, but in the end, public speaking can propel you to new heights and help you achieve your big goals.

Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with empowerment, fulfillment and joy!

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