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Mind The Gap: 7 Gaps Leaders Need To Be Mindful Of In An Ever-Changing Workplace Environment

Forbes Coaches Council

Fred Gatty is the founder and principal consultant of Gatts Consulting, a boutique executive coaching firm.

If you have ever visited any train station in London, you are probably familiar with the phrase, "mind the gap." This announcement alerts unwary passengers of the gap between the train and the platform. After hearing this many times when I lived in London, the iconic phrase has been etched into my memory.

This phrase can also apply to the gaps leaders need to be mindful of today. Whether due to the loss of institutional knowledge by Baby Boomers retiring, rapid changes in technology or managing remote/hybrid teams in a post-pandemic world, the way we work has fundamentally changed. This has caused a seismic shift in how we lead. To keep up, organizations need to continually invest in equipping their leaders with the requisite skills needed to mind the leadership gap.

Wharton School defines the leadership gap as the difference between the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for leaders to thrive in the workplace. While not an exhaustive list, the following are seven gaps leaders need to be mindful of in the ever-changing work environment.

The Continuous Learning Gap

As a lifelong learner, continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills helps me make better-informed decisions, lead with innovation and inspire others to grow and develop. Using tools like books, courses, workshops, seminars and mentorship to gain diverse perspectives are ways you can work toward becoming a lifelong learner, too.

For example, a leader I know was tasked with an AI project—an entirely new territory for her. Rather than shying away from the task like other members of the team, she committed to the task by learning about how her team could benefit from the technology. In a few short weeks, her boss was so pleased with her progress and offered her a 20% salary increase. Her newly acquired skill paid immediate dividends.

Similarly, Toyota Motor Corporation has been recognized for its continuous improvement philosophy, known as kaizen. The company encourages employees at all levels to engage in problem-solving and learn from their experiences to enhance efficiency and quality.

The Agility Gap

Organizations need to support experimentation and risk-taking to foster a culture where new ideas can thrive. Be open to adjusting strategies and approaches as the situation demands and avoid rigidity in decision-making and removing silos.

Spotify, the music streaming giant, is known for its innovative approach to agile leadership. The company implemented the Spotify Model, a scaled Agile framework that promotes cross-functional teams, autonomy and fast decision-making. This approach allows teams to remain flexible and respond swiftly to market demands. The Spotify Model has inspired numerous other organizations to adopt similar Agile practices.

Tony Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, was a pioneer in fostering an agile organizational culture. He emphasized the importance of employee happiness and engagement, encouraging a flat organizational structure and empowering employees to make decisions independently. Hsieh also focused on a strong customer-centric approach, allowing Zappos to adapt quickly to changing customer preferences and market conditions.

The Innovation And Creativity Gap

In my coaching sessions with executives, I challenge them to create a psychologically safe culture that encourages open communication, idea-sharing, diversity of thought and a fail-forward mentality, where others can learn from mistakes and use them as stepping stones for improvement.

Google has been a pioneer in encouraging creativity and innovation among its employees. They famously implemented the "20% project,” where employees were allowed to spend 20% of their work hours on projects of their choosing, leading to the creation of successful products like Gmail and Google News.

The Diversity And Inclusion Gap

Diversity brings together individuals with unique backgrounds, experiences and perspectives, leading to a broader range of ideas and solutions. It allows teams to approach complex challenges from various angles, enhancing problem-solving and innovation. An inclusive work environment fosters a sense of belonging and psychological safety.

The cloud-based software company Salesforce is known for its strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. They prioritize creating an inclusive workplace, promoting equal opportunities and supporting underrepresented groups in technology.

In my experience, when people feel included and empowered, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, leading to higher productivity and overall success for the organization.

The Change Management Gap

Embracing change is crucial for leaders because it enables them to adapt to evolving situations, stay relevant and seize opportunities for growth. Building a culture of change fosters resilience, encourages creativity and inspires leaders and their teams to navigate uncertainty effectively.

Netflix started as a DVD rental service but quickly adapted to the shift in media consumption by transitioning to online streaming. Reed Hastings' forward-thinking approach and willingness to invest in original content helped Netflix become a dominant player in the entertainment industry. This kind of adaptability allows organizations to remain competitive and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

The Emotional Intelligence Gap

Emotional intelligence empowers leaders to build strong relationships with their teams and stakeholders. Leaders who display empathy, active listening and understanding can foster a positive work environment that encourages open communication and collaboration.

In my coaching practice, I find emotional intelligence to be one of the areas leaders struggle with the most. Not only do they have to manage their own emotions, but those of their teams as well. This, they admit, can be challenging with multiple competing projects. Becoming self-aware, paying attention to emotional triggers, showing empathy, actively listening and practicing mindfulness and self-care are some quick and easy tips that can help build emotional intelligence.

The Mentoring And Coaching Gap

Mentorship and coaching can accelerate leadership growth within the organization by allowing emerging leaders to develop specific skills required for their roles, opening doors to new networks, expanding leaders' professional circles and offering a safe space for leaders to discuss challenges and receive emotional support. They can also help build a pipeline of capable leaders ready to step into key positions that enhance the organization's long-term success and stability.

By enrolling in a leadership or development program and/or working with a mentor, leaders can learn to bridge the gap between traditional approaches and the demands of a rapidly changing world.

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