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3 Reasons Leaders Shouldn't Avoid Difficult Conversations

Forbes Coaches Council

Stacey Hanke is author of the book “Influence Redefined… Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday®.”

A friend of mine, Lisa, recently told me about the concerning way her organization conducted an initial round of employee layoffs. Like others in the technology sector, her software development company decided to reduce its workforce by 5% to lower costs, restructure the workforce and create internal process efficiencies. What made the story disturbing wasn't the layoffs but how leadership communicated them.

Lisa's career in technology dates back to the '90s dot-com era, so she's no stranger to organizational restructures and downsizing. The most recent situation, however, broke her trust and confidence in the company's executive leadership team. Instead of having the difficult conversation, leaders sent a company-wide email notifying the staff that layoffs were imminent. The message indicated that employees would receive a personal email within five minutes if the layoffs impacted them directly. Minutes later, employees sat in disbelief as they were abruptly logged out of their company's system. Leadership avoided face-to-face conversations, choosing to, effectively, hide from their employees.

Leaders face difficult decisions every day. How we convey decisions directly impacts our reputation and credibility. Done correctly, we gain the ability to positively influence others to act on what we say. Done poorly, employees respond out of fear and skepticism, not the trust we need to be successful. If you are a leader facing a difficult conversation, consider these three reasons for facing it head-on.

1. Respect is reciprocal.

Take a moment and think of someone at work whom you trust, find credible and admire. Perhaps it's a mentor, boss, coworker or colleague. It could be someone you deeply respected early in your career. What three qualities come to mind when you reflect on that person's behavior? Now consider how they would communicate difficult news to you.

The respect you demonstrate during difficult conversations determines the respect others will have for you going forward. Instead of opting for the efficient, systematic way of delivering bad news, have a face-to-face conversation. People handle bad news differently, so in-person discussions allow you to approach them in a way that honors each unique person with the respect they deserve.

2. People talk.

In our online world, everything you do or don't do has an impact beyond your organizational walls. Employees, clients and colleagues leverage social media to convey their satisfaction or frustration with organizational brands. Platforms like Glassdoor, Reddit and LinkedIn allow users to share their experiences, good or bad.

Consider the last time you searched online for a product or store. Its reviews likely influenced your decision to make a purchase. Similarly, clients, prospects and top talent who are new to your brand will want to know what you stand for and how you treat others. So they'll more likely trust another’s feedback before they trust what you have to say.

When contemplating how to deliver bad news, ask yourself how you could be perceived if your decision went public. If you sent a company-wide email, would it wind up online for others to see, respond and react to? How might the public perceive you and your brand as a result? If your desired method of delivery could publicly backfire, consider alternative ways to better share this difficult news.

3. Your actions will be remembered.

Your influence is built around being memorable, and you want it to be for the right reasons. How you conduct a difficult conversation says everything about how others will remember you. My friend Lisa and her peers will remember how leadership handled the layoffs and how it made them feel. The former employees will go on to work for competitors, clients and prospects within the industry. What do you think they'll say about the leaders they worked for?

People remember you long after an interaction, which determines how they act and what they convey to others. Before your next difficult conversation, consider what the other person will remember about that interaction days, weeks and even years later. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you respond to the message and delivery if you were on the receiving end? Consider the second- and third-order consequences of your delivery before it becomes a crisis.

Difficult messages are unavoidable and never get easier. How you deliver them, though, will determine the level of influence you have as a leader. Be intentional, consider the consequences and try to be remembered for the right reasons long after the interaction is over.

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