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Leaders Are Restoring Trust In Healthcare—But How?


As healthcare systems face increasing societal scrutiny and criticism, restoring trust is critical to improving public health. According to a study, if mistrust goes unchecked, it can erode physician-patient relationships and effectuate poorer patient outcomes and prevalent burnout among doctors.

Healthcare leaders have taken steps to address this issue. For example, many organizations now utilize customer experience metrics to measure the quality and trustworthiness of their services. But has it made a difference?

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer concluded that public trust in healthcare systems is, in fact, declining. This is problematic for a variety of reasons. First, patients may be less likely to seek medical help if they distrust the system. Second, physicians may be discouraged from providing care due to negative public opinion.

Disparities in how healthcare systems treated different races, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds during the pandemic caused distrust between medical professionals and health institutions, concluded a study. Research published by Deloitte affirmed that “Lack of trust in health care remains an issue, particularly among individuals who identify as Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American.”

Furthermore, a large majority of Americans believe that access to quality care is primarily determined by income level, leading to doubts about the fairness of healthcare systems. This belief can be attributed to the vast inequalities in coverage between those who have health insurance and those who do not: 46 million people cannot afford needed care, according to research published by Gallup. This lack of access can lead to poorer health outcomes, further eroding public trust in healthcare, which begs the question: What can be done to increase public trust? Research published by Harvard Business Review examined this question and proposed five strategies leaders can adopt to improve public confidence in healthcare.

Support the move to value-based care

As healthcare progresses, the fee-for-service model should be gradually phased out and replaced with value-based payment models emphasizing quality patient care over quantity. Through prepaid, value-based healthcare models, organizations can become more adaptable in delivering higher levels of medical service and response times during public crises. But, for such models to be successful, organizations must prioritize transparent communication between patients and providers. As James Mountford, the director of quality at the Royal Free London hospital, said in an interview, “The shift from volume to value represents a fundamental rethinking of health systems worldwide. Value can only be defined by what matters to patients and populations, and working towards it puts patients, staff and those funding health systems—taxpayers in the case of the NHS—on the same side.”

Reimagine the public health infrastructure

Establish a public healthcare technology platform to facilitate communication among government and private healthcare institutions, enabling them to quickly access real-time data about emergency department visits, hospital admissions, and fatalities of those with Covid-19 or any other public health crises. This platform can act as a data repository for public health information, allowing the government to monitor overall population health and target resources for medical care more efficiently. A study discovered that 38% of people had experienced an unsatisfactory healthcare encounter caused by incorrect information on their insurance company’s website: a very concerning statistic. Consequently, healthcare companies need to invest in reliable public health technology that can be used to improve communication between patients and providers, as well as monitor population health.

Leverage technology to improve access

Empower patients with technologies that increase access to care and offer more accessible convenience—such as remote monitoring and digital diagnostic tools. Doing so will empower communities to manage their health better. In an interview, Adeyinka Adewale, an associate professor at Henley Business School, said, “We need to invest in technology and resources that will help us prepare for future health crises. Data-driven analytics, predictive modeling, and artificial intelligence should all be part of our public health infrastructure.” By doing so, healthcare can become more accessible and equitable for all.

Shift more hospital-level care into the home

Bridge the gap in healthcare accessibility by shifting more appropriate care to phone and home-based settings. Research has demonstrated that patients treated outside of traditional hospital settings, such as their homes, have lower readmission and complication rates than those receiving treatment in a hospital. This means that increasing home-based care could reduce hospital overcrowding and help ease the burden on healthcare providers. To this end, organizations should consider introducing innovative technologies that facilitate remote patient monitoring, such as wearable devices with sensors that track vital signs—or even robots to deliver medicine directly to patients’ homes. Adewale said, “We must continue to innovate and find ways to improve the accessibility of healthcare services while also protecting patient safety.” In addition, home-based care may work best if it is anchored by a care professional assigned to help the patient manage and interface with the system. Amit Nigam, a professor at Bayes Business School, observed in an interview, “Trust is significantly rooted in interpersonal relationships. While changing incentives and introducing new technologies can remove some sources of distrust, a strong relationship between a patient and a person who helps manage care in their home may be better at building trust where it is missing.”

Cut the red tape and keep patients engaged

For patients to feel empowered and for the highest health outcomes, healthcare institutions must create systems that actively include patient feedback. Clinicians and organizations should then use this information as a basis to provide options that align with the needs of their respective patients—establishing strong trust between doctors and those they serve, resulting in more informed shared decision-making. When individuals are engaged regarding their care, positive results follow suit. Consequently, healthcare organizations should look for ways to reduce bureaucracy, minimize administrative hassles and keep patients engaged.

And so, by taking a stand against health disparities, improving access to quality care, and making sure people feel safe when seeking medical attention, the healthcare industry is helping to build healthier and more equitable societies. With the right attitude and commitment to making healthcare accessible for all, we can make a positive difference in our world today. Leaders are at the forefront of this effort and must continue exploring creative solutions that can help move society toward a healthier and more equitable future.

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