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Unlocking Leadership Growth: The Power Of 360-Degree Feedback

Forbes Coaches Council

Morgan Massie, award-winning leadership consultant, ICF-certified coach, and founder/CEO of Leadership and Training Concierge.

Leadership development is far from a solitary journey where you quietly address your developmental needs in isolation. It goes beyond simply attending the latest leadership training program and keeping your insights and commitments to yourself. Instead, it's a dynamic process that requires active engagement with others to refine and enhance your leadership abilities. This not only leads to an improved perception of your overall effectiveness as a leader but also simultaneously elevates your leadership skills.

Recognizing and valuing the diverse perspectives that influence your leadership style is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Let's explore the impact of 360-degree feedback assessments and how they empower leaders to improve their skills while also serving as a means to address perceptions of their effectiveness in the workplace.

Leadership: Starting From Within

Great leaders don't wait for opportunities to fall into their laps; they actively seek growth. This begins by recognizing strengths and weaknesses that shape their leadership style and then seeking feedback.

Personal Responsibility

To develop as a leader, you must take ownership of your growth journey. Set goals, seek opportunities for improvement and act on them.

Acknowledging Strengths

Good leadership begins with knowing your strengths. When you're aware of what you excel at, you can use these abilities to inspire and guide your teams.

Acknowledging Opportunities For Development

Great leaders are not afraid to admit where they can improve. Identifying areas that need development is a crucial aspect of personal growth and effective leadership.

Seeking Feedback

Leaders should actively ask for feedback. Constructive criticism is an invaluable resource for growth. Learning from experiences and others is crucial.

The Role Of 360-Degree Feedback

Recognizing the transformative potential of feedback in the leadership development process, many organizations double down on their commitment to enhancing leadership through the implementation of 360-degree feedback assessments. While leaders should make a personal practice of soliciting feedback on their own (as highlighted above), how they collect it can significantly impact its effectiveness. To ensure feedback is valuable, it should come from a variety of sources. Additionally, assessing feedback across various leadership competencies can provide insights into the alignment between one's strengths and the organization's leadership expectations.

Effective feedback should offer a candid assessment of a leader's strengths and areas for improvement. Moreover, it should encompass perspectives from individuals throughout the organization, offering a holistic view of the leader's overall effectiveness.

A 360-degree feedback assessment serves as a comprehensive tool, gathering input from diverse sources such as superiors, colleagues and subordinates. This multifaceted approach provides a well-rounded assessment of your performance, enabling you to pinpoint growth opportunities and leverage your strengths more effectively.

Research Showing Impact

Research consistently underscores the positive impact of 360-degree feedback on leadership development and effectiveness. For instance, a recent study found that leaders who receive feedback from multiple sources tend to make more significant improvements in their behavior and performance compared to those who rely on single-source feedback.

Another study showed that leaders who underwent 360-degree feedback assessments often experienced heightened self-awareness and increased job satisfaction, illustrating the transformative potential of such feedback.

What's particularly enlightening is the study that reveals that sharing a plan for leveraging feedback to enhance strengths and address development areas can further bolster perceptions of leadership effectiveness in the workplace.

Additionally, a study published in the Business Studies Journal found that combining 360-degree feedback with structured coaching can yield even more favorable outcomes for leaders, including heightened self-awareness, enhanced leadership skills and improved job performance.

With this compelling research in mind, let's now explore key strategies for your leadership journey that align with these valuable insights.

Strategies For Your Leadership Journey

To make the most of 360-degree feedback, incorporate these elements:

Clear Goals

Before seeking feedback, set clear development goals. What do you want to improve? What strengths can you build upon? Having specific objectives guides your growth.


Feedback can validate your existing development goals as well as highlight potential blind spots. Receiving feedback, especially when it points to areas for improvement, can be tough. But it's essential to be open and willing to learn from it.

Action Plan

After receiving feedback, it's time to create a plan. This plan should detail how you'll address development areas and capitalize on your strengths. Prioritize actions, set realistic timelines and consider sharing your action plan with your upline leader for added support and guidance.


Consider working with a coach or mentor. They can provide guidance, offer insights and help hold you accountable for your growth.


Leadership development is an ongoing journey. Regularly assess your progress, adjust your strategies and seek additional feedback to measure improvement.

Investing in your development through 360-degree feedback can be a strategic choice for leaders who want to actively address and manage perceptions of leadership effectiveness, cultivate their skills, foster enhanced self-awareness and ultimately achieve exceptional leadership that leaves a lasting impact on their teams and organizations. So embrace self-awareness and growth, and let feedback guide you to becoming an exceptional leader. Your journey starts within, but it's the insights from others that can help you soar to new heights.

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