How to Protect Your Team’s Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

by Rich DeMatteo on May 11, 2022

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As a business owner, you need a strong team of employees to help you reach your goals and ensure your business operates smoothly and successfully. But, understanding that your team is at the heart of your business and that each individual needs to feel valued is essential. Nurturing your employees and supporting their mental health is crucial to creating a positive workplace. Here’s how to nurture positive teams in the workplace to benefit your business and your employees:

Find the Right Combination of Employees

It is the mixture of different skills and knowledge that makes people unique. Having employees who contribute different skills and strengths is an excellent way to build a strong team. But, if you get the mix of people in a team wrong, it can lead to personality clashes and create a toxic work environment. To ensure you get the right combination of people working together and enable them to work efficiently and productively, it is wise to think about how their personalities and strengths will complement each other and to look for potential clashes. Building an understanding of your team members can be achieved by asking them to Take Firo B Test assessments to establish how they will interact with other team members in a group situation is an excellent starting point. These assessments will provide you with many valuable insights that you can use to determine how your teams will work together to create a happy work environment. 

Act With Fairness

As the leader of a team, your behavior sets the tone for the dynamic in the group, so ensuring you nurture a culture of positivity and mutual respect is essential. Working as a team can either be a huge success or a massive disaster, and the way the team interacts with each other plays a significant role in this. Treating every team member equally and fairly is vital to avoid a negative, unproductive atmosphere developing in the team. You can achieve this culture of fairness by showing respect for everyone’s opinions and showing your appreciation for their hard work. Acting fairly and treating people with respect may sound like a simple thing, but it makes a significant difference to your employees and has a far-reaching positive impact on your team.

Communicate Clearly

Have you ever been involved in a work project but felt there was no clear objective communicated to you? If so, you will know that as an employee, it is both confusing and frustrating to be in a team where communication is unclear and vague. For your team members, this uncertainty can have a negative impact on their mental wellbeing and confidence in the workplace and lead to anxiety surrounding the project. Each team member needs to clearly understand their role in the project and how to perform the role confidently. With the right communication and a clear understanding of their role, the project can provide team members with the chance to shine, boosting their confidence and wellbeing at the same time.

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