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How To Successfully Expand A Highly Specialized Solopreneurship

Forbes Coaches Council

For solopreneurs, the initial thrill of building a thriving business centered on their unique skill set often leads to an inevitable crossroads where they must figure out how to maintain high quality as they pursue growth. When the success of a venture rests entirely on the founder’s own specialized capabilities, the leap to expansion demands a strategic approach that preserves the essence of their craft while broadening its reach.

Scaling a business rooted in an individual’s expertise requires nuanced tactics and a keen understanding of how to amplify a leader’s singular strengths without diluting them as the business grows. Below, Forbes Coaches Council members share tips and strategies for avoiding the diminished quality of specialized offerings when a solopreneurship expands.

1. Create Outsourcing Solutions; Train Others

Growing a thriving business around a specific skill set includes creating novel solutions for outsourcing the service and training others to also master the skill set. An effective way to expand the business is to invent the wheel and resell the wheel—via pre-recorded videos, reading materials and newsletters. The solopreneur needs to become the industry expert and “go-to” source for the service. - Diane Hudson, Career Marketing Techniques, LLC

2. Start With Customer Needs

Always start with customer needs, especially underserved needs. But stay “one swimlane” away from what you currently do. Ask what problem customers are solving before they engage you; or, after they are done with your engagement, ask about the solution to a problem that was almost what you offered, but not quite. It all comes down to solving their problem. - Jamie Flinchbaugh, JFlinch

3. Leverage Scalable Systems

Leveraging scalable systems will help sustain growth without the overwhelm attached to it. Focusing on developing and implementing scalable systems and processes will allow for the efficient handling of a growing workload and maintain quality while expanding. I would also suggest automating repetitive tasks, outsourcing non-core functions and creating a framework that can be replicated. - Maimuna Ummi Abdullahi, Coaching With Diddi

4. Define A Wider Beachhead Market

While a business based entirely around its founder’s own specialized skills offers a unique niche position, defining a wider beachhead market with different commercial aspects and business models may offer growth opportunities. Also, knowing your exit strategy will help you define the growth course. Digitization can help scale the business. - Olga Kiendler, OK Transformation

5. Create A Transition Plan

Solopreneurs can benefit greatly from mapping out which areas they would like to see grow and new areas they want to expand as well as turn over. They should write down the skill areas they want to expand, the skill sets needed, the personalities that thrive in those areas, and the onboarding plan and resources they can use to develop those skills. - Dr. Denise Trudeau-Poskas, Blue Egg Leadership

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6. Create SOPs; Find Support

Start by creating standard operating procedures to maintain consistency in the work; then, instead of trying to duplicate yourself, find support in the areas you don’t enjoy and aren’t good at. What isn’t getting done? What isn’t getting done well? Find experts in those areas to help you grow. - Krystal Yates, EBR HR Experts

7. Be Clear On Your Vision

Get super clear on what you want the expanded version of your business to look like and the types of people and job positions you want on your team. The clearer you can be, the easier it will be to bring your vision to reality. - Samantha Murphy, Dr. Dori Gatter & Associates

8. Cultivate Your Network

A wise mentor once told me that your “network is your net worth.” It’s all about your professional board of directors. Keep in touch with your colleagues who challenge and support you. Seek out new people who may want to help your business grow, and reciprocate to help others grow. Always set the intention of collaboration and support when networking. - Joyel Crawford, Crawford Leadership Strategies, LLC.

9. Create And Document Systems And Processes

Efficient scalability depends on turning a person’s expert approach into a repeatable process that others can follow. By creating and documenting systems and processes that can replace expertise without diminishing the quality of the client experience, a solopreneur can carve off areas to delegate, build a team around them and scale their business and impact. - Christy Charise, Strategic Advisor

10. Be Clear About Who Will Join You

Get clear about “who” will be joining you—the same skills don’t mean the same personality and approach. Flying solo means you haven’t led or co-led in your business. This has larger ramifications than you may currently be aware of. Assume you have blind spots and need help navigating this huge step. Give yourself time to process as much as possible and seek advice. - Carry Metkowski, Carry Metkowski

11. Find Mentors Aligned With Your Goals

Find mentors who are aligned with your goals and have already done most of what you want to do. Engaging in mentorship is one of those rare things that actually gives you a return on investment. It helps you identify problems before they happen and understand how to stack your skills in a way that will accelerate the expansion and move your successful business forward. - Alla Adam, Alla Adam Coaching

12. Avoid Becoming A ‘Jack Of All Trades’

When you are building a business around your skills, it can be tempting to try to become a “jack of all trades” as clients’ requests demand. The way to overcome this is to have clarity of vision, make sure it’s captured somewhere and ensure all future activities align with the captured vision. Have regular check-ins with a mentor or coach who can objectively challenge your priorities. - Shamila Mhearban, The Leadership Growth Hub

13. Raise Prices Or Monetize Time-Neutral Solutions

We have a finite number of hours available, so, without adding staff, the best strategy is to raise prices or create solutions that don’t use time. To identify opportunities for courses, group coaching, e-books or memberships, do this: Using sticky notes, write one piece of expertise on each note. Then, mix and match to find monetization strategies around the content you give away for free or spend costly time delivering. - Laura DeCarlo, Career Directors International

14. Teach And Transfer Knowledge

Be prepared to teach and transfer knowledge. As a solopreneur, scaling your business is difficult without expanding your knowledge outward to allow your capacity to grow. This could mean investing in rigorous training with new team members who may not be exactly like you but can try. It also could mean taking your intellectual property, as I do, and building evergreen content that can scale your business. - Stefanie Ricchio, SRBC Inc.

15. Look For ‘Add-Ons’ And Repurposing Opportunities

The best advice is to look for “add-ons” to your service offerings, perhaps even those that allow you to repurpose content. Look for opportunities to speak publicly, write blogs or articles, host or be a guest on podcasts and so forth—these are all ways of leveraging your expertise and intellectual property to expand your business. You might even consider writing a book and then offering related workshops. - Kathy Bernhard, KFB Leadership Solutions

16. Determine What To Outsource Or Delegate

What is your special unique skill that you cannot outsource or delegate, and what are the things that you can? Often, it’s a mindset block, where you are stuck thinking that you are the only one who can do something, when many people can support you effectively. Do you truly want to scale? If so, the behaviors and mindset that made you successful will need to evolve in order to scale. - Susan Hobson, Elite High Performance Inc.

17. Package Knowledge Into Digital Group Programs

Consider packaging your knowledge into an evergreen digital group program, available at any time, that allows clients to learn at their own pace. This allows you to create a sustainable income stream that transcends the limitations of time-for-money transactions. This leverages your unique skills while providing scalable value to a wider audience, freeing you to focus on other growth opportunities. - Angela Sedran, The Business Growth Accelerator

18. Hire An Excellent Team

I would encourage a solopreneur to create scalable systems by hiring an excellent team and delegating non-core tasks. This would free up time for them to further develop their skill-based expertise and focus on their zone of genius while allowing others to support the business in acquiring new clients and taking it to the next level. - Anna Yusim, MD, Yusim Psychiatry, Consulting & Executive Coaching

19. Leverage A 'One-To-Many' Business Model

There's never been a better time for solopreneurs to leverage "one-to-many" business models. Whether it's writing a book, teaching a class, creating a membership community or recording an entire DIY curriculum, opportunities to share and passively monetize your skills as a solopreneur can be leveraged with minimal investment—often only the expertise in your brain and your smartphone! - Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

20. Stop Focusing On Non-Revenue-Generating Activities

To scale your solopreneur operation, you need to outsource, delegate, automate and systematize your work. Eliminate your focus on non-revenue-generating activities and deliver on your special skills. Outsource administrative duties, collaborate with freelancers and experts, employ automation to streamline repetitive tasks and develop repeatable processes. - John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises

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