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Persuasive Leadership: 3 Proven Ways To Inspire And Influence Others

Forbes Coaches Council

Erica McKenzie is a global leadership expert serving leading corporations in over 10+ countries through Creative Brands & Concepts Limited.

In today's fast-paced business world, one of the most important skills you must develop in order to effectively lead others is the ability to persuade and influence others. Whether you are leading a team, managing a company or trying to drive change within an organization, your ability to aptly persuade and motivate others is essential for your success.

Over the years, I have steadily developed the art of persuasive leadership by building and nurturing meaningful relationships with others. My clients and friends always tell me how easy it is for them to buy into ideas I've shared with them. In this article, I will explain three proven strategies and techniques you can use to develop this same level of persuasiveness. We will explore how to harness this skill by demonstrating effective communication, building relationships and continuously inspiring and motivating others.

Developing Your Persuasion Skills

Firstly, it is important to understand the power of persuasion and what it means to be a persuasive leader. Persuasion is the art of getting others to believe in your vision and take action based on your ideas. This is not an automatic skill; however, it can be developed and honed over time. Persuasive leadership is not about manipulation or coercion; instead, it's about building trust, credibility and influence with others. It's about inspiring others to willingly follow your lead without using force or authoritative power.

As a leader, you can develop persuasive leadership skills, by strengthening your ability to be an effective communicator. This is about not only being able to articulate your ideas clearly, but also being able to listen to others, understand their perspectives and tailor your message to resonate and connect with them.

From Communication To Connection

Everybody communicates, but only a few ever master the art of connecting with others. The ability to build connections on common ground is the difference maker. To go from communicating to connecting, it's crucial to use language that is inclusive and empathetic and to frame your message in a way that shows how it aligns with the values and goals of your audience.

Pay Attention

Practice active listening and seek feedback from your team members. Pay keen attention to nonverbal cues and work on your body language to ensure that your messages are being received effectively. I have worked with ineffective leaders who have no interest in listening to other people's opinions.

In fact, they believe this approach is futile and slows down the decision-making process. This is how they become lonely at the top and unable to get buy-in for their ideas. I have also borne witness to the effects of leaders who are empathetic listeners by virtue of achieving the desired outcome.

Building Trust

The second key aspect of persuasive leadership is building relationships and trust. People are much more likely to be persuaded by someone they trust and respect, so it's vital to build strong, authentic relationships with those you are trying to influence. This means being honest, transparent and consistent in your actions and showing empathy and understanding toward others.


Trust is not built overnight, however, it is the foundation of any successful working relationship, and it is crucial for fostering a sense of mutual respect and cooperation. Trust goes beyond the predictability of behavior and takes on vulnerability, allowing others to openly express thoughts and opinions without feeling they will be victimized.

Transparency And Honesty

To build trust as a leader, be transparent and honest in your dealings with others, and demonstrate integrity in all of your actions. Show empathy and understanding toward your team members, and be approachable and open to feedback. A great way to improve your persuasion skills is to focus on understanding the needs and motivations of your team members and tailoring your arguments to address their concerns, not your own.


In addition to effective communication and relationship-building, persuasive leadership also requires the ability to inspire and motivate others. This means being able to paint a compelling vision of the future and clearly showing the benefits and opportunities that can come from following your lead. It's about creating a sense of excitement and momentum and making others feel they are a part of something meaningful and important that is much bigger than themselves.

I can recount several occasions when I had big project ideas that required buy-in from others. First, I had to demonstrate why it was worthy of their time and how it would make a meaningful impact. I showed a genuine desire to serve and support others, not myself. I made sure to lead every conversation with a sense of purpose and urgency. This was followed by massive action which was the key to getting others to rally around the vision for the project. The team had a vested interest in its success.

Set And Communicate Goals

To become a more inspiring leader, focus on setting clear, achievable and inclusive goals for your team. Communicate these goals in a way that ignites passion and enthusiasm. Recognize and celebrate their achievements, and encourage a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Final Thoughts

Remember that persuasive leadership is not about pushing your own agenda, but rather about finding common ground and building consensus. It's about understanding the needs and motivations of others and finding ways to align your goals with theirs. Being a persuasive leader is about being flexible, open-minded and willing to adapt your approach based on the feedback and input of others.

In conclusion, persuasive leadership is a crucial skill for leaders who desire to make a difference by inspiring and influencing others. Focusing on effective communication, relationship-building and inspiration, you can develop the ability to persuade others and drive positive change. Persuasive leadership is not about imposing your will on others, but rather about engaging and inspiring them to willingly follow your lead. With practice and dedication, you can become a more persuasive and influential leader and achieve greater success in leading your team and others around you.

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