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Which City Reminds You Of Your Career?

Forbes Coaches Council

Michelle Perchuk is a job search strategist, career coach and founder of MTV Coaching.

Cities and careers share a common thread—their purpose shapes their existence. Just as a city's layout determines its functionality, a career journey drives you toward that dream job destination. Much like the intricate planning that goes into a city's foundation, a career's formative years hold the keys to success. And just as a city lacking thoughtful planning can turn into a maze, a career without a structured blueprint can lead to inefficiencies, delays and countless obstacles, leaving the executive feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.

According to the Pew Research Center, 30% of Americans view their jobs as something to “get them by.” Professionals can greatly benefit from taking a step back and simultaneously taking a closer look at their careers and how they are connected to their existence. Do you know your professional journey? Do you want to get connected to your career? Or are you just “getting by”?

Many professionals find themselves satisfied in their current role, but they lack imagination when it comes to planning their career beyond a 12-month window. Even when asked, they still don't understand how to formulate a long-term goal. They have a current job and a paycheck, so why think about the future when the present looks good? Creating thought-provoking methods to help professionals step back and view their careers from a different perspective is an extremely powerful tool. Combining career planning and geopsychology is unique and yet insightful because it can help a professional determine which city is similar to their career path. Imaging one's career as an urban landscape provides a much-needed perspective, especially for those who are stuck.

Your Career As A Cityscape

First, you need to imagine your career as a cityscape, with roads, buildings and neighborhoods. Cities are designed to serve specific purposes, just like your career path has one specific purpose—getting you to a destination in your profession that will be rewarding and satisfying. Outside factors, such as economic downturns and mergers and acquisitions, can affect your journey. But all in all, you are the master of your career success. You’re the governor, mayor and city council of your path. Your career is what you make it, and it's up to you to choose how you want to pursue your end goal.

The Need For Speed: Dallas

For example, let’s use Dallas. In 1911, the Dallas city manager made plans to improve the city's transportation efficiency and to create a business-driven atmosphere. If your career resembles the energy of Dallas, you might find yourself chasing promotions and growth opportunities and setting ambitious goals. Your “need for speed” could lead to a fulfilling career, but finding work-life balance will be tricky. How about taking intentional pit stops to evaluate and reset in order to move forward?

One client of mine was so focused on getting a promotion that they failed to take a look at what was going on around them. The firm was falling apart due to poor leadership, but my client wanted that title no matter what because they thought they had a limited amount of time to get it. In their case, speed was not an effective approach; they were better off leading and accepting a more challenging role with another employer.

Career Satisfaction: Paris

Paris is known as the city of love, art and pleasure. Paris has a culture that welcomes indulgence and appreciation. This city can represent the pursuit of career satisfaction. Do you prioritize meaningful work, creative expression and projects that bring you a sense of fulfillment? Continue to nurture your passions to help you find a career that aligns with your values. Company culture is becoming a huge determining factor for professionals, and they need to feel a sense of belonging at their workplace. Smart executives try to align their core values and beliefs with the mission statements of their employers. In other words, it's important to realize that you don't want a job; you want a career path that represents what you believe in.

Striking A Balance: Tokyo

Striking a balance is essential for all professionals, and Tokyo is a city that represents that sentiment. Tokyo, a city that is anchored by tradition but fueled by innovation, truly captures the idea of pursuing a balanced career. If your career journey reflects Tokyo's ethos, you might prioritize a harmonious work and personal life. This type of career journey is usually the most sought-after. This could lead to increased job satisfaction and overall well-being. Many professionals realized this during the height of the pandemic as they needed to adapt and work from home. Many had the opportunity to reset and prioritize family time, raising children or caring for elderly parents. They uncovered the secret, which now allows them to work from other parts of the world while being more productive and fulfilled. It all starts with the desire to strike a balance and lead a healthy life.

Influence And Impact: Dubai

Perhaps you are passionate about making an impact and becoming an influencer in your industry. You can be inspired by Dubai and its towering skyscrapers and abundant culture. Dubai is a city of transformation and opulence—a city created in the desert that started as a vision and quickly became a fast-growing, powerful metropolis. If your career follows Dubai's model, you're likely driven by a desire to influence your industry and become a founder or CEO. But you’re going to do it your way, and you won't give up because there are challenges ahead. Ensure you’re networking and meeting other great minds. Going the extra mile and attracting people by sharing your vision is an essential component of being a powerhouse.

Defining Your Career Vision

Roadblocks and challenges aren’t taboo in any city, much like in a career. Reflecting upon the foundational stones of your career path becomes crucial. Did you meticulously lay out your initial steps? Did you evolve with the journey, or did the journey evolve with you? Often, rapid career growth can be a double-edged sword, demanding introspection. Just as a city planner must balance expansion and sustainability, professionals must contemplate if their career trajectory aligns with their aspirations.

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