Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Time: 1:00pm Eastern / 10:00 am Pacific

Presenters: Tina Schust Robinson, DecisionWise Coaching Partner

In this interactive webinar, we will explore how the 360 can be a bridge between organizational engagement aspirations and required leadership behaviors. We will review lessons learned from a client’s engagement-driven implementation of 360s. And we will share ideas for how you can connect the dots between engagement and 360s in your own organization.

The webinar will be led by Tina Schust Robinson, an experienced leadership coach and DecisionWise coaching partner who has been using 360s with clients for more than 20 years. Tina is the founder of WorkJoy, providing coaching, facilitation, and consulting services to organizations ready to unleash the potential of their humans.


Kaylee C | 00:01

Alrighty. Well, it is just about time, so we will go ahead and get started. Um, and people will probably start trickling in as, as we get started here. So, um, we are so excited to have Tina Robinson with us today as our guest speaker here to present to us. Um, Tina is a leadership coach and a decision wise coaching partner. Um, she’s been using three sixties with clients for over 20 years. Um, so she has a lot of experience and she’s the founder of Work Joy, providing coaching, facilitation and consulting services. Um, just as a reminder, um, for those of you who this is applicable to, um, this webinar does qualify for SHRM and H rci I credit. If you have any questions, um, or anything like that, you can email us at Um, but without further ado, we’ll let Tina take it away and, um, show us what she has for today. We’re excited.

Tina Robinson | 01:02

Wonderful, Kaylee, thank you so much. Hopefully everybody can hear me. And I’m also realizing that w when I’m sharing my screen in teams, I’m not able to see the chat. So Kaylee, what I may do is, um, uh, pause periodically, um, or, and turn it over to you to see if there’s any questions that have come up. Um, but, uh, if that’s okay.

Kaylee C | 01:27

Sounds great.

Tina Robinson | 01:29

Wonderful. Excellent. All right. Well, I am so excited to be here. Um, what we’re gonna start today is first of all, a huge thank you to our host. So the wonderful Kaley, the fabulous decision wise. Thank you so much for hosting us. A little bit of expectation setting. We are gonna aim to be, uh, done around 10 45. Uh, that’s ten five Pacific Time because I’m sitting here in Los Angeles. Um, gives everybody time to get to their next meeting. And a disclaimer about technology, if for any reason wifi goes out on my end, it’s been a little bit weird today. Um, just know that I will be right back. Um, if you believe Mercury being retrograde, mercury is retrograde right now, and so we are all navigating through that. Uh, but a huge thanks to every one of you for being on this call. And if you are listening to a recording versus us, uh, live, then we hope you enjoy this. Hope you enjoyed this recording.

Tina Robinson | 02:31

Okay. Okay. I’m now hearing, I’m hearing a little bit of an echo, possibly ’cause somebody wasn’t muted, but that’s okay. So who, here’s gonna talk about who am I? I’ll give you a little background on the 360. We’re gonna talk about a case study. ’cause I think case studies are really fun because it’s a way of making this real, rather than talking about it hypothetically, we can actually utilize example, and I’m gonna talk about one of my past clients, um, where I did a lot of 360. We’re gonna link 360 to leadership development and engagement, which is the reason that you’re all here. And again, we’re, we’re gonna make this as real as possible, and I’m gonna share lessons learned.

Tina Robinson | 03:18

Okay? We’re gonna watch for questions in the chat. I may have to unshare my or, uh, unshare my screen and pop in for questions. But please keep those coming. We will pause periodically, or I will have the wonderful Kaleigh, um, read me some questions that are coming up. And I think chat is great for all of you, so feel free to talk to each other and answer each other’s questions too. So I’m gonna test you on that and, uh, let you introduce yourselves after I introduce me. So, here’s me, I’m not gonna read all this. It’s a lot of words on a slide, but as Kaylee said, I, um, I’ve been in this work for a long time. Um, I can’t believe I’m as old as I am. I started doing this work when I was 12, obviously, but I’ve been working at the intersection of hr, um, and od and humans and work for more than 20 years.

Tina Robinson | 04:15

Um, I’ve been in-house for a lot of that. So I’ve headed up HR teams, I’ve headed leadership development. I’ve worked in sales operations, I’ve worked in tech. I’ve worked across multiple industries. And I started my career many years ago in management consulting. In 2017, I founded Work Joy, which is a great name for an organization that basically helps humans, uh, unleash full potential at work. And we do that through coaching, through training, through program design, and all kinds of speaking and facilitation. So you can check us out Um, I was recruited by a company called ftic. Many of you have heard of them. They’re sort of a parent company to their brands, including Rihanna’s brand. Savage Enti was recruited by them at the end of 2019, just before the pandemic to create a leadership development function. That’s the case study that we’re gonna be using today.

Tina Robinson | 05:15

When I’m not doing all this, I teach part-time, um, at the business school at, uh, Loyola Marymount University, which in Los Angeles. I love speaking. If any of you might be coming to the A TD conference in San Diego later this month, or the SH RM conference in Las Vegas, I will be there and I would love to come find me and say hello. Um, I’m an East Coaster by birth and a West Coaster for the last 20 years. Um, and I live in la, uh, with my husband who is a writer, and I had two pet birds. So if you didn’t think I was weed before, yes, I live with parents. They are small dinosaurs that haven’t really evolved that much. So now what I wanna hear, what I wanna do is hear from you. So in chat, I want you to say where you work and where you are geographically. So for example, I’m Tina, I work at Work Joy, and I am in Los Angeles. So take a minute and just say how, hello, do we and let us know where you are.

Speaker 2 | 06:21

I’m Judy. I’m in Middlebury. Hi,

Tina Robinson | 06:25

I’m in. Sorry. Um, I’m gonna have you use chat. Sorry, I I should have said that. Um, but Judy, lovely to meet you, um, virtually and over voice. Um, just to make it easier, I’m gonna have everybody use chat, but thank you. I love that It is. So again, who you are, say hello, where you are, where you work, and you know, mother’s maiden name, email, password, anything else you’d like to share with us on our call today? No, I’m kidding, kidding. As you are doing that, I’m gonna go ahead. Um, big hello to everybody and I encourage you to say hello to yourself. Um, if we were live then in person, I would actually have us do 360 introductions. So, because we’re virtual, I’m gonna just give it to you as one of my many gifts today. This was fun. We did this at a conference where I presented this same presentation, um, where you have people meet somebody in front of them to each side and behind them. So works great if you’re sitting in rows, also works great. If everybody’s standing up in a room, works great. Even if you’re at tables, this idea of in, of saying hello to the people in front of us, in back of us to our sides. So unfortunately, we’re not in person, so we cannot but food for thought for your next event.

Tina Robinson | 08:05

All right, so that was gonna be our warmup. We warmed up in chat instead, we’re gonna get going. So a brief history of the 360. Weirdly, it’s the origins in the military, and it was actually the German military between World War I and World War ii, which is an interesting fact that I found on the internet. Um, but many of the things that we take for granted in the workplace actually came from the military and the very hierarchical organization rupture that the military has in place. It began to be used by corporations, um, in the 1950s and big corporations including GE glom onto it. So for those of us old enough to remember GE when it was a powerhouse, and remember Jack Welch, um, uh, Mr. Welch more recently, there have actually been a lot of differing opinions about if how, and we use D 360, and I know we’re being hosted by a 360 powerhouse, but I have noticed that at conferences, there are speakers who support 360 and think they’re great. And then there are people who think 360 are maybe a tool to be careful with. So in chat, share with each other. Are you friend or foe of this tool? Or maybe a wait and see attitude.

Tina Robinson | 09:38

Kaley, if you’re on, what are you noticing in chat? Are you seeing friend foe or wait and see?

Kaylee C | 09:47

It looks like we’re seeing a lot of friends. Three people have said friends so far.

Tina Robinson | 09:53

Wonderful. Well, good.

Kaylee C | 09:54

Wait and see. Megan says, wait and see. Kristen says friend Katie says, wait and see.

Tina Robinson | 10:06

Imagine we’re not gonna get a lot of foes because you’re on a webinar about three sees hosted by a 360 vendor. So my guess is we’re we’re not gonna get a lot of people who are thinking 360 are not good. But I love the wait and see. Perhaps at the end of our time together, you’ll actually, um, have seen what you needed to see. So what is some of the debate over 360? It starts with an unclear why. And I have noticed this with my, that the wait and see attitude with 360 really starts with why are we using the 360 and maybe some, um, cloudy in the, why are you using a 360 to deepen the self-awareness of the participants leaders? Are you using a 360 to diagnose potential prompts? I’ve had a client come to me and say that that was their big why or are you using a 360 to evaluate development needs and perhaps shape your l and D structure?

Tina Robinson | 11:15

All of those are the whys. I would lean more towards one and three rather than using it to diagnose potential problems. I do think if you do enough 360, you do start noticing patterns. There’s a debate, the confidentiality of feedback and some of the consequences for Raiders. So how do you set that expectation upfront? Who is going to get a copy of the 360? Um, our raters anonymous U three sixties allow for that anonymous feedback. How well the raters know the participant. Because if you have raters who really don’t know you, it’s really easy for a 360 to just default to a middle score. Or people will skip questions and then you don’t have a really valuable result. And then a lot of the, the personal biases or emotional biases that we see in other aspects of HR work their way into the three feet.

Tina Robinson | 12:15

So we have the leniency or recency effect. So leniency is, hey, I always give everybody a five out of five. Or recency is, oh, you know, Joe did such an amazing job on the object last week. So all of your ratings are clouded by what Joe did recently. There’s a central tendency. Some people tend to just rate in the middle, sort of like the old joke about taking the SATs and just choosing C for everything, especially if you don’t know the answer. And then the halo in the horns. So the, uh, commonly comes up when we are interviewing, but the halo effect is, oh look, she’s a redhead. Well, she’s obviously great and that red hair is gonna cast a halo over everything. Or Mm, he went to Ohio State, which is Michigan’s big rival. Mm. That’s gonna put horns over everything. So all of those things contribute to the debate over 360. Should we use them? Should we not? Are we friend? Are we fo? So in chat up to here about your concerns about using the 360 in chat. What is something that is making you wait and see or even concerns that you’ve had in the past about using 360? Is it that confidentiality? Is it the clarity of the why? Is it concern about how people rate?

Tina Robinson | 13:49

And I’d love to hear Kaylee as you see people in chat. That’s amazing.

Kaylee C | 13:54

Yes. Um, Barbara said, need a mature audience to have an effective 360 program. Wade says, team capacity to have time for the reviews.

Tina Robinson | 14:06

Time, yeah. Adding it to an already long list of things that you’re asking people to do. Totally.

Kaylee C | 14:13

Emily says, concern about confidentiality with being a small organization. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>. Um, yeah, Katie said confidentiality, time consuming. Um, Judy says Confidentiality.

Tina Robinson | 14:24

Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>. Yeah. Um, so we, so we’ll, I’ll make a point of talking about that. Um, rater fatigue too. You’re a small organization. Um, or if you just have a lot of things going on, we often use the same raters, especially people higher up in the leadership chain. And so trying to balance the rollout, the timing, um, of that so people just don’t get burned. Okay? So let’s assume for the purpose of today that you’ve already decided to go with the 360 makes today a little bit easier. And you wanna use 360 to help drive overall engagement and not just have it be something that is a one-off that goes in a drawer. So the big question is, how do you connect the dots? How do you make the insights and the ahas from the 360 stick? And how do you make it give you longer term results? These are the things that I know I have struggl with as well as many of my clients when they’re about to roll out a 360.

Tina Robinson | 15:39

So now I’m gonna introduce you to the case study. So ftic Fab Inc. Um, formerly Textile Fashion Group again, uh, textile is, and still is sort of an, an incubator for digitally native fashion brands. So you’ve probably heard of a lot of these brands. So Shoe Dazzle, fab, fab Kids, Savage, exi, giddy, um, fab Athletics just rolled out Scrubs. So they are, um, started in about 2010. So they’re up on their 13th anniversary. They have, um, hundreds of retail stores globally. Savage is also rolling out its own retail stores and they offer a subscription to their offerings or there’s a subscription. So you pay a monthly fee, you become a VIP and then you have access to purchase things and you get credits for that. Um, so lots of fun things. So in chat, let me know if you’ve heard of any of these brands. Maybe you are wearing a pair of FTIC leggings as we speak. Maybe you have discovered Yi, um, or you think Savage XY is pretty cool. What are we seeing in chat? Kaley?

Kaylee C | 17:10

Let’s see here. Um, Katie says, yes, heard of most of them. Barbara says, no got another yes coming in.

Tina Robinson | 17:27

That’s not part of the quiz. You do not have to be, uh, fans of any of these fa uh, any of these brands. But that’s just a little bit of the context. A little bit more context is that athletics, despite being a a mid-size company, I’m, I’m not gonna call them small, they actually have a robust talent function, ongoing career development offerings. Um, lots of professional development. They do things virtually, they do things in person and they use the Great Place to Work surveys twice a year to measure engagement. And it’s something that the organization has been doing since about 2019. Um, so there’s a commitment to engagement that that’s shown in every town hall. It’s shown in what the company does with the results it’s own in their approach to hybrid work. Another chat question. Does anybody else use Great Place to Work?

Kaylee C | 18:40

Um, we have a couple of those nos mostly people are saying no. Um, yeah, quite a few, quite a few nos not yet.

Tina Robinson | 18:52

So then here’s my follow up question. Um, if you are during engagement, how are you doing it? So share that and chat with us. Let us know if you are measuring engagement. How are you doing it? Are you partnering with a vendor? You, did you create a homegrown survey? Um, little plug for decision wise. They do offer engagement surveys.

Kaylee C | 19:25

Yep. Let’s see, culture surveys. One-on-ones pulse surveys. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> mo Varsity, not formally measuring. We use online surveys. We create, create our own survey, um, ven both vendor and in-house. Great. Um, yeah,

Tina Robinson | 19:41

Great. So a lot, a lot of things we are sort of running the spectrum, which is pretty typical and in, in a mixed audience between not really doing much. I’ve actually partnered with a vendor formally to measure this with some more structure, but most of us tend to fall somewhere in between pulse surveys, one-on-one, focus groups, um, homegrown surveys. I think all of that’s great. So engagement. Let’s talk a little bit about what engagement is. I’m, I’m speaking to an educated group here, so I don’t need to tell you all this. You know, that engagement is the emotional investment in our work. It’s about emotional and social needs. It’s tapping into a higher purpose. And if you have engaged employees, we know this, that these are employees who are enthusiastic about their work, they’re committed to their work, they’re committed to their workplace, they’re more willing to give the extra effort and they’re more willing, willing to stick around.

Tina Robinson | 20:50

We also know that leaders influence engagement. So this is research that Gallup did a few years ago now, and up to their surveys and all of their data crunching, they calculated that leaders have up to a 70% effect on a team’s engagement. So the difference in engagement one team versus another’s is up to 70% of that difference can be looked at with the leader. So leader influence how engaged their people are. So here’s the logic that we, uh, walk through at ftic. If employees believe the fab tics brands are a great place to work, they’re more likely to be engaged.

Tina Robinson | 21:40

Makes sense? So if leaders we know they have a big effect on engagement in demonstrating desired behaviors, they’re more likely to contribute to the brands being a great place to work. Okay? So we wanna measure to what extent these leaders are demonstrating these desired behaviors and then coach leaders around the gaps. So we’re gonna use the 360. So that was our logic. So, um, this I think is a very helpful exercise to do because this sets your why. If, if we go back to the wait and sees of the 360 being an unclear why, walking through your logic for why you’re using a 360 can be a really big help. So this is an example of that.

Tina Robinson | 22:42

So athletics is actually pretty far ahead when in, when it comes to expected or desired leadership behavior. So this is a list of the behaviors that were actually put on the goal plan of every people leader at Fabs through Workday. So these were set as expectations of every leader and a lot of the professional development touched on these desired behaviors. So again, looking at this list of behaviors, nothing in here that’s earth shattering, but all things that we can measure. Let’s pause here for a quick second. Kaylee, I’m, um, let’s look at chat. I’m pausing here to just check for any questions, questions about lytics, questions about the why of the three sixties, sort of our midpoint check-in. How are we doing?

Kaylee C | 23:56

I don’t see any coming in yet, but let’s give it just a a second.

Tina Robinson | 24:03

If we were in person, I’d be able to read all of your faces and I could tell, um, it’s the joy of being virtual that we just pause and check in.

Kaylee C | 24:16

Um, it looks like we don’t have any questions as of right now, Tina.

Tina Robinson | 24:19

Okay, that’s great. It means I’m making sense, which is a good day. So let me talk through a little bit about what we did. First of all, we turned those behavior statements, those behavior expectations into competency statements. Um, probably many of you on the call know what a competency is. A competency is basically just an observable behavior or skill. Many and most if not all of the 360 out there, at least the, the really good ones, including the decision-wise. Three sixties are competency based and offer competency libraries for you to access. So we turned those behavior expectations into competency statements. We chose a vendor with past experience with Lytics. So fled had been using the, had used this vendor in the past, um, and, and had actually piloted three sixty’s with a very small group of people and wanted to stick with that vendor. Okay?

Tina Robinson | 25:18

Sometimes we go with what’s familiar. Um, once we had used that vendor, we actually re uh, revised and repartnered. We went to a different vendor and we actually chose a vendor that was much more self-service. The vendor that we had used previously did a lot of things for us. And as the organizational, uh, capability increased, we were able to work with a vendor that was a cheaper ’cause we were starting to watch budget, um, but also allowed us a lot more freedom and flexibility. And so that’s something that you can talk about with a three <inaudible> is how, how much do you do for me? And how much access do I have to do things on my own? And then we continued learning.

Tina Robinson | 26:10

Lemme share with you a little bit about what we did. Alright, so what we achieved part one, we did 150 and I’m gonna say we, but it was actually me, um, as the consultant here, 150 plus or minus three sixties with leaders at the senior manager and higher level across multiple countries, multiple functions, multiple businesses and multiple brands. And we did this, yes, during the pandemic. So each of those three sixties included all of the online facilitation of the survey process, um, the reminders to the raters and the uh, sort of creation of the result. The, the reports and a 90 minute one-on-one debrief with me to talk about the results. So, phew, it was a busy year. What we achieved in addition to those three sixties was ongoing demand and increased demand for development opportunities. So the leaders were like, huh, I wanna do a 360 with one of the leaders in my group. Or Hey, I wanna get better at x, y, z copies. Or Hey, I think my whole team would benefit from getting better at x, y, z behaviors and skills.

Tina Robinson | 27:49

All of those three sixties also created interest in leadership coaching one-on-one coaching and working with a coach to actually dig in to some of these competency gaps. So what we achieved part two was in 2022, actually end of 2021, I’m gonna, I’m getting my years confused. The end of 2021. Um, we took all of that learning from the 360 process and we launched a hypo program or a high potential program. One of my gifts to you today is a great name. If you’re thinking about doing something similar, we called it lift. Let’s invest in future talent because as soon as you say that something or someone is high potential, everybody else starts wondering about their own potential. So we didn’t wanna call it a hypo program. So lift you’re lifting people up. Thought it was a fun name. And part of that lift program, it was the patient only, but it included a 360. We also expanded the 360 offering, uh, to leaders who hadn’t gone through the initial process, um, to leaders who were in brand new roles who maybe wanted to refresh their 360 results. And we made sure that a requirement for getting a 360 ’cause there is work involved was that this leader had to have an active development plan. We tailored the competencies so that we had our own libraries so we could pick and choose the competencies for each 360. And we began organizing professional development offerings related to some of those core competencies.

Tina Robinson | 29:46

So lemme pause there, Kaylee, let’s see if there are any questions related to that. ’cause I just said a lot. That is what we achieved or what fabs achieved. Basically 2020 through 2022 questions, observations, comments about that.

Kaylee C | 30:14

Um, Barbara asked, what were some of the greatest pushbacks you encountered?

Tina Robinson | 30:19

Ah, Barbara, you are beating me to it. On our next slide, I’m gonna talk about lessons learned and we will go into the pushbacks because oh yes, we had pushbacks. Great question. Other questions? Okay, let me start talking about what we learned because this is again my gift to all of you. Um, it’s the read love webinars that feature a case study because it’s been there, done that. And here’s what we learned. We learned that we have a, uh, leniency problem at fabs. So, um, the ratings across all competencies that all leaders average to a four or five. It is so hard to escape the biases. What I did was I actually changed the rating scale from uh, five point to four point and I took out that middle score. Now, every 360 vendor, every 360 consultant has their own philosophy on that. I am not preaching one over the other. Um, I was concerned and what we noticed was people were really freaked out about giving anybody a one or a two. So three became the low score, four became the new midpoint, and five stayed high. So I think that’s what contributes to everything. Averaging out to a four out of five tics is a, is a wonderful company, but they’re not a four out of five company across the leadership spectrum.

Tina Robinson | 32:06

So as you’re thinking about your rating scale, think about that. And also as you’re educating your raters, educate them on using the full spectrum of things. But know that you’re gonna have some leniency challenges. Comments matter more than numbers, partly because of that tendency to either default to the middle or rate too high. So really push your raters to give written feedback. And what I began doing and my messaging to the raters and most 360 uh, portals will allow you to customize messages to raters. Give examples of helpful and not so helpful comments. Uh, a common example of a not so helpful comment was, you rock, or we just need more of you. Or if I could only clone Joe. Okay, those are lovely, but they’re not helpful, they’re not specific. So as you’re educating Raiders, give examples of what kinds of moments you’d like them to provide.

Tina Robinson | 33:21

Invest the time in debriefing. What I noticed had done with the hypo program with all the 360 is probably more than 200, 360 for the organization. Um, most participants said they read the reports, but they got much more out of the conversation. So invest the time. And so as you’re thinking about the rollout of your three sixties, do you have the capacity, the time to do a debrief? Do not have that capability or capacity in-house. Outsource it to a consultant because a consultant can invest this time and knows how to do these huge, huge, huge learning for us. Um, and maintain executive support. So Barbara, you had asked about pushback. We were able to mitigate some push because of the constant checking in with leaders. If I wasn’t getting raters to respond, if I wasn’t getting, uh, the 360 participants themselves engaged, I would just go up the food chain, reengage those leaders to have them reinforce their executive support. And you really wanna keep the participants managers engaged as well so that they stay sticky in the process. Lemme pause there ’cause that’s a lot too. Questions, thoughts, observations?

Kaylee C | 35:02

Um, Lisa said, I like lift better than, um, hypo. Thank you. You’re

Tina Robinson | 35:08

Welcome. Isn’t it a great name?

Kaylee C | 35:11

<laugh>? And then a comment came in as well, how can I get staff to be open to do an anonymous performance review on their manager without feeling like it’s going to be traced back to them? Yeah,

Tina Robinson | 35:24

And that is, I mean, ultimately if you have three people on your, your team and you know, sort of their writing style, um, from the comments, it’s, it’s gonna go back. And so creating that environment of trust, and I think we actually talk about that a little bit in here, but um, if not, I will talk about it. Now, if ideally you’re bringing a 360 in after you’ve established some foundation of trust and you may wanna pilot your 360 on teams and with leaders where there already is that psychological safety because you’re exactly right. Um, if people are worried about their feedback being traced back to them and are afraid of repercussions, they may just give numbers and give no comment and then it’s almost like it’s not even worth doing it because you’re not getting very much out of it. So trust is a tricky slippery thing. My suggestion is pilot a 360 in the parts of your organization and with the leaders where there’s already that trust. Where is there is that psychological safety and build momentum from there.

Kaylee C | 36:49

Okay, there was one other mm-Hmm, <affirmative> comment Tina. Um, one other question. What do you do when the top of the food chain is the only one who doesn’t provide the feedback?

Tina Robinson | 36:58

Yeah, yeah, I’ve had that happen a lot is do as I say, not as I do. You do the best you can and you bring in reinforcements. So perhaps the head of HR can talk to that leader, but you explain the why to that leader and you reinforce with that leader the importance of being a role model. I’m gonna keep going ’cause I, um, we do have a hard stop at at ten five. So I, I wanna keep us going. Um, I’m gonna go quickly through these. Um, I’m pretty sure everybody will get a copy of this presentation. Um, if for any reason you don’t, you can email me directly or reach out to decision wise and we will make sure that you have it. Um, make the 360 sticky. So think about putting a 360 related goal into people’s development plans. Um, weave 360 learnings into other leadership development offerings and looking ahead. Again, limit your participants.

Tina Robinson | 37:59

Recognize the capability and the capacity of your organization. Um, think about other ways to gather feedback. Sometimes an HRIS has that capability. You may wanna do stakeholder interviews and ultimately the 360 is just a tool. And that is probably my ultimate learning from all of this. To quickly wrap up the engagement dots connected. So you’re gonna be measuring engagement in some way, which is why I asked you about that. You wanna connect leadership behaviors to engagement, connect those dots first. That’s part of your why you wanna define the desired leadership behaviors and turn ’em into competencies and then use a competency based 360, partner with a consultant, partner with a vendor. Give yourself a fighting chance for success.

Tina Robinson | 38:54

I’ve been an HR team of one. It’s really hard when you don’t have that support structure offer coaching. Again, you may need outside help for this, but get it. I do a lot of coaching for decision wise as a third party coach. Um, so I know how valuable this is. Offer learning opportunities to close those behavior or skills gap that can be in the form of coaching, it can be in the form of training, it can be in the form of speakers, workshops, self-study hold leaders accountable for doing something with this learning. So hold ’em accountable for improvements in their behaviors, evolution of their skills. And if you need to, um, redo a 60 or even a modified one and then reward the leaders who are doing this. Recognize them in performance reviews, in feedback from their own leaders so that they can connect those dots to say, wow, you know, hey, I am improving as a leader.

Tina Robinson | 40:01

Which to go to the top is gonna mean that there’s gonna be a direct effect on engagement. So if you take away anything from today, this might be your slide. My quick takeaways, the 360 is the screen. It’s just a tool like with any tool, it’s what you do with it that really matters. So we can talk about three sixty’s all day, but they’re just a tool. So invest in the coaching, hold people accountable for doing something with the results. Weave the results, weave the insights into your other programming, stay aligned with your why. Celebrate your leader’s success, your participant success and your own success.

Tina Robinson | 40:48

And my thank you is, if any of you wanna talk about this one-on-one with me, I’d be delighted to do that. So we have a few minutes for questions, but I also want wanna just go to this last slide here. Um, you could link to me this little QR code. I’m experimenting with QR technology, but you should be able to scan that and go right to my LinkedIn. You also have my email address right there. Um, and like I said, if you wanna talk about anything related to 360 and make it more personal to you and your organization, I’d be happy to tell you with another minute or two for questions. So I will leave this slide up and do have any close.

Kaylee C | 41:37

Um, I’m not seen any quite yet, but we’ll see if that coming. Okay, so, um, someone said, do you ever visit San Francisco?

Tina Robinson | 41:50

I love San Francisco. So, um, with me, I go where my clients are, I do things virtually and I also love to get on a plane. I’m going to a client in New York, um, on Sunday. So, and I’m, I’m at a client site this week and yeah, San Francisco’s great.

Kaylee C | 42:07

Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>. Um, and people are asking about sharing the slides. Are you going to be sharing the slides, Tina, or, uh, we’re gonna be sharing the webinar. Um, so we’ll email after this, uh, the webinar and demand and then the Shem and HRCI credits will also be emailed. Um, but if you want Tina, we can share the slides as well. If, if not then yeah,

Tina Robinson | 42:29

I can go ahead and share A PDF so I can send that to you. Um, it’s um, I may send it this afternoon if that’s okay. Um, but I will send a PDF and if anybody for any reason doesn’t get it, just send me an email directly.

Kaylee C | 42:43

Perfect. Okay. So yeah, we’ll send out the recording slides and then the credits as well.

Tina Robinson | 42:48

Wonderful. With that I wanna say Kaylee, a huge thanks to you for being the voice of chat. A huge thanks to everybody who participated. A huge thanks to decision wise, um, a really, really wonderful vendor I’ve known decision wise, um, for years now. And I’m thrilled to be one of their coaching partners and I wish you all a wonderful Wednesday.