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Beyond The Broken Rung: Allyship As A Path To Equity

Forbes Coaches Council

Dr. D’Amico is the Founder of Vetta Consultants, LLC, an executive coaching firm in Los Angeles.

The broken rung metaphor is a powerful image used to describe a critical barrier in the career progression ladder, particularly affecting women and underrepresented minorities in the workplace. This metaphor highlights the initial step up from individual contributor roles to managerial positions, which is often where the disparity in career advancement begins. Unlike the glass ceiling metaphor, which refers to the invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from reaching the top levels of management and leadership, the broken rung addresses obstacles encountered much earlier in one's career. These obstacles can make it impossible to reach the glass ceiling, let alone break through it.

Allyship refers to actively supporting and advocating for the rights and inclusion of marginalized or underrepresented groups without being a member of those groups. In the context of workplace equity, allyship involves recognizing the inherent privileges that come from one’s own position (be it due to race, gender, socioeconomic status or other factors) and using that awareness and privilege to support colleagues who face systemic barriers to equality, inclusion and opportunity.

The broken rung phenomenon refers to the significant barrier that women, particularly those from marginalized and underrepresented groups, face at the first step up to management, which significantly impacts their career progression and contributes to the gender gap in leadership. This concept gained widespread attention from research conducted by McKinsey & Company and, particularly highlighted in their annual "Women in the Workplace" reports. Below is a summary of key findings and insights from research on the broken rung and its implications in the workplace:

Identification Of The Broken Rung

The McKinsey & Company and "Women in the Workplace" report first identified the broken rung in 2019, highlighting that "for every 100 men promoted and hired to manager, only 72 women are promoted and hired," creating a significant gap right from the beginning of the leadership pipeline.

Impact On Leadership Diversity

The broken rung contributes to fewer women in the pipeline for senior leadership roles. This early disparity means that women are underrepresented at every subsequent level of management, making it increasingly difficult to achieve gender parity in leadership positions.

Intersectionality And The Broken Rung

The research from McKinsey & Company and also shows that the broken rung is even more pronounced for women of color, who are less likely than women overall to be promoted to manager. This highlights the intersectional nature of barriers faced by women from different backgrounds and identities.

To address the challenges posed by the broken rung, it is essential for organizations to implement targeted strategies aimed at fostering diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at all levels. This includes creating mentorship and sponsorship programs specifically designed to support women and underrepresented minorities in navigating their career paths. Additionally, companies must regularly audit their promotion practices to identify and eliminate biases contributing to the disparity. Transparency in promotion criteria and processes, along with comprehensive bias training for those involved in hiring and promotion decisions, can also play a critical role in mitigating the effects of the broken rung.

Ultimately, overcoming the broken rung requires a concerted effort from both individuals and institutions. Allyship is crucial in this context as a practice of using one's privilege to advocate for those less privileged. By fostering an environment where allyship is encouraged and expected, organizations can begin dismantling systemic barriers and pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive workplace. As we continue to shine a light on and address these critical issues, we move closer to a world where career progression is not hindered by gender or background but rather is propelled by merit, potential and the collective support of the workplace community.

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