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18 Mistakes Business Leaders Make In Managing Their Cash Flow

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Oct 11, 2023, 01:42pm EDT

Effective cash flow management is integral to the success of any business, but even seasoned leaders can stumble into unexpected financial pitfalls that put their company’s future in jeopardy. Following smart cash management practices—and just as importantly, steering clear of avoidable errors—can help ensure a company’s continued growth and success.

Below, 18 Forbes Coaches Council members explore some of the most common mistakes leaders make when managing cash flow and the potential consequences of these missteps.

1. Failing To Be Proactive About Cash Flow

Neglecting proactive cash flow management is a common mistake leaders make that jeopardizes business futures. Implementing a robust cash flow management system, including monitoring, forecasting and proactive planning, is crucial for financial health and long-term success. - Dr. Rick Ruperto, Rick Ruperto LLC

2. Overextending Or Not Updating Offers

One frequent misstep leaders easily make is overextending or not updating their business offers when they see an increase in growth. Excitement about short-term gains can easily drain cash reserves down the road. Sustainability lies in innovation. Not allocating funds to evolve can quickly render a business obsolete, jeopardizing its future. Always balance the present with the future’s potential. - Svetlana Dimovski, Dharma Growth, LLC

3. Rationalizing Expenses Without Validating Them

Leaders rationalize the importance of a spend or investment, finding many reasons why an expenditure is necessary or valuable. They spend without validating whether their initial reasons were true or false after purchase. This can cause leaders to spend inefficiently, not learn from experience and create overconfidence in making future purchases, all of which can cause cash flow leakage. - Dale Werner, Ph.D., Mindloft

4. Inaccurately Estimating Expenses And Revenue

Underestimating future expenses or overestimating incoming revenue can lead to inadequate reserves for operational needs, hindering a business’s ability to meet its financial obligations or invest in growth opportunities. Failing to closely monitor and forecast cash flow can also result in cash shortages, making it difficult to pay suppliers, employees and cover other critical expenses. - Chris Aird, With Purpose

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5. Never Anticipating For A Cash Flow Issue

By far, the most common cash flow issue is never anticipating or preparing for one. The inevitable cash crunch may come in different forms, but to expect “good times” to last forever is to have your head in the sand. Prepare in advance by obtaining lines of credit when times are good and saving for a rainy day. Negotiating payment terms or loans when you are desperate for funds is painful. - Jim Vaselopulos, Rafti Advisors, LLC

6. Not Saving A Portion Of All Income

To prevent jeopardizing the future of a business, always, always, always save 30% of all income off the top. This ensures proper cash flow and prevents heavy tax burdens or surprise taxes. This money is a legal requirement and must be set aside with each dollar received. Any money not used for taxes at the end of the year can be used to build the business or saved for future tax cycles. - Diane Hudson, Career Marketing Techniques, LLC

7. Being Influenced By Short-Term Panic

Don’t let short-term panic influence the management of cash flow. Panic often leads to either decision-making paralysis or hasty decision making. Both extremes are costly to a business. Systematic discussions on business disruption and continuity scenarios help train for the generative quotient and emotional balance so often required in moments of perceived disruption. - Albana Vrioni, Vrioni Consulting

8. Not Knowing Your Numbers

A common mistake leaders make when managing cash flow is not thoroughly reviewing all financial statements (cash flow statement, income statement and balance sheet). Financial statements provide information about your company’s revenue, expenses, profitability and debt. As a leader, having knowledge of your business performance is key to the future success of your business. Know your numbers! - Dr. Sharon H. Porter, Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine and Media

9. Lacking A Plan To Allocate Funds

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make with cash flow is not having a smart plan for properly allocating funds, including investments that will provide a return on investment. Additionally, a smart plan also includes a solid system for tracking and measuring accounts payable and accounts receivable each month so you can properly assess how, where and when money is coming in and going out. - Lori A. Manns, Quality Media Consultant Group LLC

10. Prioritizing Urgent Needs Over Important Ones

It is easy to prioritize urgent cash flow needs over important ones. Typically, the most strategically important cash flow needs are longer-term in nature. Leaders who advocate for the importance of these investments over short-term, nice-to-have-now needs, even if it means enduring some short-term sacrifices, will often build a stronger foundation for the future success of the business. - Christy Charise, Strategic Advisor

11. Not Properly Managing Expenses

Many business leaders focus on sales to drive cash flow. I learned early on from an insightful and successful business owner: Focus on expenses, then cash flow, then sales. If you aren’t managing expenses, your profit is running out the door. You can generate sales that require an investment to deliver on, so managing cash flow is second—and then, of course, sales to drive the machine. - Patti Mara, Maranet Inc.

12. Not Negotiating Payment Terms

Smaller businesses accept 60-plus client payment terms and don’t think or take time to negotiate. Sure, your large client presents 60 or 90 as standard, but that’s a starting point. Instead, openly adopt a “cash neutrality” policy—the idea that nobody makes money on the money across the value stack. You pay all your suppliers in 30 days and get paid in 30 days. - Nick Leighton, Exactly Where You Want to Be

13. Giving Up Control Of Key Activities Or Assets

Don’t give up control of key activities or assets for your value proposition. To save short-term cash, you could license someone else’s technology, outsource an activity or tie your channels and relationships to someone else. However, if those decisions constrain your future value proposition decisions, they are too shortsighted. Find another way. - Jamie Flinchbaugh, JFlinch

14. Hiring Too Quickly

When your revenue suddenly increases, it’s natural to want to hire staff. Try to wait as long as possible to ensure you can sustain the revenue and growth before hiring to ensure you don’t have to lay off employees and decrease morale. - Michelle Rockwood, Unscripted Sales

15. Funding Innovation Without Conducting Analyses

Extraordinary leaders are visionary dreamers who possess a keen understanding of the current landscape and its challenges. A common pitfall among executives in cash flow management is their propensity to allocate substantial resources to their dreams without conducting analyses of the circumstances. It is critical to balance innovation with proper legal, technical and commercial risk management. - Senem Anataca, 180UTC

16. Having No Backup Plans In Place

Cash flow is about adaptability and backup plans. There is no recipe for good cash-flow management because life will write its own scenario, and we are usually not prepared for it. Quickly adapting to a new reality helps rewrite that scenario according to the needs of our organization. Backup plans are about having new solutions when the first remedy fails. Get ready for the worst, and hope for the best. - Dominik Szot, MIA

17. Not Focusing On Future Revenues

Use TMRO (three-month rolling orders) to look ahead and focus on future revenues. In your current month, you should be 95% certain of the income due. Look at next month—you should be 80% certain on revenue. Then look another month ahead—you should have 70% certainty. These rough guides give you a three-month early warning for potential cash issues. Manage your costs and collect the cash! - Ricky Muddimer, Thinking Focus

18. Not Fully Understanding Accounts Receivable

Companies typically monitor accounts receivable with a days sales outstanding metric, which measures the average number of days it takes a business to receive payments. Unfortunately, a DSO average doesn’t provide a full understanding, and you must fully understand your AR. - John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises

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