How to Improve Mental Health at the Office

It’s open enrollment season–the time in which you can change your healthcare plan for the upcoming year. While all companies don’t use the calendar year, many do. You should pay special attention to the mental health coverage in your chosen plan.

If you’re the HR person tasked with finding the best plan for your company for 2020, it’s probably already done with the contracts signed, but keep in mind the importance of mental healthcare coverage.

You may say, “this isn’t important. No one at the office needs this.” First of all, doubtful. Second, nobody may need coverage for a broken leg today, but they may slip and fall tomorrow. Your office may be cancer-free today, but not tomorrow. You’d never say, “we don’t need good cancer coverage because no one has cancer!”

The first and best step that HR can make toward battling mental health problems is to find the best possible healthcare plan.

This is not easy. Mental healthcare is expensive. So, here are some slightly cheaper ways HR can help out.

To keep reading, click here: How to Improve Mental Health at the Office

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19 thoughts on “How to Improve Mental Health at the Office

  1. When our company first offered EAP, I said, “Great!” My coworkers said “Whyever? No one here has an alcohol problem!” and then gave me the stink eye. But we had people struggling with office stress, chronic illness, aging parents, new baby issues, parenting problems, marital strife…lots of reasons to put EAP to good use. In addition to offering services for mental health, HR needs to make it clear that normal people use those services for all sorts of really good reasons and shouldn’t feel ashamed to reach out. For a business, mental health care can mean having effective workers rather people who are doing just enough to get by as they struggle with issues with which they could be helped.

  2. I know not every company can do this, but we modified our insurance coverage so the mental health copay is the $20 primary physician copay instead of the $50 specialist copay. This makes their services much more accessible to staff.

  3. Unless you have a security clearance and getting help can mean losing your job. Yes, only a “small % of people” lose their clearance due to mental health. If you are in that group, it’s 100% for you though. Not worth the risk.

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  5. you have a security clearance and getting help can mean losing your job. Yes, only a “small % of people” lose their clearance due to mental health. If you are in that group, it’s 100% for you though. Not worth the risk.

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