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20 Coaches Share Ways They Use Their Expertise To Give Back

Updated Aug 22, 2023, 02:52pm EDT

Coaches guide their clients in personal and professional development, but behind that work lies a desire to make the world a better place. Many coaches are committed to giving back to their communities by engaging in pro bono projects or supporting causes close to their hearts.

Coaching can be a powerful tool for personal transformation, and extending help and services to those who may not otherwise have access to them is a rewarding pursuit. Here, 20 Forbes Coaches Council members share ways they give their time and expertise to create a positive impact.

1. Pro Bono Services For New Entrepreneurs

I offer pro bono coaching and mentoring to new entrepreneurs to help them navigate challenges, develop strategies and support them on their way to success. It is important to make a positive impact on others. I also hope to contribute to a thriving entrepreneurial community. I want to give back since I have always had great support, and I know that it has been very important for me. - Jessica Hill Holm, Hill Holm Coaching & Consulting

2. Health And Well-Being Coaching For Black Women

I am a project director of the African Well Woman Project, and as a certified health and well-being coach, I volunteer alongside five other volunteer coaches. We provide coaching to empower women to optimize their health and mental well-being. - Beaulah M. Chizimba, Limitless Nurses

Forbes Coaches Council is an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches. Do I qualify?

3. Working With Laid-Off Sales Leaders

Like many people, I have been laid off or “furloughed” in the course of my career. People whose self-worth has for decades been linked to their roles suddenly find themselves struggling, and sales leaders who were on the crest of the wave now find themselves cast upon the shore. I work with stressed sales leaders to help them get back out there and ramp up for their next evolution. - Mark Hayes, SalesCoachr

4. Helping Individuals Navigate Change

I co-founded a nonprofit that offers free coaching to individuals experiencing change or transition in their work or personal lives. We match trained coaches with individuals in need, providing support and guidance during challenging times. It is incredibly fulfilling to make a positive impact by helping others navigate change with resilience and purpose. - Morgan Massie, Leadership and Training Concierge

5. Career Counseling For Young Professionals

I make it a practice to work only on a pro bono basis with people in their 20s who are trying to figure out their first or second steps as they launch their careers. These are informal engagements, but they are powerful. We start with searching within, then look at the marketplace. This helps them build the muscle of self-awareness—an integral part of a successful professional life. - Joanne Heyman, Heyman Partners

6. Providing Toys For Hospitalized Children

I began my practice with the notion that we can embed social impact alongside commerce. In doing so, we can transact business and help those in need. I take coaching income and help others in need in the areas of community, entrepreneurship, education and healthcare. My latest project is to provide toys to children undergoing treatment at Dell Children’s Hospital to keep their minds occupied. - Terry Kahler, T. Kahler Coaching, LLC

7. Helping Military Service Members Transition To The Civilian Workforce

I have donated hundreds of hours to military service members transitioning into civilian employment. For the greatest impact, I coach individuals and provide consultation to organizations seeking to hire and retain veterans. Further, I have donated countless copies of my book to individuals from every branch of service. - Emily Grandinetta, MCC, Grandinetta Group, LLC

8. Assisting Children Without Parental Care

Giving back to my community is a core part of my coaching business. Helping children without parental care is dear to my heart, and thanks to my coaching success, I donate to organizations supporting them every year—sometimes even multiple times a year. It brings me immense joy to make a positive impact on their lives and ensure they have a brighter future. - Catherine B. Roy, LHM International by Catherine B. Roy

9. Coaching Those Navigating Barriers To Workforce Entry

I support an organization named Chrysalis, which helps people navigating barriers to the workforce prepare for, find and keep jobs. Most of our clients are in unstable housing conditions, and some experience homelessness. I provide interview coaching, résumé development assistance and job search coaching on a biweekly basis, either in person or remotely. - Don Pippin, area|Talent

10. Supporting Leaders In Social Sectors

As a leadership coach, I provide pro bono coaching to nonprofit organizations and leaders. My institute strongly believes in providing support to leaders in social sectors, since this is an opportunity to create meaningful social change. It is important to impact society on our own time without asking for anything in return. - X. Carmen Qadir, Coaching & Consulting Experience, LLC

11. Connecting Leadership Development With Supporting Wildlife

Two key passions for me are human development and animals. I lead a unique program that pairs executive leadership development with wolves, and 100% of the profits are donated to Wolf Connection. This is a 501(c)(3) organization that both rescues wolves and runs programs for youth who are at risk, veterans and individuals who were formerly incarcerated. - Janine Davis, Evolution

12. Donating Gift Certificates For Fundraising Events

My favorite way to give back is to donate certificates for coaching to local nonprofit organizations when they have a silent auction or raffle or are raising money in other ways. I’m donating my time while supporting the community I love! - Dr. April Willis, April Willis Consulting, LLC

13. Providing Coaching For Nonprofits

I recently started coaching for a nonprofit coaching organization. It offers organization coaching, one-on-one coaching and group coaching. Nonprofit organizations often lack the resources for coaching. This is a positive way to give back to organizations that are serving our communities and people with fewer resources. - Dave Cornelius, KNOLSHARE

14. Championing Gender Equity

One of my pro bono coaching projects for the past four years has been with Fora’s Rise On Boards, a national program that champions gender equity among emerging leaders being considered to serve on governance boards across Canada. Prior to and during their board appointments, I coach these leaders on matters of governance, communications, problem-solving and leadership. I also serve on the steering committee. - Susan Murray, Clearpath Leadership

15. Mentoring The Next Generation Of HR Leaders

I volunteer with my local chapter and state council for the Society for Human Resource Management, which allows me to share knowledge and mentor the next generation of HR leaders. SHRM publishes insightful content about HR, which is immensely helpful for training and development, and hosts conferences so HR leaders can convene to problem-solve the challenges facing our industry—together. - Michael Timmes, Insperity NSP

16. Helping Lead The Work Of The Jeremiah Program

For the last nine years, I’ve served on the national governing board for the Jeremiah Program. It’s inspirational to work with a diverse group of leaders who are all committed to eliminating poverty two generations at a time through education, career coaching and access to safe, affordable housing. It is a reminder to us all that with the right resources, we can be great moms and successful career women. - Meredith Leigh Moore, Leverette Weekes

17. Providing Career Coaching To Refugees

We provide free career coaching to Ukrainian refugees here in the U.S., where the process of getting a job is vastly different from that in Eastern Europe. Through the International Association of Career Coaches, we sponsored the certification as career coaches of two seasoned professionals from Ukraine. They have formed a coaching company to help their fellow citizens land jobs. - Cara Heilmann, International Association of Career Coaches

18. Coaching Veterans And Their Spouses And Caregivers

I’m a volunteer coach with Stand Beside Them, which provides free coaching to military veterans and their spouses and caregivers. These individuals made so many sacrifices for our country and sometimes struggle to reintegrate into civilian life. Each veteran is paired with an ICF ICF -credentialed coach and receives around 10 one-hour sessions of coaching support. It’s very rewarding. - Justin Patton, The Trust Architect Group

19. Helping Women Achieve Financial Freedom

My goal is to help a million women globally achieve financial freedom by 2030 by supporting girls’ education and women’s business and vocational training and fighting human trafficking. Apart from pro bono work, I’ve become a member of B1G1 and work with my clients so that every time we do business, something good happens in the world—for example, a girl gets a bicycle for a week to get to school. - Angela Sedran, The Business Growth Accelerator

20. Donating Profits To A Variety Of Worthy Causes

When I first opened my leadership coaching practice 18 years ago, I made the decision to set aside time, talent and treasure to be a force for good on the planet. Over the years, what I’ve invested in has varied. From Kiva, to Project Forgive, to Kisoboka, to numerous individuals, I’ve donated over $500,000 to philanthropic causes. - Lisa Marie Platske, Upside Thinking, Inc.