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How to start a manifestation journal: Reach your goals through writing

August 7, 2022 - 15 min read


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What is manifesting?

Understanding the laws of attraction

How to manifest journal

Manifestation journal ideas and tips

Manifestation journal example

Maintaining a journaling practice

Unlock the power of journaling

Do you follow the law of attraction?

Don’t worry. You don’t need to call a lawyer. The Attraction Police won’t come after you.

The laws of attraction are a personal philosophy of life. They suggest that positive thoughts lead to positive results. It suggests that if you can imagine it, you can make it happen. 

At first glance, it might sound like magical thinking. But there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.

These laws are about shifting your perspective, attitude, and thought processes. They’re founded on the theory that you can be your own worst enemy, so it’s up to you to get rid of limiting beliefs.

A manifestation journal can help make the laws of attraction work for you. It involves visualizing the future you want, making a plan, and welcoming opportunities with an open mind. It can be a vital tool in helping you achieve your purpose and your dream life.

As a beginner, you might wonder how to start a manifestation journal. Here’s everything you need to know about this powerful tool of attraction.

What is manifesting?

Everyone who practices manifestation will have a different approach. But at its core, the practice is about willing an outcome into existence through visualization.  

This life philosophy gained a lot of steam in 2020. That year, Google searches for the term rose 669 percent, according to Vox Media. And it received an equal amount of snarky responses over whether it's helpful. 

These critics do have a point. Manifestation isn’t supported by science. And when taken to an extreme, manifestation can lead to toxic positivity — a condition that leads to a rejection of healthy negative emotions and self-alienation. All of these can harm your well-being and overall health.

But a manifestation practice can be helpful when used appropriately because of one central premise: positive thinking. It demands that you keep a positive mental attitude. And, when backed up with clear goals and a plan, it can provide you the motivation necessary to succeed.

If you need help discovering techniques that work for you to cultivate a positive attitude, try working with BetterUp. Our coaches will help you create goals and develop your own growth mindset to unlock your potential.

Understanding the laws of attraction

Before you can start journaling to manifest, take a look at the three laws of attraction. They provide the framework required for effective manifestation techniques.

Law #1: Similar things are attracted to each other

The first law of attraction contends that similar things come together. 

And there’s some truth to this. You can probably see it in your friend group. You share the same values and like the same activities. You might even have a similar fashion sense.

We can extend this thinking to all aspects of life. This law suggests that negativity begets negative outcomes, whereas positive energy promotes positive outcomes. If you remain optimistic, good things are more likely to happen to you.

Law #2: Nature hates a vacuum — so fill it with a positive mindset

The second law of attraction dictates that you only have a finite amount of space in your mind and life. And, when you remove things from your life, that space fills with something else.

It’s up to you to clear out negativity and fill that space with something more productive.

Law #3: The present loves improvement

According to the third and final law of attraction, there are always ways you can improve the present moment. No matter how bleak the situation, even the smallest improvements can make a difference. There’s always a silver lining.

Over time, the positive mindset adds up, and you’ll help yourself to a much better situation than before. If you’re still struggling in some areas, you’ll be able to see your progress and potential as positives that overwhelm the negatives.


How to manifest journal

Keeping a journal helps in many ways, like helping you feel better about yourself or showing gratitude for the day’s good fortunes. Journaling can even help manage your anxiety. Here’s some background information and tips on how to add this self-care tool to your manifestation process.

What is a manifestation journal?

Manifest journaling is about reinforcing future-minded thinking. Using a technique called “future scripting,” you can use your journal to improve your subconscious mind’s ability to visualize your future.

The power of future scripting

Future scripting is a journaling technique and manifestation method. It involves writing the future of your life as if you’ve already lived it. 

Try to imagine what it’s like to work toward your goal. Then, when you write, use the present tense — as if you’re already living it. 

In theory, this helps familiarize your mind with a new “normal,” making it easier to live out your dream in real life. It sets your expectations for reality, so pursuing your goals is less scary.


Manifestation journal ideas and tips

Future scripting embodies the main philosophy of manifest journaling: imagine it into reality. Here are some manifest journal ideas to get you started:

1. Use manifestation journal prompts

Manifest prompts challenge you to think about your future and how you hope to achieve it. You can find many templates online, but here are some examples:

  • How would you like to impact the world?
  • What does perfection look like to you?
  • What traits do you love most about yourself?
  • Where would you like to live?
  • What does your dream life look like?
  • If income wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing?
  • What does success look like to you?

These open-ended questions can help you on your manifestation journey.

2. Write positive affirmations

Negative self-talk is the quickest way to lose momentum toward your goals. Positive affirmations train your mind to ditch the thoughts holding you back. For example,

  • I am strong
  • I am capable of achieving my goals
  • I am worthy of love
  • I have valuable skills
  • I have a voice that deserves to be heard

3. Make a list of your goals

Writing your goals in ink in a paper workbook gives them a sense of permanency. It suggests that success is the only possible outcome, which can double as a manifestation list. 

Keep in mind that your short and long-term goals should follow the SMART method. Make sure they are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

4. Write what you’re grateful for

A gratitude list is a powerful tool for overcoming negativity. It reminds you of all the good things you have in your life, even if you forget sometimes. By keeping these front of mind, you maintain your positivity, which can help attract positive future outcomes.


Manifestation journal example

You might be wondering how these elements look when put together. Here’s an excerpt that belongs to a former colleague:

Dear Universe, 

Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet my company’s CEO today. She is a phenomenal person, and I’m inspired just being around her! I believe I made a good impression. In five years, I know I’ll be just like her: running my own business, leading a team of people, and inspiring young workers like my current self. 

I know I have the strengths to do a good job. I’m a positive person, I’m great with people, and I know my industry inside and out. I know that, when the time comes, I’ll meet the right investor for my project. I just need to stay strong and keep networking!

You can see how this excerpt embodies gratitude, positivity, and self-love. It also sets a clear vision for the future. Try working these elements into your own writing.

Maintaining a journaling practice

The hardest part about journaling is maintaining the habit. Here are some tips to keep it up.

1. Make time in your routine

There’s a misconception that journaling only occurs at the end of the day, usually before bed. But in reality, you can do it whenever you want — as long as it fits into your routine. You can set aside 15 minutes after your morning coffee, during your lunch break, or right after you come home from work. The goal is just to do it consistently.

2. Clear all distractions

Journaling on a computer exposes you to all the distractions of the Internet. A classic pen and paper will help you disconnect and focus.

Make sure you’re also in a quiet space where no one can interfere. Even the slightest disturbance will pull you out of your zone.

3. Set the mood

Light a candle, put on a relaxing playlist, turn down the lights — whatever it takes for you to be comfortable. Creating the right environment will help you focus on your writing.

4. Meditate before starting

You might need to clear your head before writing. Close your eyes, take long, slow breaths, and let go of intrusive thoughts. After a few minutes, you’ll be ready to write.

5. Make it fun

Journaling doesn’t have to be a dreary, stoic exercise of self-reflection. You can have fun with it. Start with a blank page and put your dreams on it, no matter what they look like. Use coloring pencils, add stickers, doodle in the corners. Use whatever structure you want. There are no rules!


Unlock the power of journaling 

Manifesting is just one of the many kinds of journaling you can do. Here are other kinds to consider for your routine:

  1. Gratitude journal: a journal focused exclusively on showing appreciation
  2. Affirmation journal: a journal devoted to writing short, clear, positive affirmations
  3. Vision board journal: a book full of pictures that represent your ideal life
  4. Ideas journal: a brain dump for all of your ideas. No filter necessary!
  5. Anxiety journal: a way to leave your negative thoughts on the page instead of in your head
  6. Daily journal: a journal to reflect and learn from the day’s events

For more tips on how to start a manifestation journal, try working with BetterUp. Our coaches will give you practical tools to visualize the future and unlock your potential.

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Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Published August 7, 2022

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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