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How To Develop Company Leaders Using Four Phases Of Creative Engagement

Forbes Coaches Council

Daphne Michaels is an executive consultant, leadership trainer and mentor at Daphne Michaels International with over 25 years experience.

As a leader, you know the importance of staying ahead of industry changes. This is why fostering creative engagement among all stakeholders is essential to be competitive in today’s rapidly evolving business environment.

So how can leaders achieve this? Let me introduce you to the Four Phases of Creative Engagement model, which provides a framework that encourages innovative thinking, a sustainability mindset and customer-centric leadership.

Before explaining exactly how to foster creative engagement among your leaders, I'd like to note that exceptional leaders don't just keep up with industry trends; they combine this insight with their own personal leadership growth. That's why I developed the PTR Campaign, an important element in my consulting and training. I've outlined the PTR Campaign strategy, which can lead to remarkable gains among your leaders, at the end of this article. Let's look now at how to structure roundtable conversations utilizing the Four Phases of Creative Engagement model.

The Four Phases Of Creative Engagement Model

Phase One: Simply Observe

Teach your leaders to observe rapid changes sweeping your industry. Observation can be heightened when they pay attention to these internal cues: What frightens them, inspires them, surprises them? What trends do they see now, around the corner and around the next corner? What do they see as becoming obsolete? What are other companies doing to stay current? Is it working? What appear to be the greatest challenges? What are the greatest opportunities?

Phase Two: Describe Observations

Ask them to articulate exactly what they are observing. This is an important phase of creative engagement. The challenging process of articulating observations helps to clarify what matters most at this point in time. It also provides your leaders with clarity regarding their own biases and offers an opportunity to lead beyond them. Before the roundtable discussion, ask participants to spend time working on exactly how they would articulate at least three new or prevalent observations.

Here is a formula to describe observations:

I am noticing _______, which is evidenced by _______, _______ and _______. It _______ (concerns/surprises/ inspires) me for the _______ (present/immediate future/long term). This is an _______ (urgent/ongoing/non-urgent but interesting) issue.

Phase Three: Determine Conclusions

What do they make of their observations? What do they predict if no action is taken? What do they predict if specific actions are taken?

Here is a formula to determine conclusions:

Based on my experience in _______ (industry/company/role), I believe that _______ (observation) will lead to _______ (positive/negative impact) such as _______, _______ and _______ if we _______(do/do not) _______ (intervene/seize the opportunity/develop a plan).

Phase Four: Discuss An Action Plan

Given your leaders' observations, how can they influence events shaping organizational and industry success? What is their proposed map forward?

Ask them to consider ideas in relation to the power of your infrastructure and the strength of your leadership team and organization, rather than proposing changes based on idealistic wishes. In order for these leadership decisions to have an optimal effect on your organization, also ask how they will remain inspired to carry out the approved action plan.

Here is a formula to discuss an action plan:

Considering that our infrastructure is _______ (strong/not equipped at this time) and the _______ (strength/ weakened condition) of our leadership team as evidenced by _______ and _______, here is my (immediate/short-term/long-term) idea about how to _______ (stop/seize/navigate) this _______ (observation).

Next Steps: Help Your Leaders Embark On A PTR Campaign

From the moment a high-potential employee is identified or a new leader starts their position, you have the power to help them embark on a concerted PTR Campaign to improve their leadership. PTR stands for Positive Presence, Trust and Respect. Here is a formula for your leaders to help cultivate PTR:

I exhibit a Positive Presence through _______, _______ and _______. I minimize these unprofessional behaviors (emotional outbursts, loss of composure, etc.): _______, _______ and _______.

I cultivate a sense of trust through these behaviors, policies and actions: _______, _______ and _______.

I am respected because of these behaviors, policies and actions: _______, _______ and _______.

Help your leaders understand that cultivating creative engagement is tied directly to their PTR Campaign. By developing their PTR they will build influential social capital throughout their tenure to motivate all stakeholders to remain creatively engaged.

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