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Bad Leadership Stems From A Lack Of Self-Awareness — Here's How To Improve

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Jan 17, 2022, 01:56am EST

Alex Draper is the CEO and Founder of DX Learning Solutions. He is passionate and committed to creating sustainable human-centric workplaces.

Have you ever questioned why some leaders are toxic? Why is it that when a certain person is in a leadership position, it can result in the mistreatment of a team? Experience plays a massive role in what one does. As does home life, schooling, friends, how their first boss treated them, etc. The power — or pressure — can also go to their head. It doesn’t help if they have never had any leadership training. (Funny how we don’t let a surgeon operate on a patient without training, yet we often let managers lead people without any formal training.) However, there is one factor that defines how leaders behave and improve: self-awareness.

A lack of self-awareness generally explains overconfidence, poor judgment and the inability to learn from mistakes, build teams or relate to others. In her book Insight, Tasha Eurich argues that self-awareness is the "meta-skill of the 21st Century." However, Eurich found that only 10% to 15% of people are self-aware.

Great leadership starts with digging deep into who you are and how others perceive you so you can tweak your leadership accordingly to ensure effectiveness. Leaders' perception of themselves can be out of touch with how others perceive them. For example, a leader may think they are great at delegating, yet their team constantly complains behind their back that they are the worst micromanager ever. That’s a problem for both the manager and the team as it impacts retention, engagement and performance. 

Leadership is simple: Do more of the stuff you are good at and do less of the stuff you are bad at. Every day would be a day of continuous improvement if you were aware of those things. There would be no gaps in perception and your team wouldn’t waste energy, time and brainpower moaning about your lack of awareness. So much is left on the table as a result of unconscious incompetence. If you are not learning every day, you are stagnating.

The Gap Between Reputation And Identity

Leaders need to care more about their reputation and identity. Reputation is the public image you portray and often what others say about you behind your back. Reputation tells a story of who you are, be it fears, values, strengths, weaknesses or motives. Reputation is our legacy.

Identity, on the other hand, is how we see ourselves and is also instrumental to effective leadership. If your identity — what you think about yourself and tell others — does not match your reputation — what others actually experience — it can cause challenges down the road. It’s all about matching what you say with what you do. If you say you put your people first, then your actions need to match that. If you say you are good at delegating, your team better not say you are a micromanager. If you are in human resources, then those you serve should not be saying you don’t care about humans! 

Culture — the behaviors and beliefs of a group of people — comes from our identity that creates the organizational reality. If a leader hides behind a mask, it can lead to leadership blindspots and that gap between identity and reputation gets wider. One study found that at least half of all managers underachieve significantly due to a lack of self-awareness. When the gap gets too big, teams check out mentally. You are seeing that now with the Great Resignation. We are leaving bosses more than we have ever done, and the hybrid workplace has just made bad bosses even worse.

So, how can leaders become more self-aware? Self-awareness is not entirely self-created. You can create your own identity, but unless you truly know how others see you, those blinders will never go away. However, you can create a feedback culture.

Three Ways To Create A Feedback Culture

1. Establish a psychologically safe workplace.

This means people feel safe to speak their minds, so when you ask for feedback, you actually hear the truth. Silence does nothing for performance or self-awareness. 

• Ensure there is as little ambiguity within the team as possible. Uncertainty leads to cognitive stress. 

• Give people as much autonomy as you can. The more control you give them, the more excited their brains get, and the more they will speak up.

• Connect with your team on a human level. How can you have empathy if you don't know what's going on in the lives of those you serve? They are more likely to speak up if they have a relationship with you.

2. Lead with vulnerability.

• Be the first to openly speak up in a group of people about mistakes. Talk about what you learned and how important it is to not keep things to yourself. 

• Let people know how you feel on regular basis. If you are having a bad day or are stressed, let the team know. No need for heroes in the modern workplace. 

• Celebrate and recognize others when they open up and are vulnerable. 

3. Identify and work toward improving your blind spots.

• Do a leadership 360 and get a coach to walk you through the results, and then walk your team through those results letting them know what you want to work on.

• Regularly ask your team for specific feedback on the development areas you are working hard to improve.

• Ask this question in one-on-one meetings with your team: "What's the thing I do on a consistent basis that hinders the performance of the team?" Keep asking this question and celebrate it when someone gives you feedback you can use.  

Until leaders work hard on bridging those gaps between reputation and identity, they will inhibit the performance and well-being of their team. Establishing a feedback culture is a step in the right direction.

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