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Creating A Workplace Culture Of Belonging, Diversity And Inclusivity

Forbes Coaches Council
Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D
Updated Apr 20, 2020, 07:23am EDT



I have lived and worked in many unique places around the world and have directly interacted with an even broader range of individuals from all sorts of distinctive backgrounds and worldviews. As part of my travels, I spent an extensive amount of time working in South Korea. In a previous article, I shared a Korean proverb that I learned and that has always been meaningful to me, 우물 안에 개구리, or "frog in a well," which suggests we should take proactive steps to broaden our exposure to diverse ways of knowing and understanding the different individuals and environments we interact with. We can discover ways to both honor and respect our upbringing, while simultaneously valuing the perspectives and views of those around us.

But what types of practical proactive steps can and should we take as organizational leaders?

We have all heard about the importance of workplace "belonging," "diversity" and "inclusivity," but unfortunately those terms are frequently used interchangeably. However, they aren't actually the same thing. It is worth taking the time to consider each, and then think about specific suggestions organizations can do to better create and maintain a workplace culture that truly values and encourages a greater sense of belonging, diversity and inclusivity.

Workplace Belonging

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the authors state the value of belonging at work: "Humans are so fundamentally social that we can even bond with strangers over the very experience of not having anyone with whom to bond." Additionally, they state: "If workers feel like they belong, companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits. High belonging was linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. For a 10,000-person company, this would result in annual savings of more than $52 million."

Whether it is for reasons related to company performance and the bottom line, or just an organization's desire to be employee-centric and sincerely focus on the human needs of its employees, leaders need to look for ways to help every employee feel welcomed, needed, wanted, valued, and that they have a genuine way to connect and contribute.

Workplace Diversity

A recent Medium article defines workplace diversity as "a company which employs people of varying characteristics, such as gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion, languages, education, abilities, etc."

A recent article from the Society for Human Resource Management suggests that we should take deliberate steps to recruit and hire "a diverse workforce that includes a range of ages, ethnicities, religions and worldviews…diverse backgrounds and characteristics."

Additionally, the same Medium article referred to several other industry reports that point out key benefits of workplace diversity:

• Revenue increases by 19% for organizations that have more diverse management teams.

• Decision-making by diverse teams outperforms that of individuals 87% of the time.

• Diverse organizations outperform competitors by 35%.

And the list of benefits goes on and on.

Workplace Inclusivity

Sometimes we may be tempted to think that recruiting and hiring a diverse workforce is the end goal. However, as explained in a recent article, "Inclusion doesn't happen simply because a diverse staff is present, but making the effort to create an inclusive workplace has a number of benefits. Diverse and inclusive companies are more adaptable, promote creative and innovative thinking, and attract additional talent interested in working in such an environment."

Specifically, in relation to innovation, a recent study by innovation guru Josh Bersin found that "inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market."

Actions To Enhance Workplace Belonging, Diversity and Inclusivity

So, we all know that we should focus on workplace belonging, diversity and inclusivity, but how do we do it? Here are eight important steps and ideas for action that can have immediate impact in any organization:

1. Educate your leaders and invest in meaningful diversity training.

2. Listen to employees and establish a shared vision.

3. Form an inclusion council and be proactive about developing specific inclusion initiatives.

4. Create opportunities to appropriately connect with employees and foster better social bonds.

5. Create opportunities to interact with and celebrate employee difference.

6. Create employee resource groups and establish mentoring initiatives.

7. Hold better meetings, where all views are welcome and sought out.

8. Report goals and measure progress.


It is one thing to understand the business case for creating a workplace culture of belonging, diversity and inclusion (which is incredibly strong and is supported by a tremendous amount of research). But let us also not forget the human argument. It is my position that all people, regardless of personal ascribed or achieved status or characteristic, background or worldview deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. As such, there are tangible actions organizational leaders can start taking today to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture in which all feel genuinely welcomed, needed, wanted, valued and given meaningful opportunities to engage and contribute. When this occurs, organizations and their employees will thrive.

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