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Emotionally Resonant Goals: The Key To High-Performance And Engagement

Forbes Coaches Council

Mary Gregory is an executive coach at Mary Gregory, Leadership Coaching and Facilitation, and author of Ego: Get Over Yourself and Lead.

In the dynamic landscape of business leadership, achieving hard targets has been a perennial goal for senior executives and business owners alike. However, as we navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, the importance of emotions and the overall well-being of your employees cannot be overstated. I urge leaders to go beyond the traditional specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) goals and delve into a realm where emotional resonance becomes the driving force behind creating not just successful but truly enriching workplaces.

The journey toward corporate success is more than merely a path paved with metrics and deadlines. As a leader who wants your people's loyalty and commitment, you must recognize that emotional well-being and genuine engagement are integral to sustainable success. The evolution from SMART goals to emotionally resonant goals marks a paradigm shift, acknowledging that work is not solely a transactional endeavor but an emotional and interpersonal experience.

The Limitations Of SMART Goals

While SMART goals provide a structured framework for goal-setting, they fall short of capturing the essence of human motivation and emotional connection. In pursuit of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives, the human element can become secondary. The result is a workplace culture driven by metrics but lacking the emotional engagement that propels individuals to invest their hearts and souls into their work.

Embracing Emotional Resonance In Leadership

Inspiring Purpose And Meaning

Aligning organizational goals with a broader purpose gives employees a sense of meaning beyond the day-to-day tasks. Consider how you communicate the connection between what people are doing and your enterprise's overall vision and purpose. Create a compelling narrative that inspires and resonates emotionally with people. Invite them to reflect and build on how they individually make a difference through their work.

Individual Empowerment And Recognition

By recognizing each team member's unique strengths and aspirations and how these contribute to the bigger picture, you foster a sense of individual empowerment. Making sure you acknowledge people personally strengthens both emotional and interpersonal connections.

Transparent Communication And Trust-Building

Being open and transparent with people is the foundation for building trust and emotional connection. When you role-model this, you create a culture of honest dialogue, increasing people's sense of security and belonging.

Flexible Work Environments

In today’s world, it is imperative to acknowledge work-life integration, so as a leader, you must embrace flexibility. This recognizes people's emotional needs, enabling them to balance personal and professional responsibilities.

Investment In Employee Well-being

The well-being of employees is a top priority if you want to create a sustainable business. Think about how you could promote physical, mental and emotional health daily through the different routines and practices you put in place—for example, making it a norm to take a lunch break. In so doing, you are creating a workplace that genuinely cares for its people.

Beyond Metrics: The Emotional Bottom Lines

As senior executive leaders strategize for the upcoming year, it's imperative to recognize that success goes beyond achieving hard targets. The emotional bottom line, marked by the well-being and engagement of individuals within the organization, is equally vital. Emotional resonance should be viewed not merely as a soft aspect of leadership but as the fabric weaving together a great and sustainable workplace.

In conclusion, the call for senior executive leaders is clear—integrate emotional resonance into strategic planning and goal-setting. The transition from SMART goals to emotionally resonant objectives reflects a commitment to creating workplaces where individuals are not just assets but valued contributors. As we embark on this transformative journey, the true essence of leadership lies in recognizing that emotions are not a distraction from success but an indispensable catalyst for achieving sustainable and meaningful outcomes.

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