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20 Common Ways Managers Can Create A Sense Of Alienation In Employees

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Jun 1, 2023, 12:30pm EDT

Effective management goes beyond overseeing tasks and goals; it requires building strong relationships with employees and cultivating a culture of trust and collaboration. However, certain managerial behaviors can unintentionally alienate employees, leading to demotivation, reduced job satisfaction and increased turnover rates.

Understanding the most common ways in which managers alienate their employees is the first step toward creating a positive and inclusive work environment. Below, Forbes Coaches Council members delve into managerial missteps that make employees feel alienated at work and provide actionable insights on how to avoid these pitfalls and foster stronger connections with team members to cultivate a harmonious workplace.

1. Saying One Thing And Doing Another

Before I became an executive coach, I owned a recruiting agency. I asked thousands of people why they were quitting; the No. 1 reason was their boss. Specifically, the boss had often said one thing and did another, instantly eroding trust. Leaders need to intentionally analyze their own words and actions to ensure they align, and acknowledge it when they’ve had a miss. - Janine Davis, Evolution

2. Failing To Respect Employees

Failing to respect employees is guaranteed to alienate them. From simple behaviors such as not showing up on time for employee meetings to failing to trust them to do their job, it is easier to alienate employees than attract them. I urge managers to seek behavioral feedback from trusted colleagues and employees and make immediate changes to their interactions. - Dr. Ron N Hurst, Developing Leaders

3. Not Actively Listening To Employees

A common way managers alienate employees is by not actively listening to their concerns and not providing a space for them to share ideas. This makes employees feel undervalued and disrespected and can result in apathy and low motivation. To avoid this, managers should actively listen, acknowledge concerns and create a culture of open collaboration. Regular team and one-on-one meetings help this. - Liz Whitney, Cove

4. Inconsistently Communicating

One common way I’ve seen managers alienate employees is by failing to provide clear and consistent communication. When managers are unclear about expectations, give mixed messages or don’t provide timely feedback, employees can feel confused, frustrated and disengaged. To avoid this, managers should prioritize regular and transparent communication with their team. - Lara Augusta, Embracing Potentiality

5. Disregarding Employees’ Styles And Preferences

Managers must remember that every employee has a unique communication and working style. They can take advantage of one of the many personality assessment profiles, such as DiSC, Hogan or Myers-Briggs, to understand employees’ unique styles. Instead of communicating with others in ways that match the manager’s personal style, the manager should prioritize the employees’ preferences. - Brian Houp, ReZone Coaching

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6. Ignoring Non-Urgent Emails From Employees

Tasked with making many tactical decisions, managers’ inboxes can quickly pile up. While failing to respond to a non-urgent email from a direct report may seem inconsequential, if it becomes a pattern, it can feel deeply consequential for the employee. Simply sending a reply to say the concern will be addressed during your next one-on-one can make a world of difference. - Carol Geffner, CB Vision LLC.

7. Having A Subconscious Gender Bias

Gender bias among managers can alienate female employees, especially in male-dominated teams, making it difficult for them to find their voice. Managers must acknowledge this subconscious bias and take proactive steps to address it. Inviting women to speak up earlier in discussions can help ensure their voices are heard and valued. - Ana Reed, Newmanity

8. Slipping Into A Mindset Of Entitlement Versus Duty

Leaders have an amazing opportunity to positively impact the employees they are put in charge of while also making a collective contribution to the organization and communities they serve. A mindset of entitlement could be perceived as arrogance, while a mindset of duty demonstrates a commitment and obligation to something bigger. - Dr. Mike Smith, John Mattone Global

9. Letting Personal Problems Impact The Team

When there is chaos or dysfunction occurring in a manager’s personal life, this can tend to spill over into the professional workplace and cause the leader to show up with a mindset that they do not intend to have. Make sure you practice self-awareness on a consistent basis so that you can shift back, regardless of what might be affecting your personal life, to engaging with your team in a positive manner. - Bryan Powell, Executive Coaching Space

10. Wanting Too Much Control

Micromanagement is an epidemic in our time. Managers want to control, but micromanagement violates a basic human need for autonomy that we all have. Depending on different levels of control and autonomy needs, managerial behavior is interpreted differently. In any manager-employee relationship, autonomy and control needs should be made explicit and they should continually explore each other’s guidelines and boundaries. - Katharina Schmidt, Inspiration & Discipline

11. Not Combating Proximity Bias

When managers don’t combat proximity bias, they can easily alienate employees. Proximity bias refers to the tendency for people to develop preferences toward people who are closer to them, as opposed to those who are more distant. In a hybrid team, this can be perceived as favoritism. Find the time to connect with everyone on the team on a regular basis and ensure that everyone has a voice. - Alex Draper, DX Learning Solutions

12. Disregarding Employees’ Feedback And Suggestions

One common way a manager can alienate employees is by not listening to their feedback and suggestions. This can make teams feel as if their ideas are not valued or respected, leading to low morale and decreased job satisfaction. To avoid this, managers should take the time to hear employees out and encourage open dialogue about ways that processes and procedures can be improved. - Peter Boolkah, The Transition Guy

13. Showing No Interest In Employees’ Personal Lives

When managers focus too much on business and rarely show interest in an employee’s personal life, alienation and resentment occur. With so many employees working from home, social interaction and connection with co-workers and managers are vital to our mental health and workplace happiness. - Michelle Rockwood, Unscripted Sales

14. Pretending To Listen

Employees quickly pick up on signs of inauthentic or hypocritical behaviors, such as saying one is a good listener but not actually being a good listener. Managers know that having a two-way dialogue for Q&A is a great way to gain information. However, it can be difficult for managers to detach from their mindsets enough to truly listen to their employees. - Evan Roth, Roth Consultancy International, LLC.

15. Focusing On The Work, Not The Person

The tendency of most managers is to focus on the work, not the person. It’s very easy to be singularly focused on the work in the pursuit of efficiency and focus. In the hybrid work environment we’re in, this sends the message that the person doesn’t matter. Only the work matters. Try kicking off one-on-ones with a more personal question: “What’s brought you joy or satisfaction in the past week?” - Yvette Costa, Velocity Advisory Group

16. Ignoring Employees’ Requests To Meet

The fastest way to alienate employees is by not making time for them or ignoring their requests to meet. Employees want to be engaged and feel as if they belong to an organization. They will certainly not be engaged if their manager doesn’t make time for them to understand their career and development needs. Also, having a supportive manager who helps them attain goals is a minimum requirement these days! - Kevin Kan, Break Out Consulting Asia

17. Focusing Too Much On ‘How Things Are Done’

Managers alienate employees when they focus too much on “how things are done” versus the outcomes that are created. It is very common for managers to gravitate to people who are like them and people who approach projects and leadership in the same way they do. This inevitably creates chasms between people, and people who are different feel less validated and supported. - Stacey Engle, Stacey Engle Leadership Coaching

18. Sharing How Overwhelmed You Are

I see managers alienate employees when they consistently share their level of overwhelm. An overwhelmed leader is not approachable and does not inspire confidence. An overwhelmed leader is not someone I feel comfortable engaging when I have an issue to solve. An overwhelmed leader is not someone I aspire to be. An overwhelmed leader creates distance, which can lead to alienation. - Jill Helmer, Jill Helmer Consulting

19. Not Considering The Needs Of Different Generations

Managers today have to engage four different generations of employees. All these workers have different preferences and requests for their leaders. For instance, baby boomers may consider their retirement plan, while Gen-Xers may desire tuition payment. Millennials want continuous feedback, while Gen-Z needs on-demand feedback. - Karina Ochis, Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis

20. Becoming Too Friendly With Some Employees

As tempting as it is for a manager to become friendly with their employees, there should always be a respectful distance. If your personal relationships are involved with those who work with you, there is nothing wrong with that, but it can create problems. Keeping relationships personable is key, but knowing that others are watching should remind you to keep a healthy distance. - John M. O’Connor, Career Pro Inc.

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