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10 Tips For Improving Employee Engagement

10 Tips For Improving Employee Engagement
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Employee engagement is the result of the relationship between an organization and its employees. "An engaged employee" is someone who is fully dedicated and enthusiastic about his or her work and therefore takes positive action to promote the organization's reputation and business.

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Managing this state of readiness is the ability to elicit and maintain it. To better understand the phenomenon, it is useful to refer to the social exchange theory, according to which the social world - relations among individuals and groups (including business ones) - is an arrangement of goods and values exchange. As a natural trait of any system, people strive for balance: "I obtain what I care about, and in return, I bring you what you care about." People have a natural tendency to follow the accepted rules as long as the balance of mutual exchange is maintained.

Commitment management, therefore, is defining and communicating what the parties to the arrangement care about (represents value to each party) and creating rules for exchanging mutual benefits and building mutual commitments.

Achieving business goals by building engagement on them is the fastest and cheapest way to build satisfaction and loyalty. Indeed, a committed employee always feels satisfaction and also always remains loyal to the commitments made. They use all their abilities on a daily basis, consistently maintaining their level of performance and taking on tasks beyond their daily duties on a regular basis. In addition, employee engagement affects the level of creativity and innovation, known as success guarantors in business. So, how to achieve this? Here are 10 tips to improve employee engagement - let’s dig in!

1. Choose positive motivation

Competent, passionate, and proactive leadership is crucial to improve employee engagement. Taking a sincere interest in people's concerns and investing time in understanding their needs and aspirations gives them a sense that their inputs are valued. Actually, it’s proved that leadership assistance can lower employee burnout by over 30%. Encounter your team members regularly to learn how to increase their job satisfaction. Find out what motivates them and how they understand success and fulfillment - this way, you will be able to create a work environment that allows their talents to bloom.

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2. Be thankful and rewarding

To keep your employees motivated, they need to know that their efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. By thanking them regularly for their contributions, you show that you are aware of their hard work's value and encourage team members to reach new peaks. Find time to celebrate achievements by rewarding and recognizing employees' efforts in ways that are meaningful to them. Competitive salaries and attractive non-salary benefits are key motivators, but tasks that allow you to compete for the best results provide additional strong motivation. One way to do this is by getting an employee app.

3. Encourage employee development

Committed employees need to use their skills adequately and be encouraged to expand them. Talk to your employees about their career plans. Do they feel they are using their abilities well while working in their current position? Is their career moving in the desired direction? Are there new, interesting projects they could work on to expand their range of expertise? Offer them relevant training to help them develop and advance and provide clear and consistent guidance on how they can improve their performance.

4. See employees as human beings

Companies that know how to take advantage of employee engagement understand that people are their most important resource. Get to know your employees' responsibilities thoroughly and implement ideas that will allow them to balance work and personal life more easily. Inspire them to balance hard work with relaxation and mutual inclusion. Promote knowledge sharing and motivate suggestions for improvement. A work environment where people feel valued listened to, and safe is key to increasing engagement.

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5. Ensure bi-directional communication

Managers should promote bi-directional communication. So don't just talk, but also listen to what employees have to say. Every employee should have the right to speak on matters that affect their work. It is also worth showing respect for employees' ideas and including them in current activities and future plans. Finally, it makes sense for the manager to consult with the employees who perform the work when making decisions that are important for the workflow. Such actions will help increase the sense of belonging to the organization and develop a sense of responsibility for the joint decision.

6. Verify that employees have all they need for their work

Employees should be provided with all the tangible and intangible resources they need for their work. Managers or HR people have an important role to play here. They are the ones who are expected to constantly make sure that their employees have all the required resources for their work and are able to replenish them adequately and on an ongoing basis. The employee shouldn't have to ask for anything that is impossible to perform daily duties without.

7. Have a well-functioning feedback system

It's also crucial for engagement to be monitored on an ongoing basis. Regular surveys will identify those factors that are most likely to reduce employee engagement. Having a list of such factors, you can choose the most important ones to employees and focus on them. Indeed, it is advantageous if the emphasis is placed on improving work aspects that employees believe are the most urgent and can contribute to change for the better.

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Michael Hawkins Franchise Owner of Interim HealthCare SLC

8. Build a supportive culture in the organization

In creating an organization's culture focused on engagement, it is significant to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and drive toward shared goals for employees. It is important that all employees of a company feel that they have a significant contribution to the final success. It would be worthwhile to ensure that the success stories that the company has achieved so far are always vivid and keep employees motivated. Doing so will not only help maintain commitment among current employees but will also inspire the spirit of success in newcomers.

9. Define and be sure everyone knows their goals

It is vitally important to set clear and measurable goals for employees. Then not only will they perform their duties more effectively, but they will also see the results, which is a powerful motivator. It is also a solid reason to be creative in the workplace and look for new paths to reach the goal.

10. Have a proactive approach to failures

Pointing out and being negative about employees' mistakes will not only lower their self-confidence and have a bad effect on performance but also successfully lower engagement, making the problem even worse. Motivate employees to learn from their mistakes and appreciate when they make progress. Treat failures as valuable lessons for the whole team.



About Author:

 Magdalena Sadowska, the Community Manager of PhotoAiD. With a background in psychology, she is fascinated by how people interact and create their reality. As a travel enthusiast, given a choice of sea or mountains, she chooses both.

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